Cheats & Guides
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins Cheats For Xbox 360
Achievement Complete the second tier of the challenge "Aerial Rave" Aerial Rave Complete the third tier of the challenge "Another Notch" Another Notch Win a match with every character (Marvel vs. Capcom) Around The Multiverse Win a match with every normally selectable character (Marvel Super Heroes) Around The Universe Complete the fourth tier of the challenge "Big Finish" Big Finish Finish arcade mode with each Capcom character (Marvel vs. Capcom) Capcom Unite Complete the second tier of the challenge "Chain Reaction" Chain Reaction Finish arcade mode without losing a round (Marvel vs. Capcom) Crossover Legend Complete the third tier of the challenge "Duo of Heroes" (Marvel vs. Capcom) Duo of Heroes Complete the second tier of the challenge "Fast Fingers" Fast Fingers Finish arcade mode with each Hidden character (Marvel vs. Capcom) From the Shadows Complete the third tier of the challenge "Going Streaking" Going Streaking Complete the third tier of the challenge "Grinder" Grinder Complete the second tier of the challenge "Heroic Banter" Heroic Banter Complete the third tier of the challenge "Hip Tosser" Hip Tosser Complete the third tier of the challenge "Hyper Artist" Hyper Artist Complete the third tier of the challenge "It's Not Over" It's Not Over Complete the second tier of the challenge "Level Up" Level Up Complete the second tier of the challenge "Looking Cross" Looking Cross Finish arcade mode without losing a round (Marvel Super Heroes) Marvel Legend Finish arcade mode with each Marvel character (Marvel vs. Capcom) Marvel Unite Complete the second tier of the challenge "Not a Scratch" Not a Scratch Finish arcade mode (Marvel Super Heroes) Pocketful Of Gems Finish arcade mode (Marvel vs. Capcom) Pocketful Of Partners Complete the third tier of the challenge "Powers Combined" (Marvel vs. Capcom) Powers Combined Finish arcade mode with each hero (Marvel Super Heroes) Super Heroes Unite Complete the first tier of the challenge "Uatu the Watcher" Uatu the Watcher Finish arcade mode with each villain (Marvel Super Heroes) Villains Unite Complete the third tier of the challenge "War of the Gems" (Marvel Super Heroes) War of the Gems Complete the third tier of the challenge "Your Turn" (Marvel vs. Capcom) Your Turn Contributed by: Guard Master
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins Cheats For PlayStation 3
Hidden Women's Bathing Room in Honda's Bathhouse
Hitting a character into the right-hand wall of the "Honda's Bathhouse" stage a number of times will break the wall down, enlarging the playing area in that direction as you can now enter a women's bathing room in the bathhouse.
The young women wearing towels on the far right of the bathing room may be Street Fighter's Sakura and her best friend, Kei.
When a round ends, the mural on the back of the wall animates in a manner similar to the mural in E.Honda's Street Fighter II stage.
One way to break the wall is by using Jin Saotome's "Saotome Crush" on an opponent who is standing on the right side of the stage's starting room. It may require two uses of the move.Contributed by: Paleface
There are 13 Bronze Trophies and 4 Silver Trophies.
Trophy Complete the third tier of the challenge "Another Notch" Another Notch Win a match with every character (Marvel vs. Capcom) Around The Multiverse Win a match with every normally selectable character (Marvel Super Heroes) Around The Universe Complete the fourth tier of the challenge "Big Finish" Big Finish Finish arcade mode with each Capcom character (Marvel vs. Capcom) Capcom Unite Finish arcade mode without losing a round (Marvel vs. Capcom) Crossover Legend Complete the third tier of the challenge "Duo of Heroes" (Marvel vs. Capcom) Duo of Heroes Finish arcade mode with each Hidden character (Marvel vs. Capcom) From the Shadows Complete the third tier of the challenge "Going Streaking" Going Streaking Complete the third tier of the challenge "Grinder" Grinder Finish arcade mode without losing a round (Marvel Super Heroes) Marvel Legend Finish arcade mode with each Marvel character (Marvel vs. Capcom) Marvel Unite Complete the second tier of the challenge "Not a Scratch" Not a Scratch Complete the third tier of the challenge "Powers Combined" (Marvel vs. Capcom) Powers Combined Finish arcade mode with each hero (Marvel Super Heroes) Super Heroes Unite Finish arcade mode with each villain (Marvel Super Heroes) Villains Unite Complete the third tier of the challenge "War of the Gems" (Marvel Super Heroes) War of the Gems Contributed by: Guard Master
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