Cheats & Guides
Mega Man 3 Cheats For PlayStation
Music Remix
When you are at the mode select screen, highlight the navi mode. Press and hold the select button, the press the start button. Now most of the music in the game will be redone versions of the originals.
Contributed by: alex cross
Unlock 1-Up Selection in Stage Select
Unlockable Unlockable Finish the game on Hard difficulty under Original or Navi Mode 1-Up Selection Contributed by: Nigoli
Unlock Boss Attack Mode
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game on navi mode Boss Attack Mode Contributed by: alex cross
Unlock More Illustrations in Database Mode
It's also important to Save the Data in the Database Mode so it doesn't have to be done again. Saving out of this Mode can't allow you to save the Illustrations when they are unlocked.
Unlockable Unlockable Finish the game on Normal difficulty under Original Mode Database #03 Finish the game on Hard difficulty under Original Mode Database #04 Finish the game on Normal difficulty under Navi Mode Database #05 Finish the game on Hard difficulty under Navi Mode Database #06 Finish Boss Attack Mode under any difficulty Database #07 Contributed by: Nigoli
Misc. Passwords
Enter the following at the password screen:
Effect Effect Red Dots: A6 Blue Dots: A3, B5, D3, F4 Doc Robot Stages Red Dots: None Blue Dots: A1, A3, A6, B2, B5, D3, F4 Every weapon, nine E-tanks and start at Break man Red Dots: A3, C5, F5 Blue Dots: B5, F4 Gemini Man Defeated Red Dots: A3, C5, C4, F5 Blue Dots: F4 Hard Man Defeated Red Dots: A3, B5, F5 Blue Dots: F4 Magnet Man Defeated Red Dots: A3, E6 Blue Dots: B5, D3, F4 Needle Man Defeated Red Dots: A3, C5, D6 Blue Dots: None Shadow Man Defeated Red Dots: C5 Blue Dots: A3, B5, D3, F4 Snake Man Defeated Red Dots: A3, C5 Blue Dots: F4 Spark Man Defeated Red Dots: A6 Blue Dots: None Start with 9 Energy Tanks Red Dots: A3, C5 Blue Dots: None Top Man Defeated Red Dots: A6, E1 Blue Dots: A1, A3, B2, B5, D3, F4 Ultimate Password Contributed by: alex cross, megabassxz, Juggalo420
Unlock Hard Difficulty in Option Mode
Unlockable Unlockable Finish the game on Normal difficulty under Original Mode Hard Difficulty Contributed by: Nigoli
Original Mode / Navi Mode Passwords
Enter the following at the password screen for the following Robot Masters defeated:
Effect Effect C5 [Red] - D3 [Red] Needle C5 [Red] - D3 [Red] - F6 [Red] Needle, Snake B4 [Red], 5 [Blue] - D3 - F4, 6 [Red] Needle, Snake Gemini, Spark, Magnet, Hard B5 [Red] - D3 [Red] -E4 [Red] - F6 [Red] Needle, Snake, Gemini B5 [Red] -D3 [Red] - E4 [Red] - F4, 6 [Red] Needle, Snake, Gemini, Spark B5 [Red] - D3 [Blue] - E4 [Red] - F4, 6 [Red] Needle, Snake, Gemini, Spark, Magnet A3 [Blue] - B2 [Red], 5 [Blue] - D3 [Blue] - F4 [Red] Needle, Snake, Gemini, Spark, Magnet, Hard, Top A3 [Blue] - B2 [Red], 5 [Blue] - D3 [Blue] - E6 [Red] - F4 [Blue] Needle, Snake, Gemini, Spark, Magnet, Hard, Top, Shadow, Aiir / Clash A3 [Blue] - B2, 5 [Blue] - D3 [Blue] - E6 [Red] - F4 [Blue] Needle, Snake, Gemini, Spark, Magnet, Hard, Top, Shadow, Aiir / Clash, Flash / Bubble A1 [Red], 3 [Blue] - B2, 5 [Blue] - C5 [Red] - D3 - F4 [Blue] Needle, Snake, Gemini, Spark, Magnet, Hard, Top, Shadow, Aiir / Clash, Flash / Bubble, Metal / Quick Contributed by: Warhawk
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Mega Man 3 Cheats For NES
Super Jump and Invincibility - US/JP Versions Only
When holding Right on Controller 2, you will jump twice as high as normal, and will also be able to survive falling down into bottomless pits. The invulnerability aspect comes in if you fall into a pit when you hold Right on Controller 2, and then manage to exit the pit: so long as you never gather any more health in the level, you will never be harmed, but you also lose use of your Mega Buster. (Boss-earned weapons still work.)
Contributed by: counselorchriss
Freeze Enemies - US/JP Versions Only
On Controller 2, hold Up and A and most enemies will be frozen, making them easy to hit. Some enemies - for example, bosses - will not be affected.
Contributed by: StarNeptune
Get Rush Jet Early
Normally, to obtain the Rush Jet, you must get it by defeating Needle Man. Instead you can go to Shadow Man's stage and defeat him so that you acquire the Shadow Blade from him. Then, go to any other level and find a weapon energy refill capsule. Don't pick it up yet. Instead, open up the pause menu and highlight the Shadow Blades. Then press Right on the D-Pad, then press start to unpause the game and you should now have an empty weapon energy meter. Grab the weapon energy capsule and you will now fill up the empty energy meter. This energy meter is the Rush Jet. You can now summon the Rush Jet anytime.
Contributed by: DesertEagle9753
Get Rush Marine Early
In order for this trick to work, you must have Spark Shooter (SparkMan's weapon), but must not have defeated ShadowMan, the Robot Master who gives it to you. Go into the menu and point to Spark Shooter. While the cursor is on Spark Shooter, press right on the D-Pad. Rush's picture will appear instead of Spark Shooter's picture. Select this, and you will now have Rush Marine with an empty meter. Now, go pick up a weapon capsule or weapon pellet to fill the empty meter with. Once it has a little bit of energy, the Rush Marine option will now permanently appear on your weapons list, even when you deselect it.
Contributed by: RandyPandy
Infinite Energy Tanks.
Anytime you find an energy tank in a stage, take it and get a game over. You keep your energy tanks by default after you get a game over, and the energy tank you found will respawn. Rinse and repeat until you have as many energy tanks as you want. Time-consuming, but it will make many boss fights much easier.
Contributed by: Hrothgard
Extended Ending Theme
For some reason, roughly half of the ending theme to this game is unheard during normal play. However, you can hear the remainder on a loop provided you hold Up+A on Controller 2 as Mega Man walks across the screen during the ending.
This is because of the animation freeze code that this button combination activates during levels, which also explains why Mega Man will have a weird animation as he walks when you hold these buttons. Note that you have to hold Up+A for the entire time you wish to listen to the ending theme: if you let go at all (and Mega Man is at the point where the screen normally scrolls up), then the game will continue the ending and credits as normal.Contributed by: Anonymous
Effect Effect Red: E6 1 Energy Tank Red: E4 2 Energy Tanks Red: B4 3 Energy Tanks Red: A5 4 Energy Tanks Red: C1 5 Energy Tanks Red: D2 6 Energy Tanks Red: C3 7 Energy Tanks Red: F2 8 Energy Tanks Red: A6 9 Energy Tanks Red: A6; Blue: A3, B5, D3, F4 Doc Robot Stages Red: C5-E1 Blue: A1-A3-B2-B5-D3-F4 Dr. Wily's Castle with all weapons and items, no E-Tanks Blue: A1, A3, A6, B2, B5, D3, F4 Every weapon, nine E-tanks and start at Break man Red: A3, C5, F5; Blue: B5, F4 Gemini Man Defeated A6,B5, Red Gemini Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red: A3, C4, C5, F5; Blue: F4 Hard Man Defeated A6,C4, Red Hard Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red:A6-C4-F6 Have Search Snake and Hard Knuckle with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-B5-D3 Have Needle Cannon + Rush Jet and Gemini Laser with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6- Blue:D3 Have Needle Cannon + Rush Jet and Magnet Missile with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-D3-D6 Have Needle Cannon + Rush Jet and Shadow Blade + Rush Marine with 9 E-Tanks Red:A3-A6-D3 Have Needle Cannon + Rush Jet and Top Spin with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-C4-D3 Have Needle Cannon + Rush Jet and with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-B5-F6 Have Search Snake and Gemini Laser with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-F5-F6 Have Search Snake and Magnet Missile with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-D6-F6 Have Search Snake and Shadow Blade + Rush Marine with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6- Blue:A3 Have Search Snake and Top Spin with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-B5-F4 Have Spark Shock and Gemini Laser with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-C4-F4 Have Spark Shock and Hard Knuckle with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-F4-F5 Have Spark Shock and Magnet Missile with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-D3-F4 Have Spark Shock and Needle Cannon + Rush Jet with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-F4-F6 Have Spark Shock and Search Snake with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6 Blue: F4 Have Spark Shock and Shadow Blade + Rush Marine with 9 E-Tanks Red:A3-A6-F4 Have Spark Shock and Top Man with 9 E-Tanks Red:A6-D3-F6 HaveSearch Snake and Needle Cannon + Rush Jet with 9 E-Tanks Red: A3, B5, F5; Blue: F4 Magnet Man Defeated A6,F5, Red Magnet Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red: A3, E6; Blue: B5, D3, F4 Needle Man Defeated A6,D3, Red Needle Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red: C5 No Energy Tanks Red: A3, C5, D6 Shadow Man Defeated A6,D6, Red Shadow Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red: C5; Blue: A3, B5, D3, F4 Snake Man Defeated A6,F6, Red Snake Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red: A3, C5; Blue: F4 Spark Man Defeated A6,F4, Red Spark Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red: A6; Blue: A1, A3, B2, B5, D3, F4 Start at Dr. Wily's Castle with 9 Energy Tanks Red: A6 Start with 9 Energy Tanks Red: A3, C5 Top Man Defeated A3,A6, Red Top Man defeated with 9 E-Tanks. Red: A6,E1; Blue: A1,A3,B2,B5,D3,F4 Wily's Castle with all weapons, items & E- tanks Contributed by: LanceHeart Gothann, alex_cross, ensockerbagare, Retro, Megaman1981, megaman_gamer, StarNeptune, Princess_Lynaly, megabassxz
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