Cheats & Guides

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Achievements

    There are 52 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

    Defeat Final Sigma W in Mega Man X5. Alright, It's Over!
    View 20 images across all four titles, then change the wallpaper to the secret image. Another Day, Another Recon
    Obtain the Ultimate Armor from a Light Capsule in Mega Man X5. Armor of Light
    Complete Mega Man X5 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). As Long As I Have This Saber
    Complete Mega Man X8 on Normal or higher difficulty (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). Awakening
    Use Axl's copy ability to transform into five enemy types in Mega Man X7. Beep Boop I Am a Robot
    Defeat an enemy as Black Zero in Mega Man X6. Blackout
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5. By Your Powers Combined
    Complete any X Challenge stage with no more than 3:00 left on the timer. Can't Hit Me
    Defeat an enemy using Giga Crush in Mega Man X8. Crushin' It
    Complete the opening stage of any game in both the English and Japanese versions. Curiouser and Curiouser
    Blast through the mystery of the staff credits and return to the future. Defrag Complete
    Encounter and defeat Cut Man in Mega Man X8. DLN.003
    Fight as Alia, Layer, and Pallette in Mega Man X8. Doin' It For Themselves
    Encounter all 8 stage-affecting nightmare phenomena in a single playthrough of Mega Man X6. Glitch in the System
    Upgrade X, Zero, and Axl to a power rating of 100% in Mega Man X8. Heroism Protocol Engaged
    Complete a stage in Mega Man X7 without switching to a partner character. Hold My Drink
    Defeat Hell Sigma in Mega Man X6. I'm Sure It's Over This Time
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Blade Armor in Mega Man X6. Ice-Skating Uphill
    Defeat enemies using all of X's weapons in Mega Man X7. If You Want Peace...
    Obtain eight upgrade parts for equipping to armor in Mega Man X5. Insert Tab A Into Slot B
    Defeat an enemy using the Sigma Blade in Mega Man X8. It Feels So Right...
    Defeat Sigma's second form in Mega Man X7. It Has to Be Over Now
    Defeat Lumine's second form in Mega Man X8. It's Over, Once and For All
    Complete Mega Man X6 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). Let's Build a Real Utopia
    Defeat all eight Mavericks before assaulting the laboratory in Mega Man X6 Let's Do This Right
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Ultimate Armor in Mega Man X6. My Ult Is Ready
    Fire the Enigma and detonate the colony in Mega Man X5. Out of the Frying Pan
    Defeat an enemy using X-Drive in Mega Man X8. Overdrive
    Encounter Vile V four times and defeat him before completing the Gateway stage in Mega Man X8. Rival Revival
    Listen to all of Alia's support calls in Mega Man X7. Smooth Operator
    Complete any X Challenge stage with at least 9:00 left on the timer. Speed of Light
    Defeat an enemy using Nova Strike in Mega Man X8. Strike First Ask Questions Later
    Obtain all four armor parts in Mega Man X7. Take to the Skies
    Defeat enemies using all of Zero's techniques in Mega Man X7. The Exquisite Art
    Defuse seven consecutive bombs in Spiral Pegasus' stage in Mega Man X5. The Red One—No, the Blue!
    Complete Mega Man X5, X6, X7, and X8. The Saga Complete
    Defeat Rangda Bangda W while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5. The Trick Is Not Minding
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Shadow Armor in Mega Man X6 Theatricality and Deception
    Listen to 10 tracks for long enough with the Music Player, and then listen to the secret track. They've Hacked Our Comms
    View all endings of Mega Man X5. Time Paradox
    Perform a double attack as Black Zero and White Axl in Mega Man X8. Total Eclipse
    Complete all X Challenge stages. Try Three on One Next Time
    Have Zero return to the Maverick Hunters in Mega Man X6 Unfinished Business
    Use chips to upgrade any one character to maximum in Mega Man X7. Unstoppable
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Falcon Armor in Mega Man X5. Up, Up and Away
    Try falling into a pit in Rookie Hunter mode in Mega Man X6. Wait, What!?
    Complete Mega Man X7 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). We Haven't Seen the Last of Them
    Raise your hunter rank to GA in Mega Man X6. What's Special About SA?
    Rescue all wounded reploids in Mega Man X7. Who Rescues the Rescuer?
    Defeat enemies using all of Axl's weapons in Mega Man X7. You Got a License for That?
    Complete Zero Stage 1 without using Dark Hold in MMX5 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). You're Quick, Man

    Contributed by: BSkullX 

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.

    Defeat Final Sigma W in Mega Man X5. Alright, It's Over!
    View 20 images across all four titles, then change the wallpaper to the secret image. Another Day, Another Recon
    Obtain the Ultimate Armor from a Light Capsule in Mega Man X5. Armor of Light
    Complete Mega Man X5 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). As Long As I Have This Saber
    Complete Mega Man X8 on Normal or higher difficulty (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). Awakening
    Use Axl's copy ability to transform into five enemy types in Mega Man X7. Beep Boop I Am a Robot
    Defeat an enemy as Black Zero in Mega Man X6. Blackout
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5. By Your Powers Combined
    Complete any X Challenge stage with no more than 3:00 left on the timer. Can't Hit Me
    Defeat an enemy using Giga Crush in Mega Man X8. Crushin' It
    Complete the opening stage of any game in both the English and Japanese versions. Curiouser and Curiouser
    Blast through the mystery of the staff credits and return to the future. Defrag Complete
    Encounter and defeat Cut Man in Mega Man X8. DLN.003
    Fight as Alia, Layer, and Pallette in Mega Man X8. Doin' It For Themselves
    Encounter all 8 stage-affecting nightmare phenomena in a single playthrough of Mega Man X6. Glitch in the System
    Upgrade X, Zero, and Axl to a power rating of 100% in Mega Man X8. Heroism Protocol Engaged
    Complete a stage in Mega Man X7 without switching to a partner character. Hold My Drink
    Defeat Hell Sigma in Mega Man X6. I'm Sure It's Over This Time
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Blade Armor in Mega Man X6. Ice-Skating Uphill
    Defeat enemies using all of X's weapons in Mega Man X7. If You Want Peace...
    Obtain eight upgrade parts for equipping to armor in Mega Man X5. Insert Tab A Into Slot B
    Defeat an enemy using the Sigma Blade in Mega Man X8. It Feels So Right...
    Defeat Sigma's second form in Mega Man X7. It Has to Be Over Now
    Defeat Lumine's second form in Mega Man X8. It's Over, Once and For All
    Complete Mega Man X6 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). Let's Build a Real Utopia
    Defeat all eight Mavericks before assaulting the laboratory in Mega Man X6. Let's Do This Right
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Ultimate Armor in Mega Man X6. My Ult Is Ready
    Fire the Enigma and detonate the colony in Mega Man X5. Out of the Frying Pan
    Defeat an enemy using X-Drive in Mega Man X8. Overdrive
    Encounter Vile V four times and defeat him before completing the Gateway stage in Mega Man X8. Rival Revival
    Listen to all of Alia's support calls in Mega Man X7. Smooth Operator
    Complete any X Challenge stage with at least 9:00 left on the timer. Speed of Light
    Defeat an enemy using Nova Strike in Mega Man X8. Strike First Ask Questions Later
    Obtain all four armor parts in Mega Man X7. Take to the Skies
    Defeat enemies using all of Zero's techniques in Mega Man X7. The Exquisite Art
    Defuse seven consecutive bombs in Spiral Pegasus' stage in Mega Man X5. The Red One—No, the Blue!
    Complete Mega Man X5, X6, X7, and X8. The Saga Complete
    Defeat Rangda Bangda W while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5. The Trick Is Not Minding
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Shadow Armor in Mega Man X6. Theatricality and Deception
    Listen to 10 tracks for long enough with the Music Player, and then listen to the secret track. They've Hacked Our Comms
    View all endings of Mega Man X5. Time Paradox
    Perform a double attack as Black Zero and White Axl in Mega Man X8. Total Eclipse
    Complete all X Challenge stages. Try Three on One Next Time
    Earn all trophies and prove yourself as the ultimate Maverick Hunter. Ultimate Hunter
    Have Zero return to the Maverick Hunters in Mega Man X6. Unfinished Business
    Use chips to upgrade any one character to maximum in Mega Man X7. Unstoppable
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Falcon Armor in Mega Man X5. Up, Up and Away
    Try falling into a pit in Rookie Hunter mode in Mega Man X6. Wait, What!?
    Complete Mega Man X7 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). We Haven't Seen the Last of Them
    Raise your hunter rank to GA in Mega Man X6. What's Special About SA?
    Rescue all wounded reploids in Mega Man X7. Who Rescues the Rescuer?
    Defeat enemies using all of Axl's weapons in Mega Man X7. You Got a License for That?
    Complete Zero Stage 1 without using Dark Hold in MMX5 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). You're Quick, Man

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold 

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 Cheats For PC

  1. Secret Credits Ending

    From the Main Menu, choose Options, then view the Credits. As the credits are playing, you can control X and blast the robots, titles, and names as they scroll across the screen. As you keep blasting, you'll occasionally hear a chime sound effect to indicate your progress. If you blast enough of your targets, a musical note will appear in the bottom left of the screen. When the credits reach the final section, a new song named Re: Future will replace the normal version. This will also trigger a unique ending screen and the Defrag Complete Hunter Medal.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 52 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Defeat Final Sigma W in Mega Man X5. Alright, It's Over!
    View 20 images across all four titles, then change the wallpaper to the secret image. Another Day, Another Recon
    Obtain the Ultimate Armor from a Light Capsule in Mega Man X5. Armor of Light
    Complete Mega Man X5 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). As Long As I Have This Saber
    Complete Mega Man X8 on Normal or higher difficulty (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). Awakening
    Use Axl's copy ability to transform into five enemy types in Mega Man X7. Beep Boop I Am a Robot
    Defeat an enemy as Black Zero in Mega Man X6. Blackout
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5. By Your Powers Combined
    Complete any X Challenge stage with no more than 3:00 left on the timer. Can't Hit Me
    Defeat an enemy using Giga Crush in Mega Man X8. Crushin' It
    Complete the opening stage of any game in both the English and Japanese versions. Curiouser and Curiouser
    Blast through the mystery of the staff credits and return to the future. Defrag Complete
    Encounter and defeat Cut Man in Mega Man X8. DLN.003
    Fight as Alia, Layer, and Pallette in Mega Man X8. Doin' It For Themselves
    Encounter all 8 stage-affecting nightmare phenomena in a single playthrough of Mega Man X6. Glitch in the System
    Upgrade X, Zero, and Axl to a power rating of 100% in Mega Man X8. Heroism Protocol Engaged
    Complete a stage in Mega Man X7 without switching to a partner character. Hold My Drink
    Defeat Hell Sigma in Mega Man X6. I'm Sure It's Over This Time
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Blade Armor in Mega Man X6. Ice-Skating Uphill
    Defeat enemies using all of X's weapons in Mega Man X7. If You Want Peace...
    Obtain eight upgrade parts for equipping to armor in Mega Man X5. Insert Tab A Into Slot B
    Defeat an enemy using the Sigma Blade in Mega Man X8. It Feels So Right...
    Defeat Sigma's second form in Mega Man X7. It Has to Be Over Now
    Defeat Lumine's second form in Mega Man X8. It's Over, Once and For All
    Complete Mega Man X6 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). Let's Build a Real Utopia
    Defeat all eight Mavericks before assaulting the laboratory in Mega Man X6. Let's Do This Right
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Ultimate Armor in Mega Man X6. My Ult Is Ready
    Fire the Enigma and detonate the colony in Mega Man X5. Out of the Frying Pan
    Defeat an enemy using X-Drive in Mega Man X8. Overdrive
    Encounter Vile V four times and defeat him before completing the Gateway stage in Mega Man X8. Rival Revival
    Listen to all of Alia's support calls in Mega Man X7. Smooth Operator
    Complete any X Challenge stage with at least 9:00 left on the timer. Speed of Light
    Defeat an enemy using Nova Strike in Mega Man X8. Strike First Ask Questions Later
    Obtain all four armor parts in Mega Man X7. Take to the Skies
    Defeat enemies using all of Zero's techniques in Mega Man X7. The Exquisite Art
    Defuse seven consecutive bombs in Spiral Pegasus' stage in Mega Man X5. The Red One—No, the Blue!
    Complete Mega Man X5, X6, X7, and X8. The Saga Complete
    Defeat Rangda Bangda W while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5. The Trick Is Not Minding
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Shadow Armor in Mega Man X6. Theatricality and Deception
    Listen to 10 tracks for long enough with the Music Player, and then listen to the secret track. They've Hacked Our Comms
    View all endings of Mega Man X5. Time Paradox
    Perform a double attack as Black Zero and White Axl in Mega Man X8. Total Eclipse
    Complete all X Challenge stages. Try Three on One Next Time
    Have Zero return to the Maverick Hunters in Mega Man X6. Unfinished Business
    Use chips to upgrade any one character to maximum in Mega Man X7. Unstoppable
    Defeat an enemy while wearing the Falcon Armor in Mega Man X5. Up, Up and Away
    Try falling into a pit in Rookie Hunter mode in Mega Man X6. Wait, What!?
    Complete Mega Man X7 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). We Haven't Seen the Last of Them
    Raise your hunter rank to GA in Mega Man X6. What's Special About SA?
    Rescue all wounded reploids in Mega Man X7. Who Rescues the Rescuer?
    Defeat enemies using all of Axl's weapons in Mega Man X7. You Got a License for That?
    Complete Zero Stage 1 without using Dark Hold in MMX5 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). You're Quick, Man

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  3. X Challenge Unlockables

    There are a few extra features that you can unlock by completing X Challenge.

    Complete X Challenge on Easy Mode. Bonus Track: Give It A Shot (Extended)
    Complete X Challenge on Easy Mode. Hard Mode
    Complete X Challenge on Easy Mode. Practice Mode
    Complete X Challenge on Hard Mode. Story Mode 2nd Scene
    Complete X Challenge on Easy Mode. Story Mode Opening

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  4. Special Wallpapers

    There are two Special Wallpapers that can be unlocked by completing parts of the collection. Once they're unlocked, you can go into any game, access the pause menu, and select whichever wallpaper you want.

    Complete any game. Special Wallpaper #1
    Get at least 50% of all achievements, then view your Hunter Medal via the Options section in the Main Menu. Special Wallpaper #2

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 Cheats For Nintendo Switch

  1. Hunter Medals

    There are 52 medals to find and obtain. Most are required through challenges on certain games, including "X Challenge Vol. 2".

    Be warned that some challenges are considered as "????" (Secret), so it won't normally show up unless you find out throughout the game.

    View 20 images across 4 titles, then change the wallpaper to the secret image. Another Day, Another Recon
    Complete the opening stage of any game in both the English and Japanese versions. Curiouser and Curiouser
    Blast through the mystery of the staff credits and return to the future. Defrag Complete
    Complete Mega Man/Rockman X5, X6, X7, and X8. The Saga Complete
    Listen to 10 tracks long enough with the Music Player, and then listen to the secret track. They've Hacked Our Comms
    Complete any stage with no more than 3:00 on the timer. X Challenge: Can't Hit Me
    Complete any stage with at least 9:00 on the timer. X Challenge: Speed of Light
    Complete all stages on any difficulty. X Challenge: Try Three on One Next Time
    Defeat Final Sigma W. X5: Alright, It's Over! (Secret)
    Obtain the Ultimate Armor from a Light Capsule in Zero Virus Stage 3 (as regular X) X5: Armor of Light
    Complete Mega Man/Rockman X5 (cannot be obtained in Rookie Hunter Mode). X5: As Long as I Have This Saber
    Defeat an enemy while X is wearing the Gaea Armor X5: By Your Powers Combined
    Obtain 8 upgrade parts for equipping to X's armor. X5: Insert Tab A into Slot B
    Fire the Enigma and detonate the Colony. X5: Out of the Frying Pan
    Defuse 7 consecutive bombs in Spiral Pegasus' stage. X5: The Red One–No, the Blue One
    Defeat Rangda Bangda W while X is wearing the Gaea Armor X5: The Trick Is Not Minding
    View all endings. X5: Time Paradox
    Defeat an enemy while X is wearing the Falcon Armor X5: Up, Up, and Away
    Complete Zero Virus Stage 1 without using Dark Hold (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). X5: You're Quick, Man
    Defeat an enemy as Black Zero. X6: Blackout (Secret)
    Encounter all 8 stage-affecting nightmare phenomena in a single playthrough. X6: Glitch in the System
    Defeat Hell Sigma. X6: I'm Sure It's Over This Time (Secret)
    Defeat an enemy while X is wearing the Blade Armor X6: Ice Skating Uphill
    Complete Mega Man/Rockman X6 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). X6: Let's Build a Real Utopia
    Defeat all 8 Mavericks before assaulting Gate's Laboratory. X6: Let's Do This Right
    Defeat an enemy while X is wearing the Ultimate Armor. X6: My Ult is Ready
    Defeat an enemy while X is wearing the Shadow Armor X6: Theatricality and Deception
    Have Zero return to the Maverick Hunters. X6: Unfinished Business
    Try falling into a pit in Rookie Hunter mode. X6: Wait, What!?
    Raise your rank to GA or higher. X6: What Special about SA?
    Use Axl's copy ability to transform into 5 enemy types X7: Beep Boop I am a Robot
    Complete a stage without switching to a partner character. X7: Hold My Drink
    Defeat enemies using all of X's weapons X7: If You Want Peace...
    Defeat Sigma's second form. X7: It Has to Be Over Now (Secret)
    Listen to all of Alia's support calls. X7: Smooth Operator
    Obtain all 4 of X's Armor Parts. X7: Take Me to the Skies
    Defeat enemies using all of Zero's techniques. X7: The Exquisite Art
    Use chips to upgrade any one character to maximum. X7: Unstoppable
    Complete Mega Man/Rockman X7 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). X7: We Haven't Seen the Last of Them
    Rescue all wounded Reploids X7: Who Rescues the Rescuer?
    Defeat enemies using all of Axl's weapons X7: You Got a License for That?
    Complete Mega Man/Rockman X8 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). X8: Awakening (Secret)
    Defeat an enemy using Giga Crush (while X is wearing the Icarus Armor). X8: Crushin' It
    Encounter and defeat Cut Man. X8: DLN.003 (Secret)
    Fight as Alia, Layer, and/or Pallette. X8: Doin' It for Themselves (Secret)
    Upgrade X, Zero, and Axl to a power rating of 100%. X8: Heroism Protocol Engaged
    Defeat an enemy with the Σ Sigma Blade. X8: It Feels So Right (Secret)
    Defeat Luminé's Second Form (cannot be obtained in Rookie Hunter mode). X8: It's Over, Once and For All (Secret)
    Defeat an enemy using X-Drive (while X is wearing the Hermes Armor). X8: Overdrive
    Encounter Vile V 4 times and defeat him before completing the Gateway Stage. X8: Rival Revival (Secret)
    Defeat an enemy using Nova Strike (while X is wearing the Ultimate Armor). X8: Strike First, Ask Questions Later
    Perform a Double Attack as Black Zero and White Axl. X8: Total Eclipse (Secret)

    Contributed by: blukXmage 

  2. X8: Unlock Codes

    At the Title Screen where it said, "Press +", input the commands on the controller to unlock characters; different Armor for X, Zero, or Axl; or even fight against a classic boss from Mega Man/Rockman 1.
    The correct input will make either the narrator announce the title or hear one of the characters speak, confirming the code.

    Note that the Thumbsticks are identified as "LT" or "RT", directional buttons, and that the shoulder buttons are used for certain inputs.

    Left, A, Up, X, Down, B, Right, Y, L, R, ZL, ZR Fight "Cut Man" on Optic Sunflower Stage
    Down, R, Up, L, Y, B, X, A Play as Aria
    Y, Y, Right, B, R Play as Layer
    R, B, Left, Y, Y Play as Pallette
    L (x2), R (x2), L (x4) Unlock "Black Armor" Zero
    Left (x3), Right (x3), Left (x4), Right (x4) Unlock "Ultimate Armor" X
    ZL (x3), ZR (x3), ZL (x3), ZR Unlock "White Armor" Axl
    LT, LT, RT, LT, LT, RT, LT, LT, RT Unlock "Σ Sigma Blade"

    Contributed by: blukXmage 

  3. X5: X and Zero Alternate Armor

    Go to "Game Start". Highlight selected character and input buttons to unlock alternate modes. You will hear a chime, confirming the input, and select your character.

    Down (x2), Up (x9) Play as "Black Armor" Zero
    Up (x2), Down (x9) Play as "Ultimate Armor" X

    Contributed by: blukXmage 

  4. X6: X and Zero Armor Codes

    Go to "Game Start", but don't select it yet. Input buttons while highlighting "Game Start" and you hear a chime for the correct sequence. You'll get to play as "Ultimate Armor" X and/or "Black Armor" Zero instead of their original armor.

    Note that the shoulder buttons are used for Zero's code and the directional buttons are for X's code.

    L, L, L, ZR Unlock "Black Armor" Zero
    Left, Left, Left, Right Unlock "Ultimate Armor" X

    Contributed by: blukXmage