Cheats & Guides

Messiah Cheats For PC

  1. Cheats

    In the game, press the Esc key to get access to the in game menu, in there press the following sequence of keys:

    Effect Effect
    braindead AI Off
    Bestfriend Barman
    Egghead Cientist
    Guncmndr Commander
    Bustamove Dancer 1
    Cutarug Dancer 2
    Mixalot DJ
    Janeplain Female Dweller 1
    Jillplain Female Dweller 2
    Fungirl Fungirl
    fleshnblood God Mode Off
    ucantkillme God Mode On
    Hcop Heavy Cop
    Lcop Light Cop
    Averagejoe Male Dweller 1
    Averagejack Male Dweller 2
    Averagejohn Male Dweller 3
    heydoc Medic
    Tophat Pimp Daddy
    Workit Prost 1
    Mansdream Prost 2
    Varmint Rat
    Rcop Riot Cop
    Mynightmare Spawn Armored Behemoth
    bigbang Spawn Bazooka
    Onsteroids Spawn Behemoth
    Letmein Spawn Bouncer
    Smellyguy Spawn Chot 1
    Nohygiene Spawn Chot 2
    Idontdance Spawn Chot 3
    Scumbucket Spawn Chot 4
    Smellysteroids Spawn Chot Behemoth
    Incharge Spawn Domina
    Specialguy Spawn Hung
    Femfatale Subgirl 1
    Nastyone Subgirl 2
    Cantseemyface Weldr
    Workinman Worker
    worldwireoff World Wireframe Off
    worldwireon World Wireframe On

    Contributed by: ElFreakoKid, JChamberlin, Dee_Jay_Jamer, sli8113 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DSimpson 102K
General FAQs Walkthrough by akiraZ 24K