Messiah Review
Messiah is relatively short, and the memorable set pieces are interrupted by too many uninspired jumping puzzles.
This game is easily one of the best I've played so far. The graphics are dated, true. But the gameplay makes it up. Possesing a character after which you'll be able to walk along their species without them knowing who... Read Full Review
5 of 5 users found the following review helpfulThe game is a lot of fun and it is a game experience that I don't think has been recreated in any game since. When I played it I remember some moments that really made me go wow! It's been a long time but I can still c... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulThis game may not ever be in anyone's top 10 games ever list, but it's on mine. The graphics, to begin with, were new and bizarre- and I never even got to play with a properly-glide enabled card, which is a bummer. ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulNão sei porque a Gamespot deu essa nota... Lembro que via esse jogo na CDExpert e ficava louco para comprar, mas nunca tive a chance, por não ter onde vender e pela edição ter saído de... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulThe world has gone bad, really bad. Imagine the world of Blade Runner and add a few extra years of degeneration and class struggle and you'll get Messiah's universe. A moloch of grinding gears, hissing steam, dank sewers... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpful
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