Cheats & Guides
Metro Exodus Cheats For Xbox One
Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.
Achievement Take part in the Admiral's tea party on the TAIGA level. 5 o'clock Alyosha doesn't get wounded. Alyosha Kill 300 mutants. Antibiotic Name the locomotive. Aurora Detach all train cars on the MOSCOW level. Brakeman Make 50 kills with the Bukhanka. Carmaheddon Find maps in the laboratory. Complete road map Damir stays with crew. Damir Destroy the biggest statue in front of the children's camp on the TAIGA level. Decommunization Find all upgrades for Artyom's suit. Dressed for Success Drive the Bukhanka. Driver Duke survives. Duke Save Anna by paying the ultimate price. Eternal Voyage Complete the MOSCOW level. Exodus Kill a demon with fire. Firebird Kill the Catfish. Fisherman Complete the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed. Forest child Find the guitar and teddy bear on the VOLGA level. Friend of the Crew Duke and Damir stay with the crew, Alyosha doesn't get wounded. Full Strength Attend the wedding on the SUMMER level. Gor'ko! Pass the Research Facility without killing a Blind One on the DEAD CITY level. Guide Install a modification of each category on a single weapon. Gunsmith Spend 500 consumable resources on crafting. Handyman Complete the game in Ranger Hardcore mode. Hardcore Kill 300 human enemies. Headhunter Find a tune on the radio. Join us on air Kill 3 enemies using sniper scope while wearing the Gas mask and using the Night Vision goggles. Kaleidoscope After running out of filters in a hazard zone, craft a new one while suffocating. Last Breath Find all 70 hidden Diary pages. Librarian Find the passenger train car. Long distance passenger Complete the VOLGA level. Lower the Bridge Patch the Gasmask. Martian Stand your ground against the Bear at the first encounter. Master of the Forest Complete the CASPIAN level. New order Find all 21 post cards. Old world pictures Make at least one kill with every ranged weapon. Professional Pass the putrid tunnel. Putrification Get into the Trolley. Railwayman Get into a boat. Regatta Kill 90 cannibals. Righteous vengeance Kill 30 enemies with Crossbow. Robin Hood Use the bucket lift on the CASPIAN level to reach the Oasis. Roller coaster Melee-kill or stun 50 enemies. Saboteur Kill 30 enemies with Tikhar. Silent marksman Complete the YAMANTAU level. Spoiled dinner Kill 50 enemies at long distance. Stand back Complete the TAIGA level. Sword of Damocles Spend 500 chemical resources on cleaning weapons. Tidyman Assume command of the Order. Your Destination Contributed by: Similac
DLC: Ranger Update
Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.
Achievement Completed the game in Iron Mode. Iron Mode Completed the game in New Game+ mode using any modification. Mutation All 3 toys have been found in New Game+ mode (teddy bear, sun and fish). Toy seller Contributed by: Similac
Metro Exodus Cheats For PlayStation 4
There are 40 bronze trophies, 6 silver trophies, 3 gold trophies, and 1 platinum trophy.
Trophy Take part in the Admiral's tea party on the TAIGA level. 5 O'clock Find the maps in the Labaratory. All road map Alyosha doesn't get wounded. Alyosha Kill 300 mutants. Antibiotic Name the locomotive. Aurora Detach all train cars on the MOSCOW level. Brakeman Kill 50 enemies with the Bukhanka. Carmaheddon Damir stays with crew. Damir Destroy the biggest statue in front of the children's camp on the TAIGA level. Decommunization Find all upgrades for Artyom's suit. Dressed for Success Drive the Bukhanka. Driver Duke survives. Duke Save Anna by paying the ultimate price. Eternal Voyage Complete the MOSCOW level. Exodus Kill a demon with fire. Firebird Kill the Catfish. Fisherman Complete the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed. Forest child Find the guitar and teddy bear on the VOLGA level. Friend of the Crew Duke and Damir stay with the crew, Alyosha doesn't get wounded. Full Strength Attend the wedding on the SUMMER level. Gor'ko! Pass the Research Facility without killing a Blind One on the DEAD CITY level. Guide Install a modification of each category on a single weapon. Gunsmith Spend 500 consumable resources on crafting. Handyman Complete the game in Ranger Hardcore mode. Hardcore Kill 300 Human enemies. Headhunter Find a tune on the radio. Join us on air Kill 3 enemies using sniper scope while wearing the Gas mask and using the Night Vision goggles all at the same time. Kaleidoscope After running out of filters in a hazard zone, craft a new one while suffocating. Last Breath Find all 70 hidden Diary pages. Librarian Find the passenger train car. Long distance passenger Complete the VOLGA level. Lower the Bridge Patch the Gasmask. Martian Stand your ground against the Bear at first encounter. Master of the Forest Complete the CASPIAN level. New order Find all 21 post cards. Old world pictures Get all trophies. Platinum Trophy Make at least one kill with every ranged weapon. Professional Pass the putrid tunnel. Putrification Get into the Trolley. Railwayman Get into a boat. Regatta Kill 90 cannibals. Righteous vengeance Kill 30 enemies with Crossbow. Robin Hood Use the bucket lift on the CASPIAN level to reach the Oasis. Roller coaster Melee-kill or stun 50 enemies. Saboteur Kill 30 enemies with Tikhar. Silent marksman Kill 50 enemies at long distance. Sniper Complete the YAMANTAU level. Spoiled dinner Complete the TAIGA level. Sword of Damocles Spend 500 chemical resources on cleaning weapons. Tidyman Assume command of the Order. Your Destination Contributed by: Kelayr
Metro Exodus Cheats For PC
Steam Achievements
This title has a total of 49 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Take part in the Admiral's tea party on the TAIGA level. 5 o'clock Alyosha doesn't get wounded. Alyosha Kill 300 mutants. Antibiotic Name the locomotive. Aurora Detach all train cars on the MOSCOW level. Brakeman Make 50 kills with the Bukhanka. Carmaheddon Find maps in the laboratory. Complete road map Damir stays with crew. Damir Destroy the biggest statue in front of the children's camp on the TAIGA level. Decommunization Find all upgrades for Artyom's suit. Dressed for Success Drive the Bukhanka. Driver Duke survives. Duke Save Anna by paying the ultimate price. Eternal Voyage Complete the MOSCOW level. Exodus Kill a demon with fire. Firebird Kill the Catfish. Fisherman Complete the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed. Forest child Find the guitar and teddy bear on the VOLGA level. Friend of the Crew Duke and Damir stay with the crew, Alyosha doesn't get wounded. Full Strength Attend the wedding on the SUMMER level. Gor'ko! Pass the Research Facility without killing a Blind One on the DEAD CITY level. Guide Install a modification of each category on a single weapon. Gunsmith Spend 500 consumable resources on crafting. Handyman Complete the game in Ranger Hardcore mode. Hardcore Kill 300 human enemies. Headhunter Find a tune on the radio. Join us on air Kill 3 enemies using sniper scope while wearing the Gas mask and using the Night Vision goggles. Kaleidoscope After running out of filters in a hazard zone, craft a new one while suffocating. Last Breath Find all 70 hidden Diary pages. Librarian Find the passenger train car. Long distance passenger Complete the VOLGA level. Lower the Bridge Patch the Gasmask. Martian Stand your ground against the Bear at the first encounter. Master of the Forest Complete the CASPIAN level. New order Find all 21 post cards. Old world pictures Make at least one kill with every ranged weapon. Professional Pass the putrid tunnel. Putrification Get into the Trolley. Railwayman Get into a boat. Regatta Kill 90 cannibals. Righteous vengeance Kill 30 enemies with Crossbow. Robin Hood Use the bucket lift on the CASPIAN level to reach the Oasis. Roller coaster Melee-kill or stun 50 enemies. Saboteur Kill 30 enemies with Tikhar. Silent marksman Complete the YAMANTAU level. Spoiled dinner Kill 50 enemies at long distance. Stand back Complete the TAIGA level. Sword of Damocles Spend 500 chemical resources on cleaning weapons. Tidyman Assume command of the Order. Your Destination Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Metro Exodus: The Two Colonels Cheats For PlayStation 4
Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.
Trophy Dodge all of the Blind One's throwing attacks in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Dodge master Make a moral choice in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Duty and conscience Provide guidance for Kirill in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Father and son Complete THE TWO COLONELS Chapter without using any Medkits on Normal or higher difficulty. It's just a scratch Kill 3 Nosalises with flamethrower's melee attack in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Mind you, it's quite heavy! Celebrate the New Year in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. New Year Complete THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Real Colonel Find all 9 hidden Diary pages in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. The whole picture Contributed by: Mookiethebold
Metro Exodus: The Two Colonels Cheats For Xbox One
DLC: The Two Colonels
Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.
Achievement Dodged all of the Blind One's throwing attacks in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Dodge master Made a moral choice in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Duty and conscience Provided guidance for Kirill in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Father and son Completed THE TWO COLONELS Chapter without using any Medkits on Normal or higher difficulty. It's just a scratch Killed 3 Nosalises with flamethrower's melee attack in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Mind you, it's quite heavy! Celebrated the New Year in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. New Year Completed THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. Real Colonel Found all 9 hidden Diary pages in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter. The whole picture Contributed by: Similac
Metro Exodus: Sam's Story Cheats For PlayStation 4
Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.
Trophy Complete the SAM'S STORY chapter earning the Captain's full trust. A Man of Principle Organize a documentary screening in the SAM'S STORY chapter. Cinephile Find all the Night Hunters' secret stashes in the SAM'S STORY chapter. Great Owl Collect all the upgrades for Sammy rifle and Stallion pistol in the SAM'S STORY chapter. Lord of War Collect all harmonica melodies in the SAM'S STORY chapter. Music Lover Complete the SAM'S STORY chapter. The Last Hero Set all 5 traps in the SAM'S STORY chapter as the Captain requests. Trapper Complete SAM'S STORY on Normal or higher difficulty without dying in Batwing encounters. Untouchable Contributed by: Mookiethebold
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