Cheats & Guides
Modern Combat: Domination Cheats For PlayStation 3
Trophy Capture a total of 100 territories in Domination Alexander the Great Make 100 head shots (any game type) Billy the Kid Eliminate 1000 enemies (any game types) Death Bringer Capture a total of 150 territories in Domination Dominating Perform a multi-kill with a grenade 3 times (any game types) Heavy Counter Defuse a bomb or deactivate a missile 10 times Hope Buster Eliminate 300 enemies only with sniper rifles (any game types) Insane Sharpshooter Perform at least one killing spree on all maps Legendary Gunslinger Win one match of each game type in every map Master of Mass Destruction Head shot an objective carrier 10 times Priceless Kill 4 enemies with a frag grenade thrown with the grenade launcher Raining Shrapnel Reach Level 40 Sergeant Major of the Army Reach Level 7 Specialist Successfully knife 50 enemies (any game types) Stop Poking Me! Reach level 72 Supreme Commander As the Team Leader, escape 10 times Team Savior Take over a CPU and kill your assassin 10 times (offline only) The Ghost Avenger Get 500 kill assists (any game types) Ultimate Team Player Eliminate 100 enemies (any game types) War Veteran Win a match (any game types) Welcome to the Family Contributed by: TransFormer15
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