Cheats & Guides

Mortal Kombat Cheats For Game Boy

  1. Fixed Difficulty

    Hold A+B as you power on the console, until you reach the license screen. This will fix the difficulty level to 2 for all battles.

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

  2. Play as Goro

    Beat the game, and then wait for the credits to finish. When the words ''The End" appear, press and hold: Up + Left + Select + A until the title screen appears.

    Effect Effect
    At "The End" screen, hold Up + Left + Select + A. You will play as Goro

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by SStarmie 37K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Cybertaz 1K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Portable MK 62K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For Genesis

  1. Secret Sonya

    Enter the cheat menu code, and then switch on Flag Two and Flag Three. Set the plan base for three and the first map to the Pit. Fight your way to the second endurance match. This should also be fought in the pit unless you had to continue along the way. If you aren't in the pit, let the computer opponents kill you and keep continuing until you get into the pit. Then, Double flawless and begin the match against Reptile. Since this is the endurance round, you'll have to fight two Reptiles. If Sonya is the second person of the second endurance round, then the second Reptile will be the Secret Sonya. This Sonya glows green, has a shadow punch that changes into a Scorpion-like spear, and her ring attack will freeze you like Sub-Zero's ice.

    Contributed by: UberJim 

  2. Cheat Mode

    Press Down,Up,Left,Left,A,Right,Down at the start and option screen.

    Contributed by: damin_mance_0 

  3. Blood Code

    Blood Code:
    At the story line screen, press: A, B, A, C, A, B, B.

    Contributed by: insannescorp55 

  4. Fight Reptile

    When you are fighting on the pit stage, sometimes in the background weird objects will pass the moon. If this happens, you must defeat the opponent with a double flawless (in other words don't get hit) and you must do your character's fatality on the opponent when it says "FINISH HIM" at the end of the secound round. When these requirements have been met, a message on screen will appear saying "You have found me now prove yourself!" and you will fight Reptile at the bottom of the pit. Reptile has all of Scorpion and Sub Zero's special moves and fatalities and moves very fast.

    Contributed by: FFOGalvatron 

  5. Green Effects

    While you fight Reptile, pick up controller two and press start.

    Now when the player select screen shows up, Sub-Zero and Scorpion are going to be green.

    Contributed by: !.ACA.! 

  6. Flag Effects in cheat mode

    When you use the cheat mode code and go into the cheat menu, at the bottom of it are "flags" which you can turn on or off. Here is what each one does:

    Effect Effect
    FLAG 3 A man's head flys across the moon on the pit stage
    FLAG 6 CPU will use fatalities to finish you
    FLAG 7 Fight the whol tournament on the same stage
    FLAG 5 Infinite credits
    FLAG 2 Objects fly across the moon on the pit stage
    FLAG 0 One hit kills CPU
    FLAG 1 One hit kills you
    FLAG 4 Will give you Reptile's clues between each fight

    Contributed by: FFOGalvatron 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by Cybertaz 4K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by AEspindola 22K
Full Game Guides Strategy Guide by Sour 15K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by KingdomMK 2K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by LWang 52K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 15K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by ded_ 52K
In-Depth FAQs Arcade/Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 9K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For Sega Master System

  1. 1 hit kills

    At the title screen that begins with the phrase "The word code", press Down, Down, Up, Up, 2, Right. A sound will be heard upon correct entry. At the battleplan screen, press 1 to empty the enemies health bar.

    Contributed by: oblivion from aoc 

  2. Blood Code

    At the code of honour screen, press 2, 1, 2, Down, Up

    Contributed by: yabba dabba drew 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by Demanufacture 7K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For PC

  1. Fight Against CPU Reptile

    Defeat your opponent with a double-flawless victory match and a fatality in The Pit stage, after the shadows pass over the moon.

    Contributed by: XPLICIT187 

  2. Cheat Mode

    Push F10 to access the setup menu. Press and hold SHIFT then submit the code DIP to view a set of dip switches that will activate the cheats (Turn on one of the dip switches below to enable a cheat code).
    *For some of these codes to work you may have to restart the game.*

    Effect Effect
    DIP Switch 6 Slow CPU Recovery
    DIP Switch 2 Toggle Blood
    DIP Switch 3 Toggle Comic Book Offer
    DIP Switch 4 Toggle CPU Fatalities
    DIP Switch 1 Toggle fatalities
    DIP Switch 5 Toggle Unlimited Continues

    Contributed by: Undergrads2003 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Move List by darkinferno1981 14K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by KingdomMK 2K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by LWang 52K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 15K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by ded_ 52K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Cybertaz 2K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by IceMaster 37K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Ramchar271 4K
In-Depth FAQs Arcade/Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 9K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For GameGear

  1. 1 hit kills

    At the title screen with phrase "Another type of code...", press Down, Down, Up, Up, 2, Right. A sound will be heard upon correct entry. At the battleplan screen, press 1 to empty the enemies health bar.

    Contributed by: oblivion from aoc 

  2. Blood Code

    At the third title screen with phrase "The word CODE...", press 2, 1, 2, Down, Up. If successful, there will be a sound and the screen will say, "Now Entering Kombat." Blood will now be enabled.

    Effect Effect
    At the third and final code screen, press 2, 1, 2, Down, Up. Access the Arcade Mode

    Contributed by: Retro 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Move List by Benjamin 1K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by Seth0708 14K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Goro Glitch

    Perform Rayden's fatality on the third endurance stage in a one player game. Goro will appear silver colored and flashing.

    Contributed by: MI4 REAL 

  2. How to attack Goro without making him unfreeze

    It's possible to hit Goro without making him unfreeze! First, use Sub Zero's ice blast
    attack to freeze Goro. Now, quickly run up to Goro and do a few (3) sweeps. (Back + low kick) This attack does not make Goro unfreeze! However, do not be too greedy and try more than 3 sweeps on Goro as he can simply unfreeze by time.

    To maximze damage after freezing Goro, sweep him 3 times and than do an Uppercut attack! (down + Hard Punch)

    Contributed by: Maehara_Shinobu 

  3. Start with 10 Credits (Japanese version)

    This code only works in the Japanese version that originally starts with 4 Credits. At the Acclaim logo screen when Goro appears, press Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, and Up. You will hear a sound right when the screen fades away after the code is entered correctly that allows you to start with 10 Credits.

    Contributed by: Launch2004 

  4. Fight against Reptile

    In the bridge stage while playing a 1 player game, get a flawless victory in both rounds and perform a fatality at the end. Your next match will be against Reptile in the bottom of the spike pit.

    Contributed by: Oni_Link_6six6 


    As PLAYER 1, select JOHNNY CAGE by pressing Y, then immediately press START as PLAYER 2. If it works correctly, the cursor shall rest on sub-zero but the character won't show below.

    After that the game will display an announcement as a Johnny Cage vs Sub-Zero fight, but then as the fight starts, the real match will be Cage vs Cage, as this mirror match begins, PLAYER 1 should press START, a message will show saying "player 2 has entered the tournament".

    After that the game will run normally, following the regular arcade mode for Johnny Cage with Player 1 agaisnt the CPU. Instead of the AI controlling the oponent, Player 2 will be in control of the right side character.

    If Player 1 wins the fight, the game crashes, to progress through the game Player 2 has to win the matches. Unfortunatelly the game crashes on the fight against GORO, since Player 2 can only press Block as Goro (if any of the other buttons is pressed, including directionals, the game crashes).

    Since Goro should win for progression but it is impossible to do so, this is the end of the line, it's not possible to control Shang Tsung as Player 2 on this mode.

    Contributed by: RS-Zombie 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DarkXNightmare 11K
Foreign Language Guides Move List and Guide by Link San 12K
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by Sour 16K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by ded_ 52K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 15K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by LWang 52K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by KingdomMK 2K
In-Depth FAQs Arcade/Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 9K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For Sega CD

  1. Fight Reptile

    When you're starting a round in The Pit, pay close attention to the background. Occasionally, an object will fly past the moon. When this happens, try to get a Double Flawless Victory and end the second round with a Fatality. If you manage to do this, you'll trigger a hidden fight against Reptile.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. CD OST (JP Version Only)

    If you put the game disc in a CD player, you'll be able to listen to the soundtrack and various audio tracks starting with Track 2.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Dad's Army

    Go to the hidden cheat menu and activate the DADS cheat. While this doesn't seem to have any noticeable effect at first, pay close attention to the characters' names near their life bars. They're all changed to names of various characters from Dad's Army, a British sitcom.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  4. Unlock Cheat Menu

    Enter the following code at the title screen:

    Effect Effect
    Press Down, Up, Left, Left, A, Right, Down unlocks cheat menu

    Contributed by: BXBomber 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by ded_ 52K
In-Depth FAQs Arcade/Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 9K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Non-Lethal Fatality

    This only works with Liu Kang. When you're given the chance to do your fatality, get as far away as you can, and then do the motion. If done right, Liu will cartwheel, but not throw an uppercut. The opponent will still stand there and waver, even when the fight officially ends. However, since you did the cartwheel, the game has registered you as doing the fatality, meaning you'll get the bonus as if you actually did so.

    You can also throw fireballs after doing this trick for extra points.

    Contributed by: Larcen Tyler 

  2. Fight Reptile

    When fighting on 'The Pit Stage', sometimes there will be shadows that fly across the moon. When this happens, you can fight Reptile if the following steps are taken. During the entire match you can not use Block. You must defeat your opponent with a Double Flawless victory along with performing your character's Fatality.

    Notes - In Version 3.0 it is not possible to fight Reptile with Sonya or Scorpion since Block is required to perform their Fatalities. In Version 4.0 it's okay to use Block, but only for the Fatality. Once you meet all these requirements, you will fight Reptile at the bottom of 'The Pit Stage'.

    Contributed by: GeminiEntity 

  3. Secret EJB Menu

    After the game has booted up, during the attract mode, quickly press the following sequence of buttons: P1 Block (5 times), P2 Block (10 times), P1 Block (2 times), P2 Block (1 times), P1 Block (2 times), P2 Block (3 times), P1 Block (4 times). If entered successfully, the secret EJB Menu will appear.

    Contributed by: belthegor 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Move List by Ash_Riot 9K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Goh_Billy 44K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by ded_ 52K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 15K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by LWang 52K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by KingdomMK 2K
In-Depth FAQs Arcade/Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 9K
In-Depth FAQs Mortal Kombat Plot FAQ by Gavok 262K
In-Depth Guides History Guide by subzero961 611K

Mortal Kombat Cheats For Amiga

  1. Cheat Mode

    Type CATHULU at the 'Start Game' and 'Options' screen. New enter RJC at the cheat menu under the 'Cheatmode' option to display a statistics menu. (Return to the selection menu by pressing [Space].)

    Contributed by: Lagoona 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by ded_ 52K