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Moto Racer Cheats For PC
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Effect Effect CDNALSI All Tracks CTEKCOPR Pocket Mode CESREVER Reversed Tracks Contributed by: PerfectSim6, gengar747
Moto Racer Cheats For PlayStation
Misc. Codes
Effect Effect At the title screen press Left, Left, Triangle, Right, Right, Up, Down, L1, R1, X Bike only, no rider At the title screen press Down, Down, Down, Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Down, Down, X CPU Bikes only go 50 km/h. At the title screen press Up, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down, Circle, R2, Triangle, X Enable All Tracks At the title screen press Up, Up, Up, Down, L1, R2, L2, R1, Circle, X Future Vehicles At the start screen press Up, Down, R2, L2, Down, Up, L1, X Race as Tiny Bikes Up, Circle, L1, Down, Triangle, L2, Circle, Left, R1, X Race at Night At the title screen press Down, Down, Right, Left, Up, Up, Circle, L2, Triangle, X Reverse Mode At the title screen press Right, Right, Circle, Left, Left, Down, Up, L2, R2, X Rider only, no bike At the title screen press Up, Up, Up, Triangle, R1, Triangle, R2, Up, Up, X Turbo Boost At the title screen press Circle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Up, Right, Left, X View Credits At the title screen press Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L1, Up, R2, X View Ending FMV Contributed by: freakunique, ATadeo, KasketDarkfyre, Lagunathemoron, Mike Truitt
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