Cheats & Guides

Mr. Bree+ Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Perform your first double jump AERIAL AWESOMENESS
    Beat 40 levels in hardcore mode BREE YOURSELF
    Collect the first bad memory DARK PAST
    Collect 5 bad memories DARKER PAST
    Collect 20 bad memories DARKEST PAST
    Beat 5 levels without dying DIE HARD
    Die 100 Times DIE PIG, DIE!
    Beat 20 levels in hardcore mode DODGE MASTER
    Die 1 time FIRST BLOOD!
    Beat all levels without dying GODLIKE
    Beat your best time 20 times GODSPEED
    Get all other achievements GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL
    Beat 5 levels GOTTA GET BACK
    Get 75% of all achievements GREAT ACHIEVER
    Get 50% of all achievements HALFWAY THERE
    Skip the last cutscene HEARTLESS
    Die on the first level HOW COULD YOU?
    Quit a level I GIVE UP!
    Start a level in hardcore mode I LIKE A REAL CHALLENGE
    Press the red button! I LOVE RED BUTTONS
    Die 50 Times I NEVER GIVE UP!
    Beat 40 levels I WANNA GO HOME
    Stay still for a while I'M NOT LAZY I'M THINKING
    Beat the tenth level IT'S OVER NINE LEVELS
    Get Double Jump MOST AWESOME SKILL
    Beat 20 levels NO BOAR CAN STOP ME
    Collect all bad memories NOW I REMEMBER!
    Get Run RUN PIG, RUN!
    Beat your best time 10 times RUNNING WILD
    Die 5 times in the same level SH*T HAPPENS
    Beat 5 levels in hardcore mode SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT
    Get Wall Jump SPIDER PIG
    Defeat the slaughterhouse boss SUPER MR. BREE!
    Watch the credits cutscene to the end THANKS FOR PLAYING
    Beat level 24 in less than 29 seconds THE QUICKER THE BETTER
    Beat 20 levels without dying THIS IS MADNESS!
    Defeat the forest boss THIS PIGGY WENT HOME
    Beat 40 levels without dying UNSTOPPABLE
    Complete all levels in all game modes WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS
    Enter the first slaughterhouse level WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!
    Die 10 times in the same level YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING

    Contributed by: Guard Master