PlayStation Plus Free July Games Include TowerFall and Dead Space 3
Update: Sony announces the six free games that Plus members in North America will receive in July.
Update: Sony announces the six free games that Plus members in North America will receive in July.
Puppeteer is coming to PS3 for everyone and PS4 owners will get a free copy of Stick it to the Man.
Limited edition featuring customized PS Vita skin and lithograph also on sale; Amazon and GameStop preorders include free soundtrack.
Additional information on battle system revealed.
Vanillaware's next game to head back to fantasy genre; will be turn based.
The Fab Four make their game debut alongside Codemasters' off-road racer, IL-2 Sturmovik, PS3 Trine, and Little Big Planet: GOTY edition.
As we slice our way through feudal Japan, we realize that there's more to Muramasa than just a pretty landscape.
This visually stunning action game is finally leaving Japan, and we got to play it for the first time.
Ignition Entertainment picks up Vanillaware's art-driven action RPG for North American debut this September.
We take a hands-on look at Muramasa, a contender for best-looking game on the TGS floor.
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