Cheats & Guides

Mushihimesama Futari Ver 1.5 Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Achievements

    Achievement Achievement
    Pick up a MAX power-up (must continue) 100x The Energy
    Clear the 1st stage of Ultra Mode without any continues (Ver 1.5 only) 1st Stage of Hell
    Clear the 3rd stage of Ultra within a limited no. of continues (Ver 1.5 only). 3rd Stage of Hell
    In 'Original Mode', collect over 30,000 amber chips in a single playthrough Amber Collector
    Defeat Queen Larsa in 'Ultra Mode' in Arrange Another???
    In 'Maniac Mode', boost the counter to 5000 Art of War Maniac
    Defeat the 4th Stage Boss Beast King Party
    Pick up a bomb Bomb
    Start a game with Palm. Can't Suicide
    Clear the 5th stages of Ultra within a limited no. of continues (Ver 1.5 only). CAVE defeat
    In 'Maniac Mode' for Ver 1.5, score over 300 million points (Novice Mode not allowed) Challenge to Maniac
    In 'Original Mode' for Ver 1.5, score over 200 million points (Novice Mode not allowed) Challenges to the original
    Defeat 3rd Stage Boss Curse of the Jungle Beast
    Start a game Departure
    In 'Maniac Mode', generate 250 blue aura chips on-screen at the same time Discoloration
    Clear 'Original Mode' w/ No Continues in Ver 1.5 with Palm (Novice Mode not allowed) Evidence of Hidden Talent
    Defeat the 5th Stage Boss, Dragon Empyrion Fake
    Activate Fever Mode in Arrange by using A-shot when both characters' counters are at 9999 Fever
    Defeat 2nd Stage Boss Frozen Sea Monster
    Clear all game modes in Arrange Futari Victory
    Clear 'Original Mode' in Ver 1.5 or Novice with Reco Future
    In 'Maniac Mode' in Ver 1.5 or Novice, score over 100 million points Gateway to Maniac
    Destroy all of the lanterns in Stage 5 during a single playthrough Goodbye Tauron
    Earn a score extend from picking up a power-up item or a bomb. Hooray, hooray another Itcho
    Move the cursor off of Original on the mode select screen, then let the selection timer run out. Indecision
    In 'Maniac Mode', boost the counter to 1000 Introduction Maniac
    Don't touch the controls for over 5 seconds straight during gameplay (dying during this interval is ok). It Stopped?!
    Defeat the 5th Stage Mid-Boss, Shenlong Long Prevailing Temple
    Clear 'Original Mode' in Ver 1.5 or Novice with Palm Now
    Defeat 4th Stage Mid-Boss Nuisance in the Way
    Clear 'Maniac Mode' in Ver 1.5 or Novice with Palm Palm's Journey
    Clear 'Ultra Mode in' Ver 1.5 or Novice with Palm Palm's Ordeal
    In Arrange, make it through the first 2 stages without switching characters (dying ok) Power of self
    Defeat the True Last Boss, Spiritual Larsa, in Ultra Mode (Ver 1.5 only). Praise from CAVE
    Defeat the 5th Stage Boss, Dragon Empyrion True Prepared
    Clear 'Original Mode' w/ No Continues in Ver 1.5 with Reco (Novice Mode not allowed) Proof of Power
    Collect a green aura amber chip by destroying an enemy at close range Rarity
    Clear 'Maniac Mode' in Ver 1.5 or Novice with Reco Reco's Journey
    Clear 'Ultra Mode in' Ver 1.5 or Novice with Reco Reco's Trial
    Get the gameover screen while the 1up item is visible on screen. Retired regrets
    Defeat 1st Stage Boss Started Hunting Scary Beasts
    In 'Original Mode' in Ver 1.5 or Novice, score over 100 million points Stepping-stone to the original
    In 'Maniac Mode', boost the counter to 9999 Sure in Time Maniac
    Complet all game modes in Arrange with No Continues Thank You
    Choose Ultra mode, then when it asks if you're really ready to die, select No Thank you for your purchase
    Get an extend, either by reaching the score milestones or collecting the 1up item in Stage 5. What if, instead of me...
    Boost the total counter in Arrange to over 100,000 Whiz
    Clear 'Maniac Mode' w/ No Continues in Ver 1.5 with Palm (Novice Mode not allowed) You Are There, Palm
    Clear 'Maniac Mode' w/ No Continues in Ver 1.5 with Reco (Novice Mode not allowed) You Are There, Reco
    Pick up a power-up Youthful Energy

    Contributed by: YamiTsukiRyu 

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