Cheats & Guides

Mystery Tales: The House of Others Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Solved a mini-game in less than a minute Acrobat
    Found 100 objects Alchemist
    Made no mistakes in a HOP All-Seeing Eye
    Solved the trap mini-game Animal Rescuer
    Drank the miraculous tea Astral Vision
    Solved the hatch mini-game Bone Thief
    Collect all butterflies Butterfly Collector
    Free Caitlyn and Nathan Chain Breaker
    Solved 10 mini-games without skipping Chief Inquisitor
    Solved 5 mini-games without skipping Craftsman
    Finished a hidden-object puzzle without any hints Easy as Pie
    Solved the mansion escape mini-game Elusive
    Exile Count Blunt's soul Exorcist
    Blow up the barrels in the passage Explosives Enthusiast
    Found 3 hidden objects in 3 seconds Fast
    Finish a hidden-object puzzle in one minute Faster than Fire
    Finish 5 hidden-object puzzles in a row in 1 minute each Faster than Poison
    Finish 3 hidden-object puzzles in a row in 1 minute each Faster than Wind
    Helped a person regain consciousness First Aid
    Collect all morphing objects Ghost Enthusiast
    Solved a mini-game without skipping Inquisitor
    Finished all hidden-object puzzles without any hints King of Night
    Found 10 hidden objects in 10 seconds Lightning Fast
    Collect all tarot cards Mage Guild Member
    Finished any hidden-object puzzle using only the alternate puzzle Magic Brain
    Broke a lock using a lockpick Master of Locks
    Solved the paths mini-game Navigator
    Hit all the targets at the shooting range Nice Shot
    Finished 5 hidden-object puzzles without any hints Night Hunter
    Give the owl a toy mouse Owl Whisperer
    Solve the picture puzzle Picasso
    Finished 3 hidden-object puzzles without any hints Raven's Eye
    Found 5 hidden objects in 5 seconds Speedy
    Bring down the tree Woodcutter

    Contributed by: Hardkoroff