Cheats & Guides

NBA 2K Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Outdoor Court

    Enable the "Secret Teams" code. Then, select one of the three Insomiacs teams as the home team to play in an outdoor court.

    Contributed by: Marc S 

  2. Passwords

    From the main menu, go into the options screen and pick the ''Codes'' option. At the ''Cheat Codes'' screen, enter any of these passwords. Make sure everything is in capital letters.

    Effect Effect
    BIGFOOT Big Feet Mode
    COACHOUCH Coaches in Pain Mode
    SQUISHY Flat Players
    MONSTER Giant Players
    GREENIE Green Basketball
    HIMOM Hidden Message
    BEACHBOYS Huge Ball
    FATHEAD Huge Head Mode
    DOUGHBOY Obese Players
    DEVDUDES Secret Teams (Insomniacs)
    PURBALL The Basketball is Purple
    LITTLEGUY Tiny Players

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt, Rage012, DamienG, ATadeo, KasketDarkfyre, Y2JkicksRVD, CChan 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by DreThug 50K
General FAQs FAQ by DRNelson 16K
General FAQs FAQ by Tazzmission 6K