Cheats & Guides
NBA Courtside 2 Featuring Kobe Bryant Cheats For Nintendo 64
Three New Teams
At the main menu, highlight either Quick Play or Arcade Play, no press and hold:
Right C and A together.
You should hear two swiching sounds if done correctly.
This will open up three new teams: Nintendo Plumbers, Left Field Lefties and Nintendo GamersContributed by: KasketDarkfyre
Secret Room Codes
Press up-c and down-c at mode selection screen. It will tell you about the Secret Room. Enter these codes:
Effect Effect c-up x2,c-down,c-left,c-right Big Heads c-up(x2),c-down,c-up,c-down Long Necks c-up,c-right,c-down Small Players C-up, C-Right Tiny Away Team C-up, C-right, C-down Tiny Both Teams C-Up, C-down Tiny Home Team Contributed by: Mark Yates, the eggman returns
Clone Teams
Enter a Team Select screen and push Top-C seven times. Now, do one of the following:
Effect Effect Bottom-C four times Ken Griffey Jr Bottom-C three times Kobe Bryant Bottom-C 45 times Nintendo Power's Armond Williams Bottom-C 10 times Nintendo President Minoru Arakawa Bottom-C five times Random NBA Player Contributed by: ElementalKnight
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