Cheats & Guides
NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC Cheats For Dreamcast
Change the Player's Uniforms
To change the player's uniforms, when creating a player, press up or down only once and his clothes will change.
Contributed by: CChan
Dev Team Notes
If you look through the game's files, you'll come across some named ABSTRACT.TXT, BIBLIOGR.TXT, and COPYRIGH.TXT. They all contain the same message: Joe Rules.
Contributed by: discoinferno84
Vs Screen Codes
Enter the following code at the vs. screen......
Note: The first number represents how many times you hit Turbo, the second Shoot, the third Pass, then the direction noted.Effect Effect 2-3-2-Right ABA Mode 4-2-0-Right Away Uniform 2-0-0-Right Big Head Mode 1-3-1-Left Blizzard Mode 4-0-0-Right Change Team Uniform 1-2-3-Up Fog Mode 4-1-0-Right Home Uniform 4-0-1-Right Midway Uniform 1-2-3-Left Night Fog Mode 5-5-5-Left No Goaltending 2-0-1-Up No Hotspots 3-3-1-Left No Replays 4-4-4-Up No Tipoff 1-4-1-Left Rain Mode 1-0-0-Down See Hotspots 0-0-1-Down Show Shot Percentage 1-2-1-Left Snow Mode 1-2-3-Right Swamp Fog Mode 1-2-3-Down Thick Fog Mode 3-4-5-Left Tiny Team Mode 1-1-1-Down Tournament Mode Contributed by: Mike Truitt
More Character Codes
Enter the following name and password at the PIN Entry screen. Most of them are from the dev team. You'll find some Mortal Kombat 3 cameos as well.
Effect Effect LEX 0014 Alex Gilliam ELOFF 2181 Andy Eloff BETHAN 1111 Beth Smukowski BIGGY 0958 Biggy FRED 1313 Biggy (Small Alt Version) GRINCH 0222 Brian LeBaron CHAD 0628 Chad Edmonds CMSVID 0000 Chris Skrundz CRISPY 2084 Crispy DANIEL 0604 Daniel Thompson DAVE 1104 Dave Grossman RODMAN 9676 Dennis Rodman E GEER 1105 Eugene Geer OLDMAN 2001 Grandpa CUTLER 1111 Greg Cutler HORSE 1966 Horse THOMAS 1111 Isiah Thomas JACKO 1031 Jacko PUMPKN 1313 Jacko (Wearing 32 Jersey) JASON 3141 Jason Skiles JAPPLE 6660 Jeff Johnson JENIFR 1111 Jennifer Hedrick JENIFR 3333 Jennifer Hedrick (Alternate Outfit) DIMI 0619 Jim (Dimitrios) Tianis GENTIL 1228 Jim Gentile JONHEY 8823 John Hey ROOT 6000 John Root KERRI 1111 Kerri Hoskins (Alternate Outfit) KERRI 0220 Kerri Hoskins (Played Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat 3) STRAT 2112 Larry Wotman LIA 1111 Lia Montelongo (Alternate Outfit) LIA 0712 Lia Montelongo (Played Sindel in Mortal Kombat 3) LIA 1313 Lia Montelongo (Tall Alt Version) GUIDO 6765 Mark Guidarelli TURMEL 0322 Mark Turmell MATT G 0116 Matt Gilmore LYNCH 3333 Mike Lynch NIKKO 6666 Nikko WOLF 1313 Nikko (Alternate) STENTR 0269 Paul Martin PAULO 0517 Paulo Garcia PINTO 1966 Pinto RETRO 1970 Retro Rob GATSON 1111 Rob Gatson SAL 0201 Sal Divita LIPTAK 0114 Sean Liptak SMALLS 0856 Smalls ALIEN 1313 Smalls (Big Alt Version) THEREF 7777 The Ref THEWIZ 1136 TheWiz TIMMYB 3314 Tim Bryant TIMK 7785 Tim Kitzrow TIMCRP 6666 TimCorp WIL 0101 Willy Morris Contributed by: the_ultimate, Truck_1_0_1_, discoinferno84
Character Codes
Enter the following as your name and password at the PIN Entry screen:
Effect Effect HAWK 0322 Atlanta Hawks Mascot HORNET 1105 Charlotte Hornets Mascot BENNY 0503 Chicago Bulls Mascot ROCKY 0201 Denver Nuggets Mascot FRANK 1931 Frankenstein TURBO 1111 Houston Rockets Mascot BOOMER 0604 Indiana Pacers Mascot CRUNCH 0503 Minnesota Timberwolves Mascot SLY 6765 New Jersey Nets Mascot GORILA 0314 Phoenix Suns Mascot THEREF 7777 Referee SASQUA 7785 Seattle Supersonics Mascot RAPTOR 1020 Toronto Raptors Mascot BEAR 1228 Utah Jazz Mascot Contributed by: Mike Truitt, Icy_Guy
Choose Your Court
After you pick your teams, hold these buttons when the second player on your team has been selected. A confirmation should follow.
Effect Effect Right+Turbo Island Court Up+Turbo Left Team's Court Up+Shoot+Pass Midway Court Down+Shoot+Pass NBC Court Down+Turbo Right Team's Court Left+Turbo Street Court Contributed by: Truck_1_0_1_
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Codes and Secrets | Codes by JEndy | 4K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by DreThug | 31K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by UndeadKing | 19K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by drfishopoulis | 16K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ/Hints and Tips by IceMaster | 4K |
Full Game Guides | Hints and Tips by GJ | 11K |
In-Depth Guides | Hidden Character Attributes by brettdude | 14K |
NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC Cheats For Nintendo 64
Play with the Island Court
When selecting the second player for your team, immediately hold down the following combination:
Right + TurboContributed by: KasketDarkfyre
Play on the Street Court
Hold down Left and Turbo right after you choose the second player on your team. If you do it right, you'll hear a sound to confirm the code, and you'll be at the Street Court.
Contributed by: Retro
Play on the Midway Court
As soon as you select the second player on your team, hold down Up + Shoot + Pass. A sound will confirm your selection, and you'll be transported to the Midway Court.
Contributed by: Retro
Play on the NBC Court
As soon as you choose the second player on your team, hold Down + Shoot + Pass. A sound will confirm your selection, and you'll be transported to the NBC Court.
Contributed by: Retro
Play at the Left Team's Court
As soon as you choose the second player on your team, press and hold down Up + Turbo. A sound will confirm your selection, and you will be sent to the Left Team's Court.
Contributed by: Retro
Play at the Right Team's Court
As soon as you choose the second player on your team, press and hold Down + Turbo.
Contributed by: Retro
Play as any player in the game on any team
You can play as any player in the game on any team. You simply have to know their teams 3 letter code (most are easy like NYK for the Knicks or BOS for Boston. Utah is UTH I've discovered) Then you need to know that players jersey number. So for example, if you want to play as Karl Malone on the Lakers, you will say you want to input your initials. You would put in UTH as your username and 0032 as the PIN. Select your team and as soon as the player select screen pops up, Karl Malone will show up and be selected by default for your player. You can then select your partner from the team of your choice.
Please note: The secret player will take a roster spot, so a similar player will not be available to be your partner. For example: I wanted to try playing with Latrell Sprewell and Kobe Bryant on a team, so I entered the code for Latrelll Sprewell (NYK 0008) and selected the Lakers. I noticed that Sprewell had replaced Kobe on the Lakers roster, so I could only select from AC Green, Rick Fox, Glen Rice or Shaquille O'Neal as my teammate.Contributed by: GreatScott0219
At the Tonights Match-up screen, press:
Effect Effect turbo twice, shoot 3 times, pass twice, and then right ABA Ball Turbo 4 times, Jump 3 times, and then press Right Alternative Uniforms Turbo 4 times, Jump two times, and Right Away Uniform Turbo twice, and then press Right Big Heads Turbo once, shoot twice, pass 3 times, and up Fog Mode Turbo 4 times, Jump once, and then press Right Home Uniform Turbo 4 times, Jump once, Pass once, and Up Infinite Turbo turbo 4 times, pass once, and then right Midway Uniform Turbo once, shoot twice, pass 3 times, and left Night Fog Mode turbo twice, shoot twice, pass twice, and then right No Fouls turbo 5 times, shoot 5 times, pass 5 times, and then left No Goaltending Turbo twice, shoot pass, and up (both teams) No hotspots Turbo 3 times, Jump two times, Pass once, and Left No Player Arrows turbo 3 times, shoot 3 times, pass once, and then left No replays turbo 4 times, shoot 4 times, pass 4 times, and then up No Tip-Off Turbo once and then down Show Hotspot Pass once, and then down on the control stick Show Shot % Turbo once, shoot twice, pass once, and left Snow mode Turbo once, shoot twice, pass 3 times, and right Swamp Fog Mode turbo 4 times, and right Team uniform Turbo once, shoot twice, pass 3 times, and down Thick fog mode on Turbo 4 times, Jump 4 times, and Left Tiny Heads Turbo 3 times, Jump 4 times, Pass 5 times, and Left Tiny Players Turbo once, shoot once, pass once and then down Tournament Mode (no power ups) Contributed by: slimjim25c, Retro
Hidden Characters
Enter the name and PIN to unlock the character:
Effect Effect BEAR; 1228 Bear BETHAN; 1111 Bethan BIGGY; 0958 Biggy BENNY; 0503 Bulls Mascot CHAD; 0628 Chad CMSVID; 0000 Cmsvid CRISPY; 2084 Crispy CUTLER; 1111 Cutler DANIEL; 0604 Daniel DAVE; 1104 Dave DIMI; 0619 Dimi E GEER; 1105 E Geer ELOFF; 2181 Eloff GATSON; 1111 Gatson GENTIL; 1228 Gentil GRINCH; 0222 Grinch GUIDO; 6765 Guido HAWK; 0322 Hawks Mascot HORNET; 1105 Hornets Mascot HORSE; 1966 Horse JACKO; 1031 Jacko JAPPLE; 6660 Japple JASON; 3141 Jason JENIFR; 3333 Jennifer JOHNEY; 8823 JonHey KERRI; 0220 Kerri LEX; 0014 Lex LIA; 0712 Lia LYNCH; 3333 Lynch TURMEL; 0322 Mark Turmel MATT G; 1006 Matt G SLY; 6765 Nets Mascot NIKKO; 6666 Nikko ROCKY; 0201 Nuggets Mascot OLDMAN; 2001 Oldman BOOMER; 0604 Pacers Mascot PAULO; 0517 Paulo PINTO; 1966 Pinto RAPTOR; 1020 Raptor RETRO; 1970 Retro TURBO; 1111 Rockets Mascot ROOT; 6000 Root SAL; 0201 Sal SASQUA; 7785 Sasqua LIPTAK; 0114 Shawn Liptak SMALLS; 0856 Smalls STENTR; 0269 Stent STRAT; 2112 Strat GORILA; 0314 Suns Mascot THEREF; 7777 Theref THEWIZ; 1136 TheWiz THOMAS; 1111 Thomas TIMCRP; 6666 Tim CRUNCH; 0503 Timberwolves Mascot TIMK; 7785 TimK TIMMYB; 3314 Timmy WIL; 0101 Wil Contributed by: Retro, slimjim25c, RAMS
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by drfishopoulis | 16K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ/Hints and Tips by IceMaster | 4K |
In-Depth Guides | Hidden Character Attributes by brettdude | 14K |
NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC Cheats For PlayStation
Misc. Passwords
Enter the following code at the ''Tonight's Match-Up'' screen... Note: the first number represents how many times you hit Turbo, the second Shoot, and the third Pass.
Effect Effect 2 - 3 - 2 - Right ABA Mode 4 - 3 - 0 - Right Alternate Uniform Mode 4 - 2 - 0 - Right Away Mode 2 - 0 - 0 - Right Big Head Mode 4 - 0 - 0 - Right Change Team Uniform 4 - 1 - 0 - Right Home Mode 1 - 0 - 0 - Down Hotspot Mode 4 - 1 - 1 - Up Infinite Turbo Mode 4 - 0 - 1 - Left Midway Mode 2 - 2 - 2 - Right No Fouls Mode 5 - 5 - 5 - Left No Goaltending 2 - 0 - 1 - Left No Hotspot Mode 3 - 2 - 1 - Left No Player Arrows 3 - 3 - 1 - Left No Replay Mode 4 - 4 - 4 - Up No Tip Off Mode 0 - 0 - 1 - Down Show Shot Percentage 4 - 4 - 0 - Left Tiny Head Mode 3 - 4 - 5 - Left Tiny Player Mode 1 - 1 - 1 - Down Tournament Mode Contributed by: Mike Truitt
Secret Characters
Enter the following as your PIN name followed by the number:
Effect Effect HAWK - 0332 Atlanta Hawks Mascot HORNET - 1105 Charlette Hornets Mascot BENNY - 0503 Chicago Bulls Mascot CREATR - 1954 Creature from Black Lagoon ROCKY - 0201 Denver Nuggets Mascot FRANK - 1931 Frankenstein BRIDE - 1935 Frankenstein's Wife TURBO - 1111 Houston Rockets Mascot BOOMER - 0604 Indiana Pacers Mascot CRUNCH - 0503 Minnisota Mascot MUMMY - 1932 Mummy SLY - 6765 New Jersey Mascot GORILA - 0314 Phoenix Suns Mascot SASQUA - 7785 Seattle Mascot RAPTOR - 1020 Toronto Raptors Mascot BEAR - 1228 Utah Jazz Mascot Contributed by: Mike Truitt
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by drfishopoulis | 16K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ/Hints and Tips by IceMaster | 4K |
In-Depth Guides | Hidden Character Attributes by brettdude | 14K |
NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC Cheats For Game Boy Color
Cheat Codes
Effect Effect Left, Left, A, A, Left, Down, Right, B, A Extra Courts Up, A, Down, B, Right, Left, Right, Left, B, A More Teams Up, B, A, Up, B, A, Up, B, A Unlimited Turbo Contributed by: Nivrae
NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC Cheats For Arcade Games
Match-Up Screen Codes
Enter these at the match-up screen.
The order they will be in is Turbo-Shoot-Pass-DirectionEffect Effect 2-3-2-Right ABA Ball 4-3-0-Right Alternate uniform 4-2-0-Right Away Uniform 2-0-0-Right Big Heads 1-3-1-Left Blizzard (outdoors only) 1-2-3-Up Fog on (outdoors only) 4-1-0-Right Home Uniform 4-0-1-Right Midway Uniform 1-2-3-Left Night Fog on (outdoors only) 2-0-1-Up No hotspots (teams must agree) 3-3-1-Left No Replays 4-4-4-Up No tip-off 1-4-1-Left Rainy Days (outdoors only) 1-0-0-Down Show Hot Spot 0-0-1-Down Show Shot % 1-2-1-Left Snow (outdoors only) 1-2-3-Right Swamp Fog on (outdoors only) 4-0-0-Right Team Uniforms (teams must agree) 1-2-3-Down Thick Fog on (outdoors only) 1-1-1-Down Tournament mode (no power-ups allowed) Contributed by: the ultimate68, Frankie_Spankie
Secret Characters
Enter these initials and PIN numbers to unlock secret characters with hidden attributes at the start of a game:
Effect Effect LEX 0014 Alex Gilliam ELOFF 2181 Andy Eloff HAWK 0322 Atlanta Hawks' mascot BETHAN 1111 Beth Smukowski BIGGY 0958 Biggy GRINCH 0222 Brian Lebaron CHAD 0628 Chad Edmonds HORNET 1105 Charlotte Hornets' mascot BENNY 0503 Chicago Bulls' mascot CMSVID 0000 Chris Skrundz CREATR 1954 Creature of the Black Lagoon CRISPY 2084 Crispy DANIEL 0604 Daniel Thompson DAVE 1104 Dave Grossman ROCKY 0201 Denver Nuggets' mascot E GEER 1105 Eugene Geer FRANK 1931 Frankenstein's Monster OLDMAN 2001 Grandpa CUTLER 1111 Greg Cutler HORSE 1966 Horse (White) TURBO 1111 Houston Rockets' mascot BOOMER 0604 Indiana Pacers' mascot THOMAS 1111 Isiah Thomas JACKO 1031 Jacko JASON 3141 Jason Skiles JAPPLE 6660 Jeff Johnson JENFR 3333 Jennifer Hendrick GENTIL 1228 Jim Gentil DIMI 0619 Jim Tianis ROOT 6000 John Root JOHNEY 8823 Jon Hey KERRI 0220 Kerri Hoskins KERRI 1111 Kerri Hoskins (alt uniform) STRAT 2112 Larry Wotman LIA 0712 Lia Montelongo LIA 1111 Lia Montelongo (alt uniform) GUIDO 6765 Mark Guidarelli TURMEL 0322 Mark Turmell MATT G 1006 Matt Gilmore LYNCH 3333 Mike Lynch CRUNCH 0503 Minnesota Timberwolves' mascot SLY 6765 New Jersey Nets mascot NIKKO 6666 Nikko STENTR 0269 Paul Martin PAULO 0517 Paulo Garcia GORILA 0314 Phoenix Suns mascot PINTO 1966 Pinto (Brown Horse) RETRO 1970 Retro Bob GATSON 1111 Rob Gatson SAL 0201 Sal DiVita SASQUA 7785 Seattle Suns mascot LIPTAK 0114 Shawn Liptak SMALLS 0856 Smalls BRIDE 1935 The Bride of Frankenstein MUMMY 1932 The Mummy THEREF 7777 The Ref THEWIZ 1136 The Wiz WOLFMN 1941 The Wolfman TIMMYB 3314 Tim Bryant TIMK 7785 Tim Kitzrow TIMCRP 6666 Timcorp RAPTOR 1020 Toronto Raptors mascot BEAR 1228 Utah Jazz mascot WIL 0101 Willie Morris Contributed by: DarthMarino, the ultimate68, Frankie_Spankie
Bonus Courts
After selecting players at the "Choose Team" screen, hold any of the following buttons combinations immediately. You will hear a sound if done correctly.
Effect NBC Court Down + Shoot + Pass Team 2 (Right) Down + Turbo Street Court Left + Turbo Island Court Right + Turbo Midway Court Up + Shoot + Pass Team 1 (Left) Up + Turbo Contributed by: DarthMarino
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by drfishopoulis | 16K |
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