Cheats & Guides

Need for Speed II Cheats For PC

  1. Ford Indigo

    To unlock the Ford Indigo type RED RACER at the main menu.

    Contributed by: Jarred 

  2. Monolithic Studios

    To unlock the bonus track Monolithic Studios, type HOLLYWOOD at the main menu.

    Contributed by: Jarred 

  3. Faster Engine

    To upgrade all vehicles to the Pioneer engine, type PIONEER at the main menu. This makes all cars accelarte much faster.

    Contributed by: Jarred 

  4. Race at Night

    Hold n in after clicking on RACE to make it night time.

    Contributed by: Jarred 

  5. Less traction on roads

    At the car selection screen, enter the code 'SLIP'. This will reduce the traction on the roads and therefore, increase the difficulty.

    Contributed by: SSV 

  6. More traffic

    For more traffic simply type "Rushhour" at the main menu.

    Contributed by: KeeperBvK 

  7. Bonus Cars

    Type one of the following codes at the main menu screen to race as its matching vehicle:

    bus -- School Bus
    bmw -- BMW
    commanche -- Jeep Commanche
    jeepyj -- Jeep YJ
    landcruiser -- Toyota Landcruiser
    mercedes -- Mercedes Benz
    miata -- Mazda Miata
    quattro -- Audi Quattro
    semi -- Semi
    snowtruck -- Snowplow
    vanagon -- Volkswagen Van
    volvo -- Volvo
    vwbug -- Volkswagen Bug
    vwfb -- Volkswagen Fastback
    armytruck -- Army Truck
    drive29 -- Monolitihic Studios Bus
    drive30 -- Limousine
    drive31 -- Citroen 2CV
    drive36 -- Cart
    drive37 -- Outhouse
    drive38 -- T-Rex
    drive39 -- Cowboy wagon
    drive40 -- Wagon
    drive41 -- Souvenier Stand 1
    drive42 -- Souvenier Stand 2
    drive43 -- Souvenier Stand 3
    drive44 -- Log
    drive45 -- Monorail
    drive46 -- Hoverpolice
    drive47 -- UFO
    drive48 -- Sewage Truck
    drive49 -- Snowy Wooden Box 1
    drive50 -- Snowy Wooden Box 2

    Contributed by: Jarred 

  8. Bonus Cars

    Type one of the following codes at the main menu screen to race as a new vehicle:

    Effect Effect
    BOMBER A chevy
    TOMBSTONE A Daytona car
    FZR2000 A futuristic car

    Contributed by: KeeperBvK 

  9. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Win Tournament Mode Ford Indigo
    Win Knockout Mode Monolithic Studios Track

    Contributed by: Viogamer 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Sir Gareth 8K
General FAQs FAQ by alexj2002 18K

Need for Speed II Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Drive In The Jungle

    Race in Monolithic Studios until you reach the Jurassic Park segment. After you pass the first 2 huts on your right, drive about 20 feet and you will be able to turn right and enter the jungle.

    Contributed by: freakunique 

  2. More Camera Angles

    Whilst the track is loading press and hold the following sequence for 9 camera angles: R1+ R2 + L1 + L2 + Square + Triangle + Circle + X

    Contributed by: freakunique 

  3. Bonus Cars

    Note:These work in 1 Player Mode if Playing in 2 Player replace the ME with U.And they don't appear in the car selection,just start a race and you will be driving it.

    Effect Effect
    ARMYME Army Truck
    QUATME Audi Quattro
    TREXME Be a T-Rex
    WAGOME Be a Wagon
    VANME Camper Van
    CITME Citroen 2CV
    VOVME Drive a Volvo
    LILZIP Drive Ford Indigo Car
    LCME Landcruiser
    LIMOME Limo
    LOGME Log
    MAZME Mazda Miata
    BNZME Mercedes Benz
    OUTHME Outhouse
    JEPME Pick-up Truck
    BUSME School Bus
    CRATME Shpping Crate
    SNOWME Snow Truck
    SEMIME Truck Cab
    BUGME Volkswagon Bug
    BUGME VW Beetle

    Contributed by: STEVEW, Fat Guy from Mars, Fat Guy from Saturn, piecemealcranky, Here To Stay, KasketDarkfyre 

  4. Better Engines

    Effect Effect
    POWRUP Better Engines

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt 

  5. Bonus Cars

    Effect Effect
    STDBME Blue Souvenir Stand
    STDAME Green Souvenir Stand
    YJME Mid 80's Jeep
    STDCME Red Souvenir Stand
    BEETME Saab
    TRAMME Tram

    Contributed by: freakunique 

  6. Bonus Track

    Effect Effect
    SHOTME Bonus Track

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt 

  7. Bonus Cars

    Effect Effect
    STDBME Covered Newsstand
    YJME Jeep Wrangler
    TRAMME Monolithic Studios Team
    STDAME Newsstand
    STDCME Souveni Stand
    BEETME Volkswagon Beetle

    Contributed by: Frankie_Spankie 

  8. Unlocks El Nino car and all tracks

    Enter in the name entry area.

    Effect Effect
    SPOILT Unlocks El Nino car and all tracks

    Contributed by: stormywaters33 

  9. Races in Championship completed

    Go to the Password screen and enter the following codes.

    Effect Effect
    GRDWPD Win "Outback" and "Proving Grounds" in Championship
    LDKMTD Win "Proving Grounds" in Championship

    Contributed by: Crazy4cars 

  10. All less mystic peaks

    Go to options and later go to password

    KWBHCC Win proving grounds + outback + north country + Pacific spirit + MediterrĂ¡neo in tournament

    Contributed by: Terminadesto 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Sir Gareth 8K
General FAQs FAQ by alexj2002 18K