Spend some time with it and you'll eventually realize that it's one of the deepest, most technical 2D fighting games ever made.
Widely considered the best game in the illustrious King of Fighters series, '98 features a huge cast of characters and finely tuned 2D fighting action.
The classic descendant of Fatal Fury arrives on Xbox Live Arcade.
The Metal Slug games represent a high watermark for arcade side-scrolling shooter graphics, and the PlayStation port of X does not disappoint.
The Last Blade 2 is samurai fighter, complete with a comprehensive roster of characters, all with their own unique weapons and traits.
SNK's arcade fighter is making one more run on the Dreamcast.
For casual players, it may seem like just another disc on the pile, but for enthusiasts it's an extremely deep and enjoyable game that really shouldn't be missed.
Metal Slug 3 brings its signature run 'n' gun shooting action to Xbox LIVE Arcade.
Neo Turf Masters follows in the footsteps of games like Mario Golf and Hot Shots Golf, and delivers a similarly fun golf experience.
The second game in SNK's Samurai Shodown line is widely regarded as the best of the series.
Samurai Shodown V is a port of the classic NeoGeo arcade fighting game of the same name. In this fifth installment, you can play as one of dozens of animated ...
Those who loved the arcade game version of Samurai Shodown III will be happy with this conversion.
The King of Fighters '99 for the PlayStation is a fairly good port in and of itself, especially considering the limitations of the aging PlayStation hardware.
A remix of Fatal Fury 2, Special brought new characters such as Billy Kane and Ryo Sakazaki to the roster.
Not only does SVC Chaos simply not play particularly well by the standards of 2D fighting games, but also the game's implementation of Xbox Live support is flawed.
King of Fighters' main selling point, and most redeeming feature, is the sheer number of playable characters.
Released shortly after Street Fighter 2, Fatal Fury was unique largely due to the fact that it had two separate planes that players could strategically use to dodge attacks.
A classic action-adventure game, Magician Lord places you in the role of a magician lord seeking out eight books of wisdom while fighting off enemies with numerous types of magic.
The first fighter to make significant use of weapons, Samurai Shodown was also revolutionary for its amazing visuals.
Art of Fighting brought several key new features to the fighting game scene; most notably a "spirit" bar that limited the number of special moves you could perform.
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