The Ni No Kuni Anime Movie Is Coming To Netflix In January
An anime movie based in the world of the popular RPG will release outside Japan on Netflix in the new year.
An anime movie based in the world of the popular RPG will release outside Japan on Netflix in the new year.
Golden Week continues with a huge Steam sale on thousands of Japanese PC games.
The final piece of content for Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom's Season Pass comes out on PS4 and PC very soon.
The Tale of a Timeless Tome is DLC for Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, arriving March 19.
See what's included in the Ni no Kuni II's free DLC Adventure Pack, releasing on PS4 and Steam.
The world of Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom just got a little bigger thanks to a free DLC pack that adds some new bosses, costumes, and quests.
Three DLC packs are coming to the PS4/PC RPG over the next few months, with the first arriving for free for all players in August.
Three DLC packs are coming to the PS4/PC RPG over the next few months, with the first arriving for free for all players in August.
Before we get caught up in the busy release season, we thought we'd take the opportunity to reflect on the games that have stuck with us from the year so ...
Jurassic World, Far Cry 5, and Kingdom Come make a strong debut in the list of the top games this year.
Aside from some bug fixes, the latest Ni No Kuni 2 update adds a few rare items and difficulty options to the PS4 and PC RPG.
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Ni No Kuni II is an ambitious game, so here are some helpful tips if you're just diving into the sprawling PS4 and PC RPG.
Four new games finish in this week's top 10, including Ni No Kuni 2.
The PS4 and PC game has been released, and we've got some advice on how to make the most of the kingdom management sections.
Kingdom management is one of Ni No Kuni 2's most interesting new additions. Here are some handy tips to be the best ruler of Evermore.
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