Cheats & Guides

Night Stalker Cheats For Intellivision

  1. Run and Shoot Simultaneously

    Run by using controller one, and use controller two to shoot.

    Contributed by: Retro 

  2. Outsmart Robot Fire

    There can only be one enemy shot on the screen at a time, due to the number of sprites the Intellivision can handle at once. Use that to your advantage by getting a robot to shoot at you where the shot will take a few seconds to travel through a long corridor. On the higher levels, where the black/invisible robot fires yellow "bunker buster" energy bolts, run to where one of the gray robots will see you and fire a mere bullet, and then run right up to the black/invisible robot and get in all three shots to destroy it.

    Contributed by: IntyLab 

  3. Codes

    Enter the following on the main menu:

    Effect Effect
    Up, Down, L, R, R, R, R, L, L, L, R, R, L, L, L Ultimate Code

    Contributed by: Retro 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by Alxs 5K
Full Game Guides FAQ by Zhuge Liang 9K
Full Game Guides FAQ by Crazyreyn 9K