Cheats & Guides
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends Cheats For DS
Eat the lightbulb!
When your dog is learning a command, ex:lay down,roll over. A lightbulb icon appears in the top right corner of the screen. Click on the light bulb and record your command. If the dog accepts the command, a sketchy like lightbulb appears over their adorable little head. Grab the lightbulb with your stylus then drag it to the dogs mouth. And they will EAT THE LIGHTBULB like a treat! This also works with bone icons too.
Contributed by: 90mphserve
Easy way to find hidden presents
When going on a walk, watch the top screen. When the dog icon stops moving, there is a hidden present coming up shortly. Be cautious, however, as this is also true when garbage is coming up, or your pup simply stops by itself.
Contributed by: neopuff_34
Get unlockable breeds easier.
Do Bark Mode with a dog in a breed that you don't have.
Example: Do Bark Mode with a Shih Tzu and after you do Bark Mode with that dog, you will be able to buy the Shih Tzu breed at the kennel.NOTE: This only works the first time with each different version of the game. So you can do this trick one time with Labrador & Friends, Dachshund & Friends, and any other version of Nintendogs.
Contributed by: jakestar0306
Unlockable Dogs (US Version)
Once you accumulate the proper amount of Owner Points, new dogs will be added to the Kennel for you to buy and take care of.
Unlockable Unlockable 16,000 trainer points Beagle 50,000 Dachshound (dog) Find an item called "Fireman Hat" Dalmation Collect 10000 Owner Points Golden Retriever While on a walk, your dog may come across an Item called the Jack Russel Book. If you visit the kennel, you can now buy the single Jack Russel Terrier Jack Russel Terrier 45,000 Labrador Retriever (dog) Collect 14000 Owner Points Miniature Schnauzer Collect 2000 Owner Points Pinscher 35,000 Pug (dog) 30,000 Shiba Inu (dog) 22,000 trainer points Shih Tzu (dog) Collect 4000 Owner Points Siberian Husky Collect 8000 Owner Points Toy Poodle 20,000 trainer points Welsh Corgi Contributed by: WombatKombat, mikau26, bboy_devil, mushroomfantasy, burnout7768
Unlockable Rooms (US Version)
Once you accumulate the proper amount of Owner Points, new room will be added to the Interior Decorator for you to purchase.
Unlockable Unlockable Collect 6000 Owner Points Desktop 40,000 Trainer Points Ranch House Collect 12000 Owner Points Seaside 18,000 trainer points Space Earn 25000 trainer points Urban Living Contributed by: mushroomfantasy, Pikachelsea, WombatKombat, fawkes66
Unlockable Dogs
Unlockable Unlockable Collect 17000 Owner Points German Shepherd While on a walk, your dog may come across an Item called the Jack Russel Book. If you visit the kennel, you can now buy the single Jack Russel Terrier Jack Russel Terrier 20000 Owner Points Japanese Style House (from Shiba Pack) Collect 14000 Owner Points Pinscher Collect 4000 Owner Points Pug Collect 10000 Owner Points Schnauzer Collect 8000 Owner Points Shetland Sheepdog 25000 Owner Points Toy Poodle Collect 2000 Owner Points Welsh Corgi Contributed by: Jared Sol, barrel123
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Phosco/Matthew | 65K |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Kid_PSOZ | 129K |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by hound7 | 75K |
General FAQs | FAQ by ConraDargo1 | 71K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by yeyeokid | 54K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Muk1000 | 127K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Sandychan87 | 73K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by BlueEyesZombie2 | 40K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Trogdorocks | 58K |
In-Depth FAQs | Contests FAQ by ps2girl | 60K |
In-Depth FAQs | Discount Shopping Guide by LShock | 5K |
In-Depth FAQs | Item List by Titney | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Translation Guide by Titney | 21K |
In-Depth FAQs | Tricks/Dog Contest FAQ by arieneko | 18K |
Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends Cheats For DS
Eat A Lightbulb
When your dog performs a trick in the game a lightbulb will appear. Click and drag this lightbulb to your dog and he will eat it. You can also eat bones that appear above your dog as well.
Contributed by: verschwinde03
Easy way to prevent yourself from passing un-marked ?-Boxes on walks
Sometimes when you're on a walk, you'll notice a present go across the screen at seemingly random times, and there's a chance you won't get it because you weren't paying attention. To prevent this, simply watch the map on the upper screen.
Whenever your dog stops moving on the map, it will either stop to go to the bathroom, or sniff at a spot it previously went to the bathroom at. However, sometimes the dog will not stop on the lower screen, which means that something that isn't marked on the map is about to appear. It will either be some garbage, or an unmarked ?-Box is about to appear.Basically, if the dog stops moving on the map, but is still moving on the touch-screen, get ready to tug at the dog's leash so that you can pick it up.Contributed by: ss5joshua
Unlockable Dogs (Japanese Version)
Unlockable Unlockable Collect 2000 Owner Points Beagle Collect 14000 Owner Points Cavalier king Charles Spaniel While on a walk, your dog may come across an Item called the Jack Russel Book. If you visit the kennel, you can now buy the single Jack Russel Terrier Jack Russel Terrier Collect 17000 Owner Points Shetland Sheepdog Collect 8000 Owner Points Shih-Tzu Collect 4000 Owner Points Toy Poodle Collect 10000 Owner Points Welsh Corgi Contributed by: Jared Sol
Unlockable Dogs (US Version)
Unlockable Unlockable Collect 20,000 Trainer Points Boxer Collect 8000 Trainer Points Cavalier K.C. Spaniel 45,000 Trainer Points Chihuhua While you walk the dog, your puppy may find a rare present with a "Firemans Hat" inside. Visit the kennel, you can now buy a Dalmatian. Dalmatian 30,000 Trainer points German Shepherd While you walk the dog, your puppy may find a rare present with a "Jack Russel Book" inside. Visit the kennel, you can now buy a Jack Russel Terrier. Jack Russel Terrier 50,000 Trainer Points Lab. Retrieiver Collect 16,000 Trainer Points Miniature Schnauzer 35,000 Trainer Points Miniture Pinscher Collect 10,000 Trainer Points Pembroke Welsh Corgi Collect 14,000 Trainer Points Shetland Sheepdog Collect 4000 Trainer Points Shiba Inu Collect 22,000 Trainer Points Toy Poodle Collect 2000 Trainer Points Yorkie Contributed by: SSJTrunkski, hallfoe, Shadow_Ganon, hitmon40, chozoelite, ps2girl
Unlockable Rooms (US Version)
Unlockable Unlockable Collect 6000 Trainer Points Desktop Collect 25,000 Trainer Points Northern European Collect 18,000 Trainer Points Outer Space Collect 12,000 Trainer Points Seaside get 40,000 trainer points Urban Living Contributed by: SSJTrunkski, Xena1975
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Phosco/Matthew | 65K |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by hound7 | 75K |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Kid_PSOZ | 129K |
General FAQs | FAQ by ConraDargo1 | 71K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Sandychan87 | 73K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by BlueEyesZombie2 | 40K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Trogdorocks | 58K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by yeyeokid | 54K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Muk1000 | 127K |
In-Depth FAQs | Contests FAQ by ps2girl | 60K |
In-Depth FAQs | Discount Shopping Guide by LShock | 5K |
In-Depth FAQs | Item List by originalgamer01 | 9K |
In-Depth FAQs | Item List by Titney | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Translation Guide by Titney | 21K |
In-Depth FAQs | Tricks/Dog Contest FAQ by arieneko | 18K |
Nintendogs: Lab & Friends Cheats For DS
Eating bone and lightbulb.
When training your dog occasionally an outline of a bone will appear on the screen, you can feed this to your dog by dragging it to its mouth, you can do the same with the light bulbs that appear above your dogs head when your teaching them new tricks.
Contributed by: Neoshock
Find out if there is garbage or a present on the floor during a walk
To find out if garbage or a present is approaching during one of your walks, look at the top screen. There should be the little dog symbol on the path that you drew. If that dog symbol stops and your dog is still walking, this indicates that either garbage or a present is coming up on the floor. If it is a present, tug your dog to a stop and your dog will notice it. It will pick it up and bring it over to you. It is easier to do this when your dog is running.
Contributed by: crazyforkillua
Take a walk anytime!
When going for a walk, go to the park. When you go to the park, change your dog's accessory to anything. The game saves it. When it does, turn off. Start again, and you will be able to go for another walk.
N.B. This is most useful if you keep going through the question marks.Contributed by: Gryphix
Unlockables (US Version)
These are what you unlock with trainer points in the US version of Nintendog: Lab & Friends, new breeds will appear in the kennel, new houses will appear in the interior decorator.
Unlockable Unlockable 14,000 Trainer Points Beagle 10,000 Trainer Points Boxer 22,000 Trainer Points Cavalier K.C.Spaniel 50,000 Trainer Points Chihuahua (dog) 45,000 Trainer Points Dachshund (dog) Find the Fireman's Hat on a walk Dalmatian 6,000 Trainer Points Desktop(Interior Decorator) 4,000 Trainer Points German Shepherd Dog 20,000 Trainer Points Golden Retriever 30,000 Trainer Points Husky Find the Jack Russel book on a walk Jack Russel Terrier 40,000 Trainer Points Northern European ( house rennovation) 18,000 Trainer Points Outer Space(Interior Decorator) 2,000 Trainer Points Pug 25,000 Trainer Points Ranch House (Interior Decorator) 12,000 Trainer Points Seaside(Interior Decorator) 16,000 Trainer Points Shetland Sheepdog 8,000 Trainer Points Shih Tzu 35,000 Trainer Points Yorkshire Terrier Contributed by: shbek1, mikau26
How to get a Santa Hat
When its Christmas also known as December 25, 26 take your dog for a walk and after about the 2nd try you should get a Santa Hat. But you can't get a Santa Hat in January or March etc. Make sure your dog can walk long distances and has alot of stamina before you go for a walk. You need to try to get every question mark there is so that you have a better chance at getting the hat.
Unlockable Unlockable Go for a walk on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Santa Hat Contributed by: Zoomaster10
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Phosco/Matthew | 65K |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Kid_PSOZ | 129K |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by hound7 | 75K |
General FAQs | FAQ by ConraDargo1 | 71K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Sandychan87 | 73K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by BlueEyesZombie2 | 40K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by yeyeokid | 54K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Muk1000 | 127K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Trogdorocks | 58K |
In-Depth FAQs | Contests FAQ by ps2girl | 60K |
In-Depth FAQs | Discount Shopping Guide by LShock | 5K |
In-Depth FAQs | Item List by Titney | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Translation Guide by Titney | 21K |
In-Depth FAQs | Tricks/Dog Contest FAQ by arieneko | 18K |
Maps and Charts | Walking Map by OrangeDragon91 | 10K |
Nintendogs: Best Friends Cheats For DS
Unlockable Dogs and Designs
Unlockable Unlockable 10,000 Trainer Points Boxer Puppy 35,000 TP Cavalier K.C. Spaniel 50,000 TP Chihuahua Obtain Firemans Hat on Walk or Via Bark Mode Dalmation 6000TP Desktop Interior Design Obtain Jack Russel Book on Walk or Via Bark Mode Jack Russel Terrier 30,000 TP Miniature Pinscher 16,000 Trainer Points Miniature Schnauzer 18,000 Outer Space Interior Design 14,000 Trainer Points Pug 40,000 TP Ranch House Interior Design 12,000 Trainer Points Seaside 4000TP Shetland Sheepdog Puppy 45,000 TP Shiba Inu Collect 2,000 trainer points Shih Tzu 20,000 Siberian Husky 8000TP Toy Poodle 25,000 TP Urban Living Interior Design 22,000 Trainer Points Welsh Corgi Contributed by: TitaniumSpork, AshimakaseOtaku, Razpocalypse, swiftfoottiger, GetDigital, sophiechan11
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by SammieHernandez | 31K |
In-Depth FAQs | Discount Shopping Guide by LShock | 5K |
Nintendogs: Dalmatian & Friends Cheats For DS
Unlockables - Dogs
Unlockable Unlockable 2,000 Trainer Points Cavalier K C Spaniel 8,000 Trainer Points Chihuahua Find the Jack Russel Book while on a walk Jack Russel Terrier 45,000 Trainer Points Labrador Retriver 50,000 Trainer Points Miniature Dachshund 30,000 Trainer Points Miniature Pinscher 20,000 Trainer Points Miniature Schnauzer 10,000 Trainer Points Pembroke Welsh Corgi 16,000 Trainer Points Pug 4,000 Trainer Points Shetland Sheepdog Find the Japanese Collar while on a walk Shiba Inu 35,000 Trainer Points Shih Tzu 22,000 Trainer Points Siberian Husky 14,000 Trainer Points Toy Poodle Contributed by: bobby190, benlyd
Unlockables - Interior Designs
Unlockable Unlockable 6,000 Trainer Points Desktop ($20,000) 25,000 Trainer Points Northern European ($5,000) 18,000 Trainer Points Outer Space ($100,000) 12,000 Trainer Points Seaside ($50,000) 40,000 Trainer Points Urban Living ($5,000) Contributed by: bobby190
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