Odama Video Review
Ryan Davis spends some time shouting at his GameCube to tell you all about Odama.
Ryan Davis spends some time shouting at his GameCube to tell you all about Odama.
Protect the Nintenbell in this gameplay footage from Odama.
Repair the dam! Check out this gameplay clip from Odama.
Check out this opening cutscene from Odama.
Find out about the morale system and more in our exclusive interview for Odama.
Don't miss out on this awesome movie for Yoot Saito's Odama.
In this exclusive interview, Rich Amtower discusses some of the feature in Yoot Saito's Odama.
Be sure to check out this Yoot Saito's Odama gameplay footage. Note: No Audio.
Feast your eyes on some gameplay footage of Yoot Saito's Odama. Note: No Audio.
You don't want to miss out on this direct-feed footage of Yoot Saito's Odama. Note: No Audio.
Curt Feldman chats with Yoot Saito about Odama in this exclusive interview.
Check out some awesome footage of Odama for the GameCube.
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