Cheats & Guides

Once Upon a Knight Cheats For PC

  1. Cheat Mode

    Hit [enter] and type KnightCheater, then hit [enter] again. To activate one of the cheats below hit [enter] and type in one of the following codes. Hit [enter] again to activate it.

    Effect Effect
    setmaxmoney [number] Changes maximum money amount
    endmission Ends Mission
    firerain Firerain across map
    follow Follows the selected unit
    milkypower Full health for selected units
    plague Kills everything on the screen
    gotovalhalla Kills selected unit
    playmusic [number] Plays music
    beautifulworld Removes fog
    eagleeye Removes fog in viewable area only
    fog Restores fog
    drinkmoremilk [number] Sets milk to indicated number
    magicglasses Shows enemy units
    teleportunit 1 Teleports selected unit

    Contributed by: eli0918