Cheats & Guides
OutRun Cheats For Arcade Games
See the Credit Message
Right before the road forks, press and hold Start. When you choose one of the roads and the other one disappears from view, a secret credit message will come up on the screen.
Contributed by: Retro
OutRun Cheats For Genesis
Hyper Difficulty Mode
Enter the following code at the Title Screen....
C - C - C - C - C - C - C - C - C - C
Then go into the Options Menu and you should have this new difficulty availableContributed by: Mike Truitt
Extra Options
At the title screen, press Start, and then press A eleven times, press B three times, and C eight times. The Options menu will change its name to ''Hyper Options.'' There will be new options, including a stage select.
Contributed by: Retro
Unlock Hyper Mode
Complete the game on Super or Pro to unlock Hyper Difficulty, which raises the max speed of your Ferrari to 215 MPH, making times less than 5 minutes possible
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Super diffuculty level Hyper mode Contributed by: Link Hylia
View ending credits sequence
To view the ending credits sequence, win enough points to end up on the hi score board. Then enter the following as your name:
Effect Effect ENDING Shows ending credits sequence. Contributed by: PickHut
OutRun Cheats For GameGear
Have Unlimited Time
During the Title Screen press:
Effect Effect left, 1, 2, Start Unlimited time Contributed by: expensivegift
OutRun Cheats For Sega Master System
Sound Test
Press Start, then RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, UP when a hand is on the radio. Press left or right to cycle through the sounds.
Contributed by: Captain Doormat
Start With Less Time
First enter the sound test code and start a song. Then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, then either Left+1 or Right+1 to start with 75 seconds, or Down+1 to start with 70 seconds on the timer instead of the usual 80 seconds.
Effect Effect Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up then Down+1 or Right/Left+1 Start With Less Time Contributed by: Mezmorize99
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by TrulyDexterous | 21K |
General FAQs | FAQ by PickHut | 15K |
OutRun Cheats For Saturn
Free Credits
When the Sega logo comes up, press A + C + Start on controller 2. Now pressing L on controller 1 will now do the equivalent of entering a coin so you can continue.
Contributed by: freakunique
Operator's screen
Using the operators screen you can adjust the number of lifes and credits you begin the game with. At any time hold X + Y + Z and press the start button
Contributed by: whoisthisgit
Effect Effect Wait for the title screen, then press A + C + Start on Controller Two. Arcade mode Go to Options, highlight Game Mode, then hold A + C and press Left or Right Smooth mode (Overseas and Japan levels) Contributed by: SonicStar337, Edwin Lim
Easy cornering
Effect Effect At the title screen highlight Options and press A + C + Start Easy Cornering Contributed by: Danjuro
OutRun Cheats For Commodore 64
Unlimited time,Invincibility
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program.
Effect Effect POKE 44049,96 Invincibility POKE 34711,234 POKE 34712,234 POKE 34713,234 SYS 33393,173 Unlimited time POKE 34686,173 Unlimited time(Alternate) Contributed by: Dragon King 187
OutRun Cheats For Amiga
Cheat mode
Activate cheat mode during play, then press keys
Effect Effect Red Barchetta or Starion Cheat Mode B Extended play T Extra 10 seconds S Next Screen Q Program information X Quit D Screenshot Contributed by: Robbie Kennedy
Level Codes
Enter these on the main password screen off of the main menu.
Effect Effect TZATZIKI Level 2 PLANTAIN Level 3 FAJITAS Level 4 WONTON Level 5 CHOUX Level 6 Contributed by: pianistman1337
OutRun Cheats For 3DS
Hidden Programmer Credit
This can be done in both Special (with or without upgrades) and Arcade modes. Set your Game Version to Old in the Settings menu, then start a game (this will not work in New Version). In any stage, as you pass the sign indicating an upcoming road fork, press and hold the X button as you drive through your chosen route. After holding it a few seconds, the line "PROGRAM YU SUZUKI 1986 SEP" will appear in the middle of the screen momentarily. Yu Suzuki is the creator of Out Run and September, 1986 was the worldwide release of the first Out Run arcade machines.
Contributed by: ChiefDamonGant
Reach each goal once in any mode to unlock a new tuning option. Tuning options can be enabled via the touch screen in either Old or New modes and using them enters you into a seperate high score table for each. Reaching all five once unlocks the Arcade Version, which runs the game at 30FPS with minor pop-in to closer emulate the original arcade cabinets. Arcade can be played in both Old or New mode and has it's own high score table for both.
Unlockable Unlockable Reach all five Goals among all modes Arcade Mode Reach any Goal in any mode Cornering (Tighter Turning) Reach any three different Goals among all modes Engine (Higher Top Speed) Reach any two different Goals among all modes Fender (Quicker Recovery) Reach any four different Goals among all modes Tires (Maintain Speed While Off-Road) Contributed by: ChiefDamonGant
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