Cheats & Guides

Outtrigger Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. New Colors for Jay, Alain, Lina, Talon, Neil and Tereshkova.

    Beat Arcade Mode on Intermediate or higher to unlock new costume colors to use in Character Edit.

    Contributed by: ruhztee 

  2. Free Edit

    Beat Arcade mode on the advanced setting with Neil or Nereshkova to unlock a free editing option for them.

    Contributed by: Alicia 

  3. New Options - Sound Test and Movie Test

    To open up new the Sound Test and Movie Test, beat all missions in Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced Mission Modes. Sound Test and Movie Test will now be selectable in the Options menu.

    Contributed by: ruhztee 

  4. Unlockable Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Defeat him in Novice Mission Mode. Commander
    Defeat him in Advanced Mission Mode. D.K.
    Defeat him in Advanced Mission Mode. Poofer
    Beat the final mission in Advanced Mission Mode. Salamander and Dr.K
    Defeat him in Intermediate Mission Mode. Scarpin
    Defeat him in Novice Mission Mode. Shinobi
    Defeat him in Intermediate Mission Mode. Siba

    Contributed by: ruhztee 

  5. Unlockable Weapons

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the mission in Advanced Mission Mode where you use it. DICW
    Defeat O.K. in Advanced Mission Mode. Enemy's Bat
    Get the highest point total in the mission in Advanced Mission Mode where you use it. GLG40MM
    Beat the last mission in Advanced Mission Mode. Guided Missile 2
    Beat the mission in Novice Mission Mode where you use it. M-16
    Beat the mission in Advanced Mission Mode where you use it. Medal Bomb, Life Bomb, Ammo Bomb
    Beat the mission in Advanced Mission Mode where you use it. PSG-1
    Beat the mission in Advanced Mission Mode where you use it. SPAS12
    Beat the mission in Intermediate Mission Mode where you use it. UMP

    Contributed by: ruhztee, Shoez 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by AGBear 64K
In-Depth FAQs Mission Mode FAQ by Nujevad 29K

Outtrigger Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Unlock All characters and missions

    * Go to the sound test menu
    * Select pack #14, effect #268
    * Set the BGM volume to 5, 0, and 5, playing the sound effect after each change
    * Set BGM volume back to 10 and press B

    All characters and missions will unlock!

    Contributed by: corrigo