Cheats & Guides
Parasite Eve II Cheats For PlayStation
Parasite Eve 2 endings
The ending to Parasite Eve 2 is one ending, shown in parts, depending on if certain criteria are met within the game:
After Kyle saves you from the Incinerator, don't take the elevator. Instead, solve the Full Moon Gate Puzzle in order to return to Dryfield. You'll find Pierce being attacked by Mind Sucklers at the Water Tower. Defeat the Mind Sucklers and Pierce will give you the SUV key - This will unlock the route for the Normal/True Endings. Later on in the game, after you reach the Nursery with Kyle, you will get an urgent phone call from Pierce while inside the Nursery "Aya, I've got some big news! Get back here ASAP!" telling you to come to the Pod Service Gantry quickly, before cutting off:
Sad/Bad Ending - Medical Rescue.
-If you don't save Pierce in Dryfield
- If you save Pierce in Dryfield, but don't go to the Pod Service Gantry after getting this phone call within the Nursery.
You will meet Rupert at the Military Base - You will only get the Medical Rescue ending.
Normal ending - Washington Debriefing.
- If you save Pierce in Dryfield, you will get a phone call from him once you reach the Nursery.
After reaching the Nursery, return immediately to the Pod Service Gantry and check the phone. You will find a message left by Pierce. (use triangle to read the message) and call Jodi afterwards. If you meet Jodi at the Military Base, you will get the Medical Rescue ending + The Washington Debriefing ending.
True ending - All endings + Aya Epilogue and FMV.
- If you save Pierce in Dryfield, you will get a phone call from him once you reach the Nursery.
After reaching the Nursery, return immediately to the Pod Service Gantry and check the phone. You will find a message left by Pierce. (use triangle to read the message) and call Jodi afterwards. After meeting Jodi at the Military Base, go to the Golem Freezer to rescue Pierce. You will get the Medical Rescue ending + the Washington Debriefing (altered dialogue) + plus an Epilogue from Aya and an FMV cutscene. This is the True ending.Contributed by: LordBlueRouge
Gunblade Without S Ranking.
First, Obtain an L Ranking. You will Recieve: Monk Robe, Medicine Wheel, and Recovery2 on your next play through. Purchase the Medicine Wheel from Jody, then contine the game until you fight Number9 in Dryfield. If you equip the Medicine Wheel, he will drop a Gunblade after you defeat him.
Contributed by: 0MGWTFBBQ
Shooting Range Prizes
In each Level of the shooting range in the M.I.S.T. Center, if you get a high enough score you get BP and prizes. Here's a list of stuff:
Reccomended Gun:M4A1, P229, MP5A5 or AS12
Level 1:
Score-8000 BP-100
Score-9000 BP-200 Prize-50 9mm Hydra Rounds
Score-10000+ BP-300 Prize-'' ''
Level 2:
Score-16000 BP-100
Score-16800 BP-200 Prize-Ringer's Solution
Score-17400+ BP-200 Prize-'' ''
Level 3:
Score-39000 BP-100
Score-46000 BP-200 Prize-Hunter Goggles-very useful
Score-50000+ BP-300 Prize-'' ''
Level 4:
Score-52000 BP-100
Score-56000 BP-200
Score-60000+ BP-300 Prize-Lipstick-OK attachment until ofuda, medicine wheel and holy water are obtained
Level 5:
Score-50000 BP-100
Score-53000 BP-200
Score- 55000+ BP-300 Prize-Shoulder HolsterContributed by: PEnergy
Defeating the fire-breathing ANMC in Mojave Desert in Nightmare mode
At the beginning of battle the ANMC will do one of the following. It will either smash the floor with his arm; swing his arm; or breathe fire in a flame attack. Reset the game if you see him do either the second or third type of attacks. Things will be much easier if he does the first type of attack. At the beginning of battle, press Square as you face right. Then, run and turn right while running until you change screens. Move north while running against the right wall until you change screens. Release all buttons so that Aya will face the ANMC. Immediately hold Down until you change screens again and stay there. You can only see the ANMC's head here, and you must be here before he gets close to you and do the flame attack. If done correctly, his flame will not be able to hit you here, and he will not attack you with any physical attack,making it impossible to lose.
Contributed by: _WILPETER_LAO_
All unlockable weapons and items
This is the complete list of the items and weapons unlockable after completing the game. The cost of the item or weapon is shown in parentheses, if I have knowledge of them. Cost of item is in Bounty Points, obtainable after killing various enemies. The items can be bought after starting a new game, earliest at Jodie's Shop before the Akropolis Mission.
Unlockable Unlockable Rank D, 69 001 to 72k experience .44 Mongoose (2850), .44 Magnum (100 per 50 rounds), Skull Crystal Rank E, 66 001 to 69k experience AS12 (12500), R.Slug, Firefly Rank F, 62 001 to 66k experience Aya Special, 9mm Spartan (80 per 50 rounds), Ofuda Rank S, more than 400 001 experience Gunblade(10000), Ringer's Solution(200), Eau de Toilette(190) Rank I, 44 001 to 21k experience Hammer, Belt Pouch (10000), MP Boost1 (320) Rank A, 200 001 to 400k experience Hypervelocity (20000), Hunter's Goggles (1000), MP Boost2 (580) Rank G, 57 001 to 62k experience Javelin (7500), MD Player, Holy Water Rank J, 16 001 to 44k experience M203, Protein Capsule (10000), 9mm Hydra (50 per 50 rounds) Rank C, 72 001 to 75k experience M249 (15800), .44MaedaSP (800 per 50 rounds), Cola (120) Rank K, 14 511 to 16k experience M9 Bayonet (900), M4A1 Clip (1800), Flare (100) Rank B, 75 001 to 200k experience MM1 (23500), Airburst Grenades (450 per 4 grenades), Recovery3 (350) Rank L, 14 510 experience and below Monk Robe (3000), Medicine Wheel (27800), Recovery2 Rank H, 51 001 to 57k experience Pike (4500), Lipstick (5000), Tactical Armour (12800) Contributed by: shadowfalconm16
Unlockable Unlockable Complete the game fourteen times. 300,000 Bonus BP Complete the game once Bounty Mode Complete the game in Scavenger Mode Deadly Mode Complete the game with at least 69001 Experience Points Get Scavenger Mode Beat the game getting the ''good'' ending, and an ''S'' rank for beating the game Gunblade Complete the game and end it with an A rank. Buy in replay mode for 20000 BP Hyper Velocity Weapon Complete the game and end it with an L rank. Buy it in Replay Mode for 3000 BP Monk Robe Complete Scavenger Mode Nightmare Mode Complete the game once Replay Mode Contributed by: _WILPETER_LAO_, Nemesis, Anonymous
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