Patapon 2 Remastered Is Finally Launching On PS4 Later This Week
After over two years of radio silence, Sony has finally given an update on Patapon 2 Remastered, with a surprise release date later this week.
After over two years of radio silence, Sony has finally given an update on Patapon 2 Remastered, with a surprise release date later this week.
PlayStation Store Update: Sampler for Quantic Dreams' adventure leads light release week; Patapon 2, COD: World at War maps, Trine given price cuts.
School's in, and so are some of the best gaming gifts for the students, teachers, and classmates on your shopping list.
When you're not having fun in the summer sun, this is one of the best times of year to stay in and play a few games. Plus, with the recent ...
As alleged customer-survey scans surface, Develop magazine reports game designers were briefed on service; CNET claims record-label talks could yield iTunes competitor.
Final PC/360 add-on to Fallout 3 launches Tuesday, alongside downloadable-only PSP sequel, Wii remake of Namco platformer, New Play Control Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.
Two months after Killzone 2 made its long-awaited debut on the PlayStation 3, Sony and Guerrilla Games have released the critically acclaimed sci-fi shooter's first downloadable map pack. Titled Steel ...
We got our hands on MAG, Infamous, White Knight Chronicles, MotorStorm Arctic Edge, and more at Sony's Gamers' Day event!
This week on Start/Select, the GameSpot UK crew takes a tour round Starbreeze studios, goes hands-on with Mytran Wars, and gets rhythmical with Patapon 2.
PSP sequel to rhythmic action-strategy game confirmed to be available only through Sony's digital distribution service.
Source: Tech and gaming news site Ars Technica. What we heard: While Sony has yet to officially confirm its existence, the PSP2 has been the subject of much speculation in ...
The Nintendo DS adds another MA 15+ game to its small library of violent games.
Despite the overwhelming noise of this year's TGS, we can still hear the "pata pata pata pon" of this upcoming sequel.
Sony uses Tokyo press conference to unveil PS3-/PC-free Web-based content market, PlayStation Network-enabled portable play mode; now more than 10 million units sold in Japan alone.
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