Sony details Vita game transfer fees
Sony details Passport Program, offering discount digital download prices for those wanting to play games they already own on the new platform.
Sony details Passport Program, offering discount digital download prices for those wanting to play games they already own on the new platform.
Elastic pirates and Greek version of Dynasty Warriors nab top positions in this week's sales chart.
Square Enix RPG gets bronze medal thanks to strip-happy action title and 3D-enhanced fighting game.
Square Enix role-playing game spin-off still on top as new Haruhi Suzumiya games and Steel Diver closing in.
Another modern combat scenario and the return of that music-loving Cyclopes race grace this week's releases.
New digital wares available for Sony's systems include add-on content for shooters; Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, and Assassin's Creed hit PS3 hub; Patapon 3 added ...
A weather-shifting strategy game, a shiny new port of a long-awaited RPG, and two different flavors of dance games populate this week's game shelves.
THQ brings the battle to the 'burbs this week.
Third installment in Sony Japan's highly stylized rhythm action title available as UMD or PSN download for $20.
We check out a demo version of Patapon 3 during a visit to Sony's booth at E3 2010.
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