Patrician III Review
Patrician III isn't much of a sequel, but the core gameplay still makes for a deeply intricate and challenging business game.
As far as empire building games are concerned this is certainly one of the better ones that I have played - that is for players who prefer not to engage in battles with enemies and such all the time but rather wish to fo... Read Full Review
10 of 12 users found the following review helpfulPatrician 3 is one of the most in depth games I've ever played and if you like business/trader/management games this has all the ingredients for a very good game. You start of as a small trader in a town in the 14th c... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulThis is the first time i have ever played this kind of game although already tried games like theme park,hospital series and many more this particular game is very different from anything Ive played before its very uniqu... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulFew are likely to know of the Patrician Series, but why would they? Its a charming, challenging business game that would disgust most modern gamers who find the shallow, skin deep pleasure of violence found in first per... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpfulPatrician III is not the third instrallment of the Patrician series, rather it is a 700mb standalone patch for Patrician II. The game is pretty much identical to its predecessor give or take a couple of bugs and some mor... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpfulThis game take you to XIV, XV and XVI centurys. First you start whit a single ship or ships, trading resources whitin citys to make some gold When your economical power get stronger you can build your own industry in t... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulThis game is cool in its graphic, sound effect and it have many kinds of trading goods to be trade.. the price for the good increase and decrease depands on the need of citizen.. so you can control what is really going o... Read Full Review
4 of 6 users found the following review helpful
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