Cheats & Guides

Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode Two Cheats For Xbox 360

  1. Changeable Costumes

    Choose the coat rack in the office to change into these costumes.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Open all four special chests in Insane Mode. "Cardboard Tube Samurai" Outfit
    Defeat Dr. Wolfington in the Cloying Odor Asylum. "Murder Safari" Jungle Outfit
    Start with if you continue from a complete Episode One save file. "Silent One" Mime Outfit

    Contributed by: UnknownBelmont 

  2. Achievements

    Achievement Achievement
    Burn down the Riverbrook Apartments. Arsonist
    Defeat the final boss of the game. Can't Nobody Hold You Down
    Collect a ticket for the World's Fair. Endgame
    Complete Dr. Stripe's and Dr. Whimple's missions. Lab Assistant
    Collect one million dollars in cash. Millionaire
    Collect the Wealthy key. Moving On Up
    Only use items to win a fight. No attacks or counter attacks allowed. Pack Rat Strikes Back
    Inspect a pair of withered binoceros testicles with genuine enthusiasm. Pervert
    Block enemy attacks and get one party member's hit counter up to 40. POWER SURRRGE!
    At the beginning of the episode, refuse to join Gabe and Tycho 5 times. Reluctant Hero
    Spend robot parts to upgrade all weapons. Steel Cannibal
    Kill enough enemies to earn the XP needed for all party members to reach Level 30. The Strength To Rule

    Contributed by: Guard Master, flufffy 

  3. Insane Mode

    Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock the highest difficulty setting.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game on any difficulty. Insane Mode

    Contributed by: Makoforte 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by dark52 52K
General FAQs Walkthrough by artificean 25K
In-Depth FAQs Achievement Guide by neeker 18K

Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode Two Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

    Achievement Achievement
    Burn down the Riverbrook Apartments. Arsonist
    Complete Episode Two. Can't Nobody Hold You Down
    Find a ticket to the World's Fair. Endgame
    Complete all Bonus Missions. Lab Assistant
    Collect one million dollars in cash. Millionaire
    Find the key to the Riverbrook Apartments. Moving On Up
    Only use items to win a fight. No attacks or counter attacks allowed. Pack Rat Strikes Back
    Inspect a pair of withered binoceros testicles with genuine enthusiasm. Pervert
    Max out one party member's hit counter. POWER SURRRGE!
    At the beginning of the episode, refuse to join Gabe and Tycho 5 times. Reluctant Hero
    Fully upgrade all party members' weapons. Steel Cannibal
    Achieve level 30 with all party members. The Strength To Rule

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by dark52 52K
General FAQs Walkthrough by artificean 25K

Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode Two Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Burn down the Riverbrook Apartments. Arsonist (Bronze)
    Complete Episode Two. Can't Nobody Hold You Down (Silver)
    Find a ticket to the World's Fair. Endgame (Silver)
    Complete all Bonus Missions. Lab Assistant (Bronze)
    Collect one million dollars in cash. Millionaire (Bronze)
    Find the key to the Riverbrook Apartments. Moving On Up (Silver)
    Only use items to win a fight. No attacks or counter attacks allowed. Pack Rat Strikes Back (Bronze)
    Inspect a pair of withered binoceros testicles with genuine enthusiasm. Pervert (Bronze)
    Max out one party member's hit counter. POWER SURRRGE! (Gold)
    At the beginning of the episode, refuse to join Gabe and Tycho 5 times. Reluctant Hero (Bronze)
    Fully upgrade all party member's weapons. Steel Cannibal (Silver)
    Achieve level 30 with all party members. The Strength To Rule (Bronze)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

  2. Insane Mode

    Complete the game to unlock insane mode.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the Game Insane Mode

    Contributed by: Seraphs_Savior 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by dark52 52K
General FAQs Walkthrough by artificean 25K