Batman: Arkham City tops GameFly's 2011 most requested list
Caped Crusader's latest outing proves to be non-PC game rental service's most popular cross-platform title last year.
Caped Crusader's latest outing proves to be non-PC game rental service's most popular cross-platform title last year.
Nintendo president working to avoid weak debut slate with Wii U, says company would be negligent to never consider a phone-capable handheld.
Nintendo's portable keyboard and typing tutorial bundle tops the Japanese sales charts as PSP outsells 3DS two-to-one.
Namco's latest mech battle royale for PSP leads packed slate of new releases on Japanese sales charts; Homefront and Pilotwings Resort debut as 3DS retakes hardware lead from PSP.
Nintendo preps the latest first-party 3DS game for takeoff.
GameSpot Asia has the picture-heavy scoop on the recent midnight launch.
The battle no one really cares about.
Retailers report plenty of remaining inventory of Nintendo's new handheld; Super Street Fighter IV, Pilotwings, Lego Star Wars standout sellers from launch lineup.
New 3DS titles make their debut today, while a familiar face from Square Enix and a nod to old-school wrestling join in.
New release slate championed by Nintendo's new handheld and software for it; EA Sports' latest golf game, Shift 2: Unleashed, WWE All Stars, Dynasty Warriors 7 also out.
The GameSpot editorial teams weighs in on the quality of the 3D effects for some of the Nintendo 3DS launch games.
The eShop, Netflix, and more are coming to Nintendo's handheld after launch.
Nintendo gives its Pilotwings flight training series a 3D makeover, launching in Australia in mid-April.
We ride the thermals and buzz the tower as Nintendo’s free-flying franchise takes to the skies in 3D.
Nintendo's newest handheld arriving March 25 in Europe; UK retailers listing handheld for £229; Nintendogs and Cats, Steel Diver, Super Monkey Ball 3D among launch-window lineup; full event liveblog and ...
We round up all the details for Nintendo's new handheld--updated with official North American and European launch info.
Spring 2011 software lineup in Japan features Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pilotwings, Super Street Fighter IV; Mega Man Legends 3 Project and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D revealed.
Get your pilot's license ready for a new PilotWings game on the Nintendo 3DS.
E3 2010: Kid Icarus, PilotWings, Mario Kart, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, StarFox, and Paper Mario all in the works for new handheld; standard DS to get new Professor Layton, Pokemon Ranger, ...
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