Cheats & Guides

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheats For Sega 32X

  1. Cheat Codes

    Enter the following codes at the title screen:

    Effect Effect
    A, B, Up, C, A, C, A 99 Ammo For All Weapons
    B, A, Down, C, Right, A, B, Left ABC Simon Game
    B, A, Right, C, Right, Up, Down Activate Turbo Mode
    C, A, C, A, Down, Up, Down, Left, Down, Up, Up Level Select
    Down, A (26 Times), Down Original Atari 2600 Pitfall
    Simultaneously press A, B and C Secret Options Menu
    B, Right, A, Down, Right, Up, B, Left, A, Up, Right, A, Up Stage Select
    Right, A, Down, C, Right, A, B, Left, Right, Down Start At Start at Lakamul Rainforest.
    Right, A, Down, B, Right, A, B, Up, Down Start With 9 Lives.
    B, A, Right, C, Right, Up, Down Super Speed
    C, C, C, C, Left, A, Down, Up, Down Unlimited Continues
    C, Right, Down, C, Right, Down, C, Right, Down Watch Credits

    Contributed by: BasesLoadedWalk, Maxaroth, Ominae, THedstrom, KasketDarkfyre, NBA 500K1, discoinferno84, SaintDarkSide 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Chaz5000 7K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by German Dragon 24K

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheats For Game Boy Advance

  1. 9 continues

    At the Continue screen, press Start repeatedly.

    Contributed by: TripleJump 

  2. Unlimited Continues

    First waste all of your lives on the first level, then when the continue screen pops up, press B three times. If done corectly then the countdown should stop, thus allowing you to continue forever.

    Contributed by: Nivrae 

  3. Codes

    Effect Effect
    Hold Select + B (after entering Level Skip code) 99 of Every Weapon
    Hold Select, press Control Pad (after entering Level Skip code) Fly through level
    L, Select, A, Select, R, A, L, Select (on title screen) Level Skip (hold Select, press L or R to switch levels)
    A, L, A, R, A, L, Select, Select, Start (on main menu) Open Lakamul Rain Forest
    R, Select, R, R, R, Select, Select, R, Start View Credits

    Contributed by: NintendoPower, matt91486, LuigiSan 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by young_flip 28K

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheats For PC

  1. Unlimited Explode stones

    Near the end of the last ruins level, there is a segment of platform with a totem and two hanging pots. One has a life and the other an exploding stone. Get both and jump off the platform to reappear on the totem. Do this until you have 99 stones, the go and easily defeat warrior spirit

    Contributed by: Dadukid 

  2. 2600 Version

    In the first ruins level, after bouncing off the first tongue, jump as far left off the platform as you can. kill the scorpion and go through the door, and after getting the letter, jump left and play the original pitfall!

    Contributed by: Dadukid 

  3. Cheat Codes

    Type the following codes in during gameplay:

    Effect Effect
    meowmeowlikemeowman 9 Lives
    eatmorebran 9 More Continues
    pumpyouup 99 Ammo for All Weapons
    framerate Frame Rate View
    iddqd Joke Screen
    idbuythatforadollar Level Select
    letsdothetimewarp Play the Classic Pitfall
    fiveeasypieces Unlock First 5 Levels
    hatman Wire Frame Mode

    Contributed by: the ultimate68 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Chaz5000 7K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by German Dragon 24K

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheats For Jaguar

  1. Unlock the Original Version

    Put the cursor on Info in the main menu and press:
    C 26 times, down.

    Contributed by: expensivegift 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Chaz5000 7K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by German Dragon 24K

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Original Pitfall

    In Level 4 (Ruins) you will see an Scorpien from the Original Pitfall on a platform with a door. Use the idol's tounges to get up to higher ground and jump down onto the platform. Go in the door, run to the left hand wall and you will hit a hidden spring. You will go flying through a fake wall. Run to the right and down the portal.

    Now you are playing the original Pitfall. Enjoy the wonders of the Atari 2600 (or whatever the number is)

    (You end up at the door when you run out of lives in the original.)

    Contributed by: Teros_121 

  2. Codes

    On the Game Start screen, press the following:

    Effect Effect
    X, A, Y, A, X, Select, Select, then Start Begin on Level 6
    After using the level select code, during gameplay hold select and using the control pad, you can move anywhere on the screen. Debug Mode
    Y, Select, Y, Y, Y, Select, Select, Y, then Start Ending Credits
    After using the level select code, hold down select and press ''B'', and you will recieve 99 ammo for every weapon. Infinite Ammo
    Select, A, A, A, A, A, A, Select, then Start Original Pitfall
    X, Select, A, Select, Y, A, X, then Select Stage Select

    Contributed by: FByies, Mingy Jongo 

  3. Unlimited Continues

    Effect Effect
    When you are defeated, and the Continue screen appears, just press Start repeatedly. Unlimited Continues

    Contributed by: FByies 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by kickle88 59K
General FAQs FAQ by Chaz5000 7K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by German Dragon 24K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by kickle88 54K

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheats For Genesis

  1. Various Title Screen Cheats

    You must enter these codes at the Title Screen.

    Effect Effect
    B, Right, A, Down, Right, Up, B, Left, A, Up, Right, A Allows you to choose which level to start on. Use Up and Down to select.
    Down, A(x26) down Atari Pitfall
    C, Right, Down, C, Right, Down, C, Right, Down Displays the credits
    B, A, Right, C, Right, Up, Down Gives Harry super speed.
    C, C, C, C, Left, A, Down, Up, Down Gives Harry unlimited continues
    Left, A, Down, B, Right, A, B, Up, Down, A, B, Up, C, A, C, A Gives you extra weapons and lives at the beginning of the game.
    Right, A, Down, B, Right, A, B, Up, Down Grants Harry 9 lives.
    A, B, Up, C, A, C, A Grants you all weapons at the beginning of the game.
    B, A, Down, C, Right, A, B Lets Harry practice the lever game.
    Right, A, Down, C, Right, A, B, Left, A, Rigjt, Down Start on Level 6

    Contributed by: Beefaroni8321, Quaker404, oblivion from aoc 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by German Dragon 24K

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheats For Sega CD

  1. Hidden Credits

    If you dig into the game's code, you'll find hidden dev credits written in ASCII at 0x2210E in Title.bin.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. Various Codes

    At the title screen, push the following button combinations to activate the cheats listed:

    Effect Effect
    A, B, up, C, A, C, A All weapons
    C, C, C, C, left, A, down, up, down Infinite continues
    Right, A, down, B, right, A, B, up, down Infinite lives
    B, right, A, down, right, up, B, left, A, up, right, A Level select
    Down, A button 26 times, Down Play original Pitfall game
    B, A, right, C, right, up, down Turbo mode
    C, right, down, C, right, down, C, right, down View ending credits

    Contributed by: ImmortalLynx, mustained13 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by German Dragon 24K