Pixel Junk E3 2011 Stage Demo
Chris Watters takes a look at Pixel Junk Lifelike and Pixel Junk SideScroller on our E3 2011 stage show.
Chris Watters takes a look at Pixel Junk Lifelike and Pixel Junk SideScroller on our E3 2011 stage show.
We've got vampires, blood, and zombies in this Halloween-themed week with Infamous: Festival of Blood and Call of Duty: Black Ops leading the way in Digital Downloads.
EA sends DICE shooter to the front lines as Dance Central 2, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and Daytona USA also head to market.
Q Games' next entry in the PixelJunk line set to land on PS3 next week; shoot-'em-up to put spin on classic genre.
Check out some of the exclusive PSN games this fall 2011.
PS3-exclusive promotion features Infamous 2: Festival of Blood, PixelJunk Sidescroller; PS2 games also making downloadable debut with God Hand, Odin Sphere, more.
We catch up with producer Matt Morton and talk retro TVs and upgraded weapons.
Check out a Gamescom premiere trailer for PixelJunk SideScroller.
Pixeljunk Sidescroller gameplay from the GameSpot Live stage show on the E3 2011 show floor.
Sony and Q Games bringing retro follow-up of PixelJunk Shooter series to PSN later this year.
We're on the highway to bullet-hell with Q Games' latest retro-styled shooter.
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