Cheats & Guides

Pocket Frogs Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Achievements

    By completing certain objectives in the game, you'll unlock special awards and titles.

    Collect 2 mature Golden Picea Partiri frogs in one habitat. 2 Bee Or Not 2 Bee
    Collect 8 mature Black Aurum Cesti frogs in one habitat. Asphalt Camoflage
    Collect 8 mature Maroon Ceres Marmorea frogs in one habitat. Bacon Bits
    Collect a mature Golden Bruna Puncti, Golden Bruna Crustalli, and Golden Bruna Velatus in one habitat. Banana Bunch
    Collect a mature Black Callaina Cesti, Black Folium Cesti, Black Floris Cesti, and Black Carota Cesti in one habitat. Band Together
    Collect a mature White Picea Puncti, White Picea Roboris, and White Oicea Spinae in one habitat. Black and White
    Collect 8 mature Black Tingo Viduo frogs in one habitat. Black Widows
    Collect 100% of any breed in the Froggydex. Breed Expert
    Collect 32 frogs at once. Breeding Machine
    Collect a mature Cocos Cafea Marmorea, Cocos Cafea Velatus, and Cocos Cafea Bovis in one habitat. Brownies
    Collect 4 mature White Bruna Bovis and 4 White Picea Bovis frogs in one habitat. Cattle Drive
    Collect a Lime Folium Mixtus, Yellow Aurum Mixtus, and Orange Carota Mixtus in one habitat. Citrus Mixtus
    Collect 8 mature Azure lbeo Spinae frogs in one habitat. Cloudback
    Collect a mature Azure, Violet, Yellow, and Black Picea Anura in one habitat. CMYK
    Collect a mature Red Ting Crustalli, Red Tingo Marmorea, and Red Tingo Zebrae in one habitat. Code Red
    Collect 8 mature Beige Bruna Adamantis frogs in one habitat. Diamondbacks
    Collect 8 mature Blue Folium Spinae frogs in one habitat. Dizzypads
    Collect 8 mature Azure Folium Bovis frogs in one habitat. Earth Day
    Collect a mature Red Albeo Sagitta, and a Purple Carota Amfractus in one habitat. Endangered 1
    Collect a mature Marine Picea Ornatus, and a Maroom Aurum Sol in one habitat. Endangered 2
    Collect a mature Lime Caelus Lucus, and Black Floris Ligo in one habitat. Endangered 3
    Collect a mature Violet Callaina Corona, and Cocos Folium Arbor in one habitat. Endangered 4
    Collect a mature Blue Caelus Adamantis, Blue Caelus Viduo, and Blue Caelus Stellata in one habitat. Feeling Blue
    Collect 8 mature Olvie Albeo Cesti frogs in one habitat. Foul Line
    Collect 10 frogs at once. Frog Basics
    Collect 64 frogs at once. Frog Farmer
    Collect 100,000 coins. Frog Fortune
    Collect 100 lifetime frogs. Frog Friend
    Collect a mature Olive Bruna, Beige Ceres, and Black Albeo Velatus in one habitat. Frog Soldiers
    Collect 8 mature Tangelo Aurum Lanterna frogs in one habitat. Frog-O-Lanterns
    Collect 1,000 lifetime frogs. FROGAHOLIC
    Collect 250 frogs in the Froggydex. Froggydexter 1
    Collect 500 frogs in the Froggydex. Froggydexter 2
    Collect 1,000 frogs in the Froggydex. Froggydexter 3
    Collect 5,000 frogs in the Froggydex. Froggydexter 4
    Collect an Emerald, Yellow, Red, and Orange Albeo Pariti in one habitat. Fruit Stripe
    Collect 2 pond presents in a single trip. Gifted
    Collect a mature Golden Aurum Spinae, Golden Aurum Cesti, and Golden Aurum Serpentis in one habitat. Gold Rush
    Collect 8 mature Purple Folium Clunicula frogs in one habitat. Grapevine
    Collect a mature Emerald Muscus Crustalli, Emerald Muscus Puncti, and Emerald Muscus Roboris in one habitat. Greenbacks
    Collect 8 mature Black Aurum Stellata frogs in one habitat. Guide to the Galaxy
    Collect 8 mature Yellow Tingo Anura frogs in one habitat. I Choose You
    Collect 8 mature Black Albeo Partiri or White Picea Partiri frogs in one habitat. Jailbirds
    Collect 8 mature Red Oicea Puncti frogs in one habitat. Ladybugs
    Collect a mature Olvie Albeo Ocularis, and Violet Caelus Insero in one habitat. Legendary 1
    Collect a mature Black Albeo Biplex, and Blue Albeo Pingo in one habitat. Legendary 2
    Collect a mature Black Floris Calvaria, and Olive Folium Floresco in one habitat. Legendary 3
    Collect a mature Yellow Pruni Magus, and Green Aurum Veru in one habitat. Legendary 4
    Collect 8 mature Cocos Cafea Crustall frogs in one habitat. Muddy Buddies
    Collect 24 frogs at once. New Parent
    Collect 8 mature Black Albeo Nimbillis frogs in one habitat. NimbleBits
    Collect a mature Black Picea Serpentis, Black Picea Partiri, and Black Picea Zebrae in one habitat. Ninja Dojo
    Collect a mature Orange Carota Partiri, Orange Carota Zebrae, and Orange Carota Marmorea in one habitat. Orange Country
    Collect 8 mature Beige Pruni Marmorea frogs in one habitat. Peanut Butter Jelly Time
    Collect 10,000 coins. Piggy Bank
    Collect a mture White Carota, White Viola, White Caelus, and White Muscus Puncti frogs in one habitat. Polka Party
    Collect a mature Royal Floris Roboris, Royal Floris Viduo, and Royal Floris Clunicula in one habitat. Pretty In Pink
    Collect a mature Purple Viola Puncti, Purple Viola Clunicula, and Purple Viola Bovis in one habitat. Purple Pride
    Collect 8 mature Cocos Ceres Serpentis frogs in one habitat. Rattlefrogs
    Collect 8 mature Red Aurum Stellata frogs in one habitat. Red China
    Collect 8 mature Black Caelus Cesti frogs in one habitat. River Rock
    Collect 4 mature Beige Bruna Africanus and 4 mature Wjite Picea Zebrae frogs in one habitat. Safari
    Collect a mature Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Pink Albeo Anura in one habitat. Single Rainbow
    Collect 8 mature Olive Folium Serpentis frogs in one habitat. Snake Den
    Collect 3 Blue Albeo Stellata and 5 Maroon Albeo Partiri in one habitat. Team America
    Collect 8 mature Tengelo Albeo Calyx frogs in one habitat. Tiger Style
    Collect 2 rare pond presents in a single trip. Treasure Hunter
    Collect a mature Cocos Folium Anura, Cocos Folium Nasus, and Cocos Folium Clunicula in one habitat. Tree Hug
    Collect 8 mature Black Floris Tribus frogs in one habitat. Tribal
    Collect 8 mature Violet Albeo Roboris frogs in one habitat. Valentine
    Collect 8 mature Green Floris Nasus frogs in one habitat. Watermelon
    Collect a mature Yellow Aurum Zebrae, Yellow Aurum Crustalli, and Yellow Aurum Anura in one habitat. Yellow Fever
    Collect a mature Black Albeo Spinae and a White Picea Spinae in one habitat. Yin and Yang

    Contributed by: discoinferno84