Cheats & Guides
Pokemon Colosseum Cheats For GameCube
Change Title Screen
Get to the title screen. Press start, and after you get to the menu, press B. You will see a different title screen. Repeat this for more screens!
Contributed by: computerdude33
Contributed by: PurpleSnowe21
Triple Experience Earned
This glitch can be done when you Burn or Poison the foe while Perish Song is in play. If the foe dies from a Burn or Poison while Perish Song is active on your Pokemon, your Pokemon will gain EXP. each time the Perish Song count drops down, once per Pokemon. Thus, you can have up to three Pokemon with Perish Song counting down, thereby tripling the EXP. they earn.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Unlock Orre Colosseum
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Tower Colosseum in single and double battle. Orre Colosseum Level 100 Battles Beat Phenac Stadium, Pyrite Colosseum, and Under Colosseum in both single and double battle. Orre Colosseum Level 50 Battles Contributed by: discoinferno84
Trading to and from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the final boss at Realgam's Colosseum Trade Machine that enables trading to and from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Contributed by: discoinferno84
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