Cheats & Guides

Pokemon Diamond Version Cheats For DS

  1. View Egg Data

    Begin by placing a Pokemon and an Egg in adjacent boxes in the same spot. (For example, place Pikachu in the top-left corner of Box 1 and an Egg in the top-left corner of Box 2.) Hover the cursor over the Pokemon (Pikachu in this example) and then press L/R to move over one box to the Egg. As the switch occurs, pay attention to the lower-left corner where data is normally displayed: it will switch from the original Pokemon's data to that of the Egg. This is the only way to view data about Pokemon inside Eggs prehatching without the use of glitches.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  2. Diamond Dust

    On the following days, Fly up to Snowpoint City and instead of your usual flurry snow storm, there will be glittery diamond snow:

    January 12th (Junichi Masuda's birthday)
    February 27th (release of Pokemon Red & Green, only in Platinum)
    February 29th (leap year day)
    March 15th (Ides of March / Honen Matsuri)
    March 31st (unknown)
    April 22nd (release of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl in the US)
    May 1st (release of Pokemon Emerald in the US, not in Platinum)
    September 2nd (V-J Day)
    September 20th (Sarah Natochenny's birthday)
    October 30th (release of Pokemon Ranger in the US)

    Contributed by: luxuryboytoy 

  3. Happy Birthday

    If you set your calendar on your DS to your registered birthday and talk to Dawn, she will wish you a happy birthday! This is only possible after you beat the elite four.

    Contributed by: TheJinjonator16 

  4. Pomeg Berry Glitch

    For this glitch to work properly, you must have a Pomeg Berry and a Pokemon who has not had their HP lowered as much as possible already through Pomeg Berries. (If the latter is the case, the use of HP Ups on the Pokemon will suffice.) Get the Pokemon to a severely low level of HP (1 or 2 HP). Once you do so, in the field, use the Pomeg Berry on the Pokemon. This will in turn cause the data in their HP to cycle back to the top of the counter, giving the affected Pokemon 65,535 HP - over 90 times the otherwise possible maximum in the game.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  5. Surf Glitch (Japan-Only)

    This glitch allows you to enter the "empty" Mystery Zone that fills the voids in the game's geography, allowing you to obtain the Nintendo Event-only legendary Pokemon Darkrai and Shaymin. (The promotions for these Pokemon have passed, so it is required to use this glitch, only available on Japanese versions, to get them without trading.) You will need access to the Elite Four and Pokemon with Surf and Fly or Teleport. In Aaron's room, face the southern door and use Surf to go through the door. In doing so, you will go through, now easily able to move around to New Moon Island and the Flower Paradise in the game where you can find and capture Darkrai and Shaymin as you would any Pokemon. After you do so, you need to Fly/Teleport elsewhere because you won't be able to leave after that, since the events were not properly triggered. But, otherwise, the Pokemon will function as normal; the only thing to note is that obtaining the Event items for these Pokemon later will not regenerate them, and failing when using the glitch is the same as failing as normal: you only get one shot.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  6. Level Up Unhatched Pokemon

    To do this glitch, you must first execute the Pomeg Berry Glitch, which is done by using a Pomeg Berry on a Pokemon with 1 or 2 HP so that its HP loops to 65,535 (displayed as ?35 in-game). Do so, however, with only one Pokemon and an Egg in the party, with the Egg in the top-leftmost slot of the party in the Pokemon menu. After executing the glitch, you will now be able to enter battles and use the Pokemon Egg as if it were a normal Pokemon. It will function as a normal Pokemon - you can view the stats it will have upon hatching, it can level-up by beating Pokemon, it can learn new moves, it can even evolve. This means that you can alter the Pokemon inside the Egg in otherwise-illegitimate ways. For example. Pikachu cannot normally know Thunder when hatching from an Egg at Level 5; through this glitch, Pikachu can. Similarly, you can hatch Eggs with fully-evolved Pokemon such as Typhlosion, Meganium, and so on, inside.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  7. Special Wild Encounter and Egg Days

    During certain days of the year, per your DS calendar, the wild Pokemon encounter rates or Egg hatch rates will be modified a bit.

    Eggs hatch 10% faster on the following days

    January 12th
    February 14th
    March 3rd
    April 1st
    May 1st
    June 11th
    July 7th
    August 21st
    September 28th
    October 31st
    November 21st
    December 24th & 25th

    On the following days, you're 5% more likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    January 11th
    February 3rd, 11th, 12th
    March 3rd, 17th, 25th
    April 1st, 25th, 29th
    May 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th
    June 2nd, 21st
    July 4th, 14th, 24th
    August 15th, 28th
    September 15th, 28th
    October 3rd, 12th, 30th
    November 1st, 11th, 16th
    December 6th, 8th, 23rd, 24th

    On the following days, you're 5% less likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    August 13th, 14th, 16th
    November 3rd
    December 25th, 31st

    On the following days, you're 10% more likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    January 12th
    July 7th

    On the following days, you're 10% less likely to encounter wild Pokemon

    January 1st
    March 21st
    August 6th, 9th
    September 11th, 23rd

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

  8. Earning Stars and Colours for your Trainer's Card

    The following tasks can be completed in any order, and are not linked to any particular trainer card colour. You gain one star for completing any single task, up to a cumulative total of five stars for completing all of the following tasks:

    - Beat the Elite Four.
    - Win any one Master Rank Super Contest
    - Win 100 consecutive battles in Battle Tower
    - Earn a Platinum flag in the Underground (Capture 50 flags)
    - Capture all 493 Pokemon (excluding event-only Pokemon)

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Earn 5 stars Black Card
    Earn 1 star Blue Card
    Earn 2 stars Bronze Card
    Earn 4 stars Gold Card
    You start with this card Red Card
    Earn 3 stars Silver Card

    Contributed by: ELian 

  9. Get the National Dex

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete your Sinnoh Pokedex by seeing all 150 Sinnoh region Pokemon, go to Prof. Rowan's lab and talk to him. Prof Oak will dash in and upgrade it. National Dex

    Contributed by: AceCombateer 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Bullstorm 109K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Ryccardo 108K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Marriland 653K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by amaravati 43K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Darkstar Ripclaw and DBM11085 1982K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by 257Loner 239K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheResidentEvil 142K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Mystery119 92K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by CAHowell 3606K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by dmon2 579K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by sambobuk 38K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by KeyBlade999 503K
In-Depth FAQs Egg Moves Guide by Umbrelava 50K
In-Depth FAQs Glitch Pokemon FAQ by KeyBlade999 62K
In-Depth Guides Ability Guide by pancakes771 110K
In-Depth Guides Base Stats Guide by RisenTerran 21K
In-Depth Guides Battle Tower FAQ by CKY_Tribal 74K
In-Depth Guides Berry FAQ by Waterfox 40K
In-Depth Guides Boss Guide by BassDX 108K
In-Depth Guides City/Route/Location FAQ by MKaykitkats 411K
In-Depth Guides Cloning Guide by GoticoLupo 31K
In-Depth Guides Competitive Battling Guide by Parrot_Lover 254K
In-Depth Guides Competitive Moveset Guide by aragornbird 332K
In-Depth Guides Contest Moves Guide by LazLemon 35K
In-Depth Guides Diamond/Pearl Differences FAQ by bobby190 73K
In-Depth Guides Dowsing Machine FAQ by Liquefy 34K
In-Depth Guides Egg Group Guide by pianorain 18K
In-Depth Guides Elite 4 Faq by EJRICH 46K
In-Depth Guides Elite Four Door Glitch Guide (Japanese) by 257Loner 32K
In-Depth Guides EV Chart by Freezezzy 58K
In-Depth Guides EV Training Hotspot Guide by Alexcalibur 28K
In-Depth Guides Event Pokemon Guide by Gold Ursaring 376K
In-Depth Guides Evolution Guide by pancakes771 206K
In-Depth Guides Game Corner Guide by chocoboslayer 15K
In-Depth Guides Gym Leader/Elite Four/Rival Guide by pancakes771 109K
In-Depth Guides Items FAQ by Shukochan 248K
In-Depth Guides Legendary FAQ by Drayano 75K
In-Depth Guides Move/TM/HM/Move Tutor Guide by pancakes771 486K
In-Depth Guides Pal Park FAQ by KeyBlade999 16K
In-Depth Guides Pal Park Location Guide by deathsythe212 11K
In-Depth Guides Poffin FAQ by Myst Erik Ery 28K
In-Depth Guides Pokedex by Marriland 2413K
In-Depth Guides Pokedex by DBM11085 966K
In-Depth Guides Pokemon Customization FAQ by Super Saiyan Zero 58K
In-Depth Guides Pokemon Location FAQ by bobby190 142K
In-Depth Guides Pokemon Type/Weakness List by Balorn 103K
In-Depth Guides Pokeradar FAQ by Burning_corpse 37K
In-Depth Guides Poketch Guide by Deezlink 24K
In-Depth Guides Reobtainable TM FAQ by brian_link 40K
In-Depth Guides Ribbon FAQ by Pikachu 025 24K
In-Depth Guides Seal Guide by MegaVelocibot 20K
In-Depth Guides Series Pokemon Catching Guide by SpoonMan54321 202K
In-Depth Guides Sidequest FAQ by TheMatrixMaster 36K
In-Depth Guides Speed Reference Mk-2 Guide by Charlie_Supreme 160K
In-Depth Guides Stat/Rankings Guide by Googlebonker 239K
In-Depth Guides Strategies/Counter Strategies FAQ by Sui89 244K
In-Depth Guides Super Contest Guide by Rauzes 20K
In-Depth Guides TM Breeding Guide by LightSpecter 55K
In-Depth Guides TM/HM List by Platinum Sonic 10 39K
In-Depth Guides Trading FAQ by lincoln174 18K
In-Depth Guides Underground FAQ by Keikun332 19K
In-Depth Guides Underground Guide by shinkuuakuma 40K
Maps and Charts Cavalane City Gym Map by StarFighters76 45K
Maps and Charts Cave of Doubt Map by RikkuEcRud 20K
Maps and Charts Fuego Ironworks Map by StarFighters76 25K
Maps and Charts Galactic Headquarters Map by StarFighters76 51K
Maps and Charts Honey Tree Locations by Shukochan 37K
Maps and Charts Iron Island Map by StarFighters76 52K
Maps and Charts Natures Chart by Dsler0 16K
Maps and Charts Orebaugh Cave/Mine Map by StarFighters76 37K
Maps and Charts Pastoria City Gym Map by StarFighters76 45K
Maps and Charts Ravaged Path Map by StarFighters76 23K
Maps and Charts Snowpoint Gym Map by Crazyreyn 30K
Maps and Charts Snowpoint Temple Map by StarFighters76 40K
Maps and Charts Solaceon Ruins Map by Intoxicatious 7K
Maps and Charts Soleceon Ruins Map by StarFighters76 27K
Maps and Charts Stark Mountain Map by StarFighters76 58K
Maps and Charts Sunyshore City Gym Map by StarFighters76 39K
Maps and Charts Types Chart by AnimeJet 22K
Maps and Charts Underground Hiker Locations Map by Shukochan 48K
Maps and Charts Veilstone City Gym Map by StarFighters76 45K
Maps and Charts Victory Road: Lower Section Map by StarFighters76 49K
Maps and Charts Victory Road: Upper Section Map by StarFighters76 59K
Maps and Charts Wayward Cave Map by StarFighters76 60K
Maps and Charts World Map by ShinyCelebi 70K

Pokemon Pearl Version Cheats For DS

  1. Special Wild Encounter and Egg Days

    During certain days of the year, per your DS calendar, the wild Pokemon encounter rates or Egg hatch rates will be modified a bit.

    Eggs hatch 10% faster on the following days

    January 12th
    February 14th
    March 3rd
    April 1st
    May 1st
    June 11th
    July 7th
    August 21st
    September 28th
    October 31st
    November 21st
    December 24th & 25th

    On the following days, you're 5% more likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    January 11th
    February 3rd, 11th, 12th
    March 3rd, 17th, 25th
    April 1st, 25th, 29th
    May 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th
    June 2nd, 21st
    July 4th, 14th, 24th
    August 15th, 28th
    September 15th, 28th
    October 3rd, 12th, 30th
    November 1st, 11th, 16th
    December 6th, 8th, 23rd, 24th

    On the following days, you're 5% less likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    August 13th, 14th, 16th
    November 3rd
    December 25th, 31st

    On the following days, you're 10% more likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    January 12th
    July 7th

    On the following days, you're 10% less likely to encounter wild Pokemon

    January 1st
    March 21st
    August 6th, 9th
    September 11th, 23rd

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

  2. View Egg Data

    Begin by placing a Pokemon and an Egg in adjacent boxes in the same spot. (For example, place Pikachu in the top-left corner of Box 1 and an Egg in the top-left corner of Box 2.) Hover the cursor over the Pokemon (Pikachu in this example) and then press L/R to move over one box to the Egg. As the switch occurs, pay attention to the lower-left corner where data is normally displayed: it will switch from the original Pokemon's data to that of the Egg. This is the only way to view data about Pokemon inside Eggs prehatching without the use of glitches.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  3. Increase the Odds of Shiny Pokemon

    In the Pokemon series, a "Shiny" Pokemon is one whose coloration is different from the normal: for example, the normally-green Rayquaza is black when Shiny. Shiny Pokemon are exceedingly rare (which is why they are very much valued) - before the release of Pokemon X/Y in 2013, there is a 6 in 65,536 chance to find one, and 12 in 65,536 after: these odds are commonly rounded to 1 in 8,192 and 1 in 4,096, respectively. However, there is a way to increase the odds of finding Shiny Pokemon to as high as 1 in 1,366. You will need Pokemon from two different real-world regions: for example, a Pikachu from the U.S. and a Ditto from Japan. When you breed them together in a daycare, the child (usually the female of the Pokemon being bred) is much more likely to be Shiny than normal, a process commonly referred to as the "Masuda Method".

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  4. Level Up Unhatched Pokemon

    To do this glitch, you must first execute the Pomeg Berry Glitch, which is done by using a Pomeg Berry on a Pokemon with 1 or 2 HP so that its HP loops to 65,535 (displayed as ?35 in-game). Do so, however, with only one Pokemon and an Egg in the party, with the Egg in the top-leftmost slot of the party in the Pokemon menu. After executing the glitch, you will now be able to enter battles and use the Pokemon Egg as if it were a normal Pokemon. It will function as a normal Pokemon - you can view the stats it will have upon hatching, it can level-up by beating Pokemon, it can learn new moves, it can even evolve. This means that you can alter the Pokemon inside the Egg in otherwise-illegitimate ways. For example. Pikachu cannot normally know Thunder when hatching from an Egg at Level 5; through this glitch, Pikachu can. Similarly, you can hatch Eggs with fully-evolved Pokemon such as Typhlosion, Meganium, and so on, inside.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  5. Surf Glitch (Japan-Only)

    This glitch allows you to enter the "empty" Mystery Zone that fills the voids in the game's geography, allowing you to obtain the Nintendo Event-only legendary Pokemon Darkrai and Shaymin. (The promotions for these Pokemon have passed, so it is required to use this glitch, only available on Japanese versions, to get them without trading.) You will need access to the Elite Four and Pokemon with Surf and Fly or Teleport. In Aaron's room, face the southern door and use Surf to go through the door. In doing so, you will go through, now easily able to move around to New Moon Island and the Flower Paradise in the game where you can find and capture Darkrai and Shaymin as you would any Pokemon. After you do so, you need to Fly/Teleport elsewhere because you won't be able to leave after that, since the events were not properly triggered. But, otherwise, the Pokemon will function as normal; the only thing to note is that obtaining the Event items for these Pokemon later will not regenerate them, and failing when using the glitch is the same as failing as normal: you only get one shot.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  6. Pomeg Berry Glitch

    For this glitch to work properly, you must have a Pomeg Berry and a Pokemon who has not had their HP lowered as much as possible already through Pomeg Berries. (If the latter is the case, the use of HP Ups on the Pokemon will suffice.) Get the Pokemon to a severely low level of HP (1 or 2 HP). Once you do so, in the field, use the Pomeg Berry on the Pokemon. This will in turn cause the data in their HP to cycle back to the top of the counter, giving the affected Pokemon 65,535 HP - over 90 times the otherwise possible maximum in the game.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  7. Diamond Dust

    On the following days, Fly up to Snowpoint City and instead of your usual flurry snow storm, there will be glittery diamond snow:

    January 12th (Junichi Masuda's birthday)
    February 27th (release of Pokemon Red & Green, only in Platinum)
    February 29th (leap year day)
    March 15th (Ides of March / Honen Matsuri)
    March 31st (unknown)
    April 22nd (release of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl in the US)
    May 1st (release of Pokemon Emerald in the US, not in Platinum)
    September 2nd (V-J Day)
    September 20th (Sarah Natochenny's birthday)
    October 30th (release of Pokemon Ranger in the US)

    Contributed by: Awsome_turtwig 

  8. Hatch Egg Faster

    If you are trying to hatch an egg and have a Pokemon with the Magma Armor or Flame Body ability in your party, then it will cut the hatch time in half.

    Contributed by: StreetRaceHJK 

  9. Earning Stars and Colours for your Trainer's Card

    The following tasks can be completed in any order, and are not linked to any particular trainer card colour. You gain one star for completing any single task, up to a cumulative total of five stars for completing all of the following tasks:

    - Beat the Elite Four.
    - Win any one Master Rank Super Contest
    - Win 100 consecutive battles in Battle Tower
    - Earn a Platinum flag in the Underground (Capture 50 flags)
    - Capture all 482 Pokemon (excluding event-only Pokemon)

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Earn 5 stars Black Card
    Earn 1 star Blue Card
    Earn 2 stars Bronze Card
    Earn 4 stars Gold Card
    You start with this card Red Card
    Earn 3 stars Silver Card

    Contributed by: ELian 

  10. National Dex/Completing the Sinnoh Dex

    Luckily, in this game, all you have to do to complete the Sinnoh Dex is SEE all the Pokemon in the Dex, as opposed to catching them like in previous games. And once you see all the Pokemon, you unlock the National Dex. There are 151 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex, but not all the new Pokemon are included in it.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the Sinnoh Dex (see all 150 Shinou Pokemon, Manaphy (#151) is not included) National Dex

    Contributed by: Sugar_Celebi 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Bullstorm 109K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Ryccardo 108K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Marriland 653K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by amaravati 43K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Darkstar Ripclaw and DBM11085 1982K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by 257Loner 239K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheResidentEvil 142K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Mystery119 92K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by CAHowell 3606K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by dmon2 579K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by sambobuk 38K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by KeyBlade999 503K
In-Depth FAQs Egg Moves Guide by Umbrelava 50K
In-Depth FAQs Glitch Pokemon FAQ by KeyBlade999 62K
In-Depth Guides Ability Guide by pancakes771 110K
In-Depth Guides Base Stats Guide by RisenTerran 21K
In-Depth Guides Battle Tower FAQ by CKY_Tribal 74K
In-Depth Guides Berry FAQ by Waterfox 40K
In-Depth Guides Boss Guide by BassDX 108K
In-Depth Guides City/Route/Location FAQ by MKaykitkats 411K
In-Depth Guides Cloning Guide by GoticoLupo 31K
In-Depth Guides Competitive Battling Guide by Parrot_Lover 254K
In-Depth Guides Competitive Moveset Guide by aragornbird 332K
In-Depth Guides Contest Moves Guide by LazLemon 35K
In-Depth Guides Diamond/Pearl Differences FAQ by bobby190 73K
In-Depth Guides Dowsing Machine FAQ by Liquefy 34K
In-Depth Guides Egg Group Guide by pianorain 18K
In-Depth Guides Elite 4 Faq by EJRICH 46K
In-Depth Guides Elite Four Door Glitch Guide (Japanese) by 257Loner 32K
In-Depth Guides EV Chart by Freezezzy 58K
In-Depth Guides EV Training Hotspot Guide by Alexcalibur 28K
In-Depth Guides Event Pokemon Guide by Gold Ursaring 376K
In-Depth Guides Evolution Guide by pancakes771 206K
In-Depth Guides Game Corner Guide by chocoboslayer 15K
In-Depth Guides Gym Leader/Elite Four/Rival Guide by pancakes771 109K
In-Depth Guides Items FAQ by Shukochan 248K
In-Depth Guides Legendary FAQ by Drayano 75K
In-Depth Guides Move/TM/HM/Move Tutor Guide by pancakes771 486K
In-Depth Guides Pal Park FAQ by KeyBlade999 16K
In-Depth Guides Pal Park Location Guide by deathsythe212 11K
In-Depth Guides Poffin FAQ by Myst Erik Ery 28K
In-Depth Guides Pokedex by Marriland 2413K
In-Depth Guides Pokedex by DBM11085 966K
In-Depth Guides Pokemon Customization FAQ by Super Saiyan Zero 58K
In-Depth Guides Pokemon Location FAQ by bobby190 142K
In-Depth Guides Pokemon Type/Weakness List by Balorn 103K
In-Depth Guides Pokeradar FAQ by Burning_corpse 37K
In-Depth Guides Poketch Guide by Deezlink 24K
In-Depth Guides Reobtainable TM FAQ by brian_link 40K
In-Depth Guides Ribbon FAQ by Pikachu 025 24K
In-Depth Guides Seal Guide by MegaVelocibot 20K
In-Depth Guides Series Pokemon Catching Guide by SpoonMan54321 202K
In-Depth Guides Sidequest FAQ by TheMatrixMaster 36K
In-Depth Guides Speed Reference Mk-2 Guide by Charlie_Supreme 160K
In-Depth Guides Stat/Rankings Guide by Googlebonker 239K
In-Depth Guides Strategies/Counter Strategies FAQ by Sui89 244K
In-Depth Guides TM Breeding Guide by LightSpecter 55K
In-Depth Guides TM/HM List by Platinum Sonic 10 39K
In-Depth Guides Trading FAQ by lincoln174 18K
In-Depth Guides Underground FAQ by Keikun332 19K
In-Depth Guides Underground Guide by shinkuuakuma 40K
Maps and Charts Cavalane City Gym Map by StarFighters76 45K
Maps and Charts Cave of Doubt Map by RikkuEcRud 20K
Maps and Charts Fuego Ironworks Map by StarFighters76 25K
Maps and Charts Galactic Headquarters Map by StarFighters76 51K
Maps and Charts Honey Tree Locations by Shukochan 37K
Maps and Charts Iron Island Map by StarFighters76 52K
Maps and Charts Mount Coronet: Central Ruins Map by StarFighters76 44K
Maps and Charts Mount Coronet: Northern Ruins Map by StarFighters76 40K
Maps and Charts Mount Coronet: Southern Ruins Map by StarFighters76 40K
Maps and Charts Natures Chart by Dsler0 16K
Maps and Charts Orebaugh Cave/Mine Map by StarFighters76 37K
Maps and Charts Pastoria City Gym Map by StarFighters76 45K
Maps and Charts Ravaged Path Map by StarFighters76 23K
Maps and Charts Snowpoint Gym Map by Crazyreyn 30K
Maps and Charts Snowpoint Temple Map by StarFighters76 40K
Maps and Charts Soleceon Ruins Map by StarFighters76 27K
Maps and Charts Stark Mountain Map by StarFighters76 58K
Maps and Charts Sunyshore City Gym Map by StarFighters76 39K
Maps and Charts Types Chart by AnimeJet 22K
Maps and Charts Underground Hiker Locations Map by Shukochan 48K
Maps and Charts Veilstone City Gym Map by StarFighters76 45K
Maps and Charts Victory Road: Lower Section Map by StarFighters76 49K
Maps and Charts Victory Road: Upper Section Map by StarFighters76 59K
Maps and Charts Wayward Cave Map by StarFighters76 60K
Maps and Charts World Map by ShinyCelebi 70K

Pokemon Platinum Version Cheats For DS

  1. Mystery Gift

    In the Jubilife TV building, on the 3rd floor, telling "EVERYONE HAPPY" and then "Wi-Fi CONNECTION" to the TV producer that asks about the player's favorite TV show unlocks the Mystery Gift function.

    Contributed by: Andrex_93 

  2. Happy Birthday Message from Dawn/Lucas

    After beating Elite 4, if you play the game on your birthday, or if you set the DS clock to your birthday, and talk to Dawn/Lucas, she/he will wish you a Happy Birthday

    Contributed by: birgeer 

  3. Sparkling Berries

    All berries grow in real time with 4 different stages, and each type has a different growth rate. Normally, most players will simply plant and water their berries, check back in a few hours, wait until the next day, etc. However, there is a hidden surprise for dedicated berry growers. If you know the exact time that your berry tree will transition into its next stage, go there just beforehand and watch carefully. The tree will transition automatically, and there will be a very brief animation in which the berries sparkle. This works in Diamond/Pearl as well.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  4. Diamond Dust

    On the following days, Fly up to Snowpoint City and instead of your usual flurry snow storm, there will be glittery diamond snow:

    January 12th (Junichi Masuda's birthday)
    February 27th (release of Pokemon Red & Green, only in Platinum)
    February 29th (leap year day)
    March 15th (Ides of March / Honen Matsuri)
    March 31st (unknown)
    April 22nd (release of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl in the US)
    May 1st (release of Pokemon Emerald in the US, not in Platinum)
    September 2nd (V-J Day)
    September 20th (Sarah Natochenny's birthday)
    October 30th (release of Pokemon Ranger in the US)

    Contributed by: siasat9077 

  5. Pomeg Berry Glitch

    For this glitch to work properly, you must have a Pomeg Berry and a Pokemon who has not had their HP lowered as much as possible already through Pomeg Berries. (If the latter is the case, the use of HP Ups on the Pokemon will suffice.) Get the Pokemon to a severely low level of HP (1 or 2 HP). Once you do so, in the field, use the Pomeg Berry on the Pokemon. This will in turn cause the data in their HP to cycle back to the top of the counter, giving the affected Pokemon 65,535 HP - over 90 times the otherwise possible maximum in the game.

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  6. Special Wild Encounter and Egg Days

    During certain days of the year, per your DS calendar, the wild Pokemon encounter rates or Egg hatch rates will be modified a bit.

    Eggs hatch 10% faster on the following days

    January 12th
    February 14th
    March 3rd
    April 1st
    May 1st
    June 11th
    July 7th
    August 21st
    September 28th
    October 31st
    November 21st
    December 24th & 25th

    On the following days, you're 5% more likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    January 11th
    February 3rd, 11th, 12th
    March 3rd, 17th, 25th
    April 1st, 25th, 29th
    May 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th
    June 2nd, 21st
    July 4th, 14th, 24th
    August 15th, 28th
    September 15th, 28th
    October 3rd, 12th, 30th
    November 1st, 11th, 16th
    December 6th, 8th, 23rd, 24th

    On the following days, you're 5% less likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    August 13th, 14th, 16th
    November 3rd
    December 25th, 31st

    On the following days, you're 10% more likely to encounter wild Pokemon:

    January 12th
    July 7th

    On the following days, you're 10% less likely to encounter wild Pokemon

    January 1st
    March 21st
    August 6th, 9th
    September 11th, 23rd

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  7. Level Up Unhatched Pokemon

    To do this glitch, you must first execute the Pomeg Berry Glitch, which is done by using a Pomeg Berry on a Pokemon with 1 or 2 HP so that its HP loops to 65,535 (displayed as ?35 in-game). Do so, however, with only one Pokemon and an Egg in the party, with the Egg in the top-leftmost slot of the party in the Pokemon menu. After executing the glitch, you will now be able to enter battles and use the Pokemon Egg as if it were a normal Pokemon. It will function as a normal Pokemon - you can view the stats it will have upon hatching, it can level-up by beating Pokemon, it can learn new moves, it can even evolve. This means that you can alter the Pokemon inside the Egg in otherwise-illegitimate ways. For example. Pikachu cannot normally know Thunder when hatching from an Egg at Level 5; through this glitch, Pikachu can. Similarly, you can hatch Eggs with fully-evolved Pokemon such as Typhlosion, Meganium, and so on, inside.

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  8. Dual Slot Pokemon (DS Models Only)

    Once you've obtained the National Dex, there is a hidden bonus that will unlock which utilizes the GBA slot in the Nintendo DS. New wild Pokemon will appear in the game based on which GBA Pokemon cartridge you have inserted when turning on and accessing the title screen. The encounter rate is 8% for single Pokemon, or 4% if two bonus Pokemon are on the same route. Listed below are the Pokemon and Routes they appear on. This also works for Diamond and Pearl; their exclusives are listed below as well, designated with D/P Only.

    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon FireRed inserted before turning on game. Arbok: Great Marsh
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Bibarel: Lake Verity. D/P Only.
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon FireRed inserted before turning on game. Caterpie: 204, 204 (South) D/P Only, Eterna Forest
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon FireRed inserted before turning on game. Ekans: 212 (South)
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon FireRed inserted before turning on game. Elekid: 205, Valley Windworks. All D/P Only
    Obtain National Dex, have any Pokemon GBA game inserted before turning on game. Gengar: Old Chateau
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald inserted before turning on game. Gligar: Stark Mountain, 206, 207, 214, 215, 227. All D/P Only
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon FireRed inserted before turning on game. Growlithe: 201, 202
    Obtain National Dex, have any Pokemon GBA game inserted before turning on game. Haunter: Old Chateau. D/P Only.
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Kakuna: Eterna Forest
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Sapphire inserted before turning on game. Lombre: 212 (South), 229
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Sapphire inserted before turning on game. Lotad: 203, 204, 205 (North), 212 (South)
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Sapphire inserted before turning on game. Lunatone: Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring, Turnback Cave
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Magby: 227, Stark Mountain. All D/P Only
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Ruby inserted before turning on game. Mawile: Iron Island
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon FireRed inserted before turning on game. Metapod: Eterna Forest
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Ruby inserted before turning on game. Nuzleaf: 210 (South), 229
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald inserted before turning on game. Pineco: Eterna Forest, 203, 204, 210 (South), 229
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Sapphire inserted before turning on game. Sableye: Iron Island
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Sandshrew: Wayward Cave
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Sandslash: 228
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Ruby inserted before turning on game. Seedot: 203, 204, 210 (South), Eterna Forest
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Sapphire inserted before turning on game. Seviper: 208, 210 (North)
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald inserted before turning on game. Shuckle: 224
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Ruby inserted before turning on game. Solrock: Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring, Turnback Cave
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Staravia: Lake Verity. D/P Only.
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald inserted before turning on game. Teddiursa: 211 D/P Only, 211 (West), Acuity Lakefront D/P Only, Lake Acuity
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald inserted before turning on game. Ursaring: 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity D/P Only
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Vulpix: 209, 214
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon LeafGreen inserted before turning on game. Weedle: 204, 204 (South) D/P Only, Eterna Forest
    Obtain National Dex, have Pokemon Ruby inserted before turning on game. Zangoose: 208, 210 (North)

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  9. Acquiring Stars and Colors for your Trainer Card

    The following tasks may be completed in any order, with no regard to a specific event relating to a particular color. Stars are added by the completion of each event.

    - Defeat the Elite Four.
    - Win any one Master Rank Super Contest
    - Win 100 consecutive battles in Battle Tower
    - Earn a Platinum flag in the Underground (capture 50 flags)
    - Capture all 493 Pokemon (not including event-only Pokemon)

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Earn Five Stars Black Card
    Earn One Star Blue Card
    Earn Two Stars Bronze Card
    Earn Four Stars Gold Card
    Earn Three Stars Silver Card

    Contributed by: Holy2360 

  10. Extra Villa furniture

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Walk a total of 300,000 steps Chandelier
    hatch 30 eggs Great Painting
    Defeat a total of 50 trainers in the trainer cafe Guest Set
    Purchase Racks Music Box
    Defeat the Elite Four 10 times Piano
    Obtain one silver print from the Battle Frontier Pokemon Bust #1
    Battle at each battle frontier facility Pokemon bust #2
    Purchase the Guest Set Tea Set
    Plant 50 berries Wall Clock

    Contributed by: Begin_Anew 

  11. Dual Slot Pal Park Items (DS Models Only)

    After you've unlocked Pal Park, talk to the Lady in the lobby. You can get special backdrops/accessories if you have a Pokemon GBA cartridge inserted into the DS before starting the game. The item you get is determined by which GBA you have. Each gift can only be given once, and you have to leave/re-enter Pal Park in order to receive a different gift from another cartridge. Note that this also works Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Versions.

    Talk to the Lady in the Pal Park lobby while having Pokemon FireRed inserted. Crown
    Talk to the Lady in the Pal Park lobby while having Pokemon Sapphire inserted. Seafloor
    Talk to the Lady in the Pal Park lobby while having Pokemon Emerald inserted. Sky
    Talk to the Lady in the Pal Park lobby while having Pokemon LeafGreen inserted. Tiara
    Talk to the Lady in the Pal Park lobby while having Pokemon Ruby inserted. Underground

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  12. Battle Hall fans

    In the Battle Hall facility, it's possible to gain fans as the total record of wins (a.k.a, the combination of the highest win streaks with each Pokémon species) increases: depending on the number of wins and the gender of the player character, different NPCs will show up in the lobby, with different bits of dialogue.

    Over 500 wins Dawn (if player is male)/Lucas (if player is female)
    Over 10000 wins Jasmine
    Over 1000 wins Johanna (player's mother)
    Over 10000 wins Professor Oak
    Present from the start but the dialogue changes based on the number of wins Serena (if player is male)/Winston (if player is female)

    Contributed by: Andrex_93 

  13. National Pokédex

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the Sinnoh Pokédex by seeing all 210 regional Pokémon, then talk to Professor Rowan in his lab. National Pokédex

    Contributed by: NekoLelouch 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by CAHowell 3619K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PeaceMaker14 87K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Drayano 800K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by tomvanroosmalen 584K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by dmon2 536K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by KeyBlade999 485K
In-Depth FAQs Glitch Pokemon FAQ by KeyBlade999 62K
In-Depth Guides Ability Guide by pancakes771 110K
In-Depth Guides Battle Frontier FAQ by _nza 87K
In-Depth Guides Boss Guide by DarkPersian479 92K
In-Depth Guides City/Route/Location FAQ by MKaykitkats 411K
In-Depth Guides Competitive Moveset Guide by aragornbird 332K
In-Depth Guides Daily Event Guide by NegimaSonic 66K
In-Depth Guides Dowsing Machine FAQ by Liquefy 40K
In-Depth Guides Egg Group FAQ by Ratleh 22K
In-Depth Guides EV Training Guide by 211kyle211 89K
In-Depth Guides Evolution Guide by pancakes771 206K
In-Depth Guides Gym Leader/Elite Four/Rival Guide by Ultravaidd 198K
In-Depth Guides Legendary Guide by encore_1989 86K
In-Depth Guides Move/TM/HM/Move Tutor Guide by pancakes771 486K
In-Depth Guides Moveset Change Guide by Rokon37 45K
In-Depth Guides Pal Park FAQ by KeyBlade999 16K
In-Depth Guides Pokedex by Tarrun and Marriland 3154K
In-Depth Guides Pokemon Location Guide by Donald 53K
In-Depth Guides Poketch Guide by DjAlaric 10K
In-Depth Guides Reobtainable TM FAQ by brian_link 40K
In-Depth Guides Ribbon FAQ by chaomaster4000 43K
In-Depth Guides Strategies/Counter Strategies FAQ by Sui89 244K
In-Depth Guides Super Contest FAQ by Saint 30K
In-Depth Guides TM/HM List by Platinum Sonic 10 39K
In-Depth Guides Wifi Plaza FAQ by siasat9077 17K
Maps and Charts Cavalane City Gym Map by StarFighters76 46K
Maps and Charts Distortion World Map by StarFighters76 116K
Maps and Charts Eterna Galactic HQ Map by StarFighters76 37K
Maps and Charts Fuego Ironworks Map by StarFighters76 27K
Maps and Charts Galactic Headquarters Map by StarFighters76 53K
Maps and Charts Iron Island Map by StarFighters76 55K
Maps and Charts Mount Coronet: Central Ruins Map by StarFighters76 60K
Maps and Charts Mount Coronet: Northern Ruins Map by StarFighters76 40K
Maps and Charts Mount Coronet: Southern Ruins Map by StarFighters76 40K
Maps and Charts Nature Chart by J_DJ 36K
Maps and Charts Orebaugh Cave/Mine Map by StarFighters76 38K
Maps and Charts Pastoria City Gym Map by StarFighters76 46K
Maps and Charts Ravaged Path Map by StarFighters76 23K
Maps and Charts Safari Zone Map by StarFighters76 76K
Maps and Charts Sinnoh World Map by MKaykitkats 98K
Maps and Charts Snowpoint City Gym Map by StarFighters76 39K
Maps and Charts Snowpoint Temple Map by StarFighters76 40K
Maps and Charts Soleceon Ruins Map by StarFighters76 52K
Maps and Charts Stark Mountain Map by StarFighters76 59K
Maps and Charts Sunyshore City Gym Map by StarFighters76 39K
Maps and Charts Veilstone City Gym Map by StarFighters76 48K
Maps and Charts Victory Road: Lower Sections Map by StarFighters76 54K
Maps and Charts Victory Road: Upper Section Map by StarFighters76 59K
Maps and Charts Wayward Cave Map by StarFighters76 60K