Cheats & Guides

Police Stories Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.

    Kill a suspect while he is reloading. At the Right Time
    Kill a suspect while you are blinded by a flashbang. Blind Fury
    Shoot a suspect with the taser. Clear!
    Stay alive after getting hit by three bullets. Die Hard
    Get the first A. Fair Play
    Get the first A+. Flawless
    Blind or stun more than three suspects with a single flashbang or C4. Hat Trick
    Kill a suspect with the last bullet in your magazine. Last Chance
    Complete mission without killing any suspects. Mercy
    Complete the story. Police Story
    Complete the story a grade no lower than A-. Professional
    Die at the same time as the suspect who killed you. Retribution
    Defuse the bomb by successfully cutting the wire. Soldier of Fortune

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold