Cheats & Guides

Postal Cheats For PC

  1. *Demo* Postal Codes

    Type one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function:

    Effect Effect
    healthful 100% Health
    flamenstein or firehurler 200 Flame Thrower Rounds
    carrymore 50 More Shotgun Shells
    shotgun 50-100 Shotgun Shells
    gimmedat All Items, Full Health
    sternomat Fireball Gun
    lobitfar Grenade and Fire Extinguisher
    explodarama Grenades, Missiles, Heatseekers
    chtpos Health, Kevlar Vest
    iamsolame Invincibility
    thickskin Less Damage
    theresnoplacelikeoz Level Skip
    crotchbomb Mine Field Bombs
    dawholeenchilada Missiles and Grenades
    titanii Missiles and Heatseekers
    suckdeeznuts No Clipping
    myteamouse Reduce Character Size
    hesstillgood Return from Dead
    chthom Revive Character
    breakyosak Shotgun Shells
    shellfest or thebestgun Spray Cannon

    Contributed by: vidiot76 

  2. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 27 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Make your first kill. And so it begins...
    Use every weapon in the game. Army of One
    Touch someone while burning. Bad touch!
    Play the Mac or Linux version of the game. Ballmer Baller
    Complete the game having only killed hostiles. Boondock Saint
    Fire 1,000,000 bullets. Bulletstorm
    Make 1000 kills. Dexter
    Duck under a rocket. Dirty knees
    Run for 5 minutes. Forrest Gump
    Complete a level with less than 10 health. From my cold, dead hands
    Complete the game. Get a girlfriend
    Complete level 10. Half-mast hard-on
    Take 10,000 hits. Holes is holes
    Perform your first execution. How Kevorkian!
    Complete the game using only the M16. I swear, the AR is for hunting!
    Commit suicide. I'm afraid I just blue myself!
    Make 10000 kills. Mickey and Mallory
    Kill a naked person. Never nude-ist
    Fight an ostrich. NOPE! Chuck Testa.
    Start the second level. Oh, you press F1!
    Make 100 kills. Patrick Bateman
    Hit 100,000 targets. Peter North would be proud
    Enable cheats. Sissy
    Firebomb the band. The Hell's Fargo Wagon
    Take a rocket to the face. Took a banger in the mouth
    Watch all the credits. You want our autograph too?
    Complete the game having killed everything. Z for Zachariah

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by bakusan 29K

Postal Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Codes

    Type in the following during gameplay:

    Effect Effect
    explodarama All Explosive Weapons/Ammo
    carrymore Backpack
    firehurler Flame Thrower/Fuel Canisters
    thickskin Full Armor
    healthful Full Health
    gimmedat Get Everything
    dawholeenchilada Grenades, Missiles, Napalm, Flamer
    iamsolame Invulnerability
    chtpos Kevlar Vest/Health
    crotchbomb Mines
    titaniii Missile Launcher/Missiles
    chthome Revive
    breakyosak Shotgun Ammo
    theresnoplacelikeoz Skip Level
    shellfest Spray Cannon

    Contributed by: Amphitrite 1 

  2. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 27 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Make your first kill. And so it begins...
    Use every weapon in the game. Army of One
    Touch someone while burning. Bad touch!
    Play the Mac or Linux version of the game. Ballmer Baller
    Complete the game having only killed hostiles. Boondock Saint
    Fire 1,000,000 bullets. Bulletstorm
    Make 1000 kills. Dexter
    Duck under a rocket. Dirty knees
    Run for 5 minutes. Forrest Gump
    Complete a level with less than 10 health. From my cold, dead hands
    Complete the game. Get a girlfriend
    Complete level 10. Half-mast hard-on
    Take 10,000 hits. Holes is holes
    Perform your first execution. How Kevorkian!
    Complete the game using only the M16. I swear, the AR is for hunting!
    Commit suicide. I'm afraid I just blue myself!
    Make 10000 kills. Mickey and Mallory
    Kill a naked person. Never nude-ist
    Fight an ostrich. NOPE! Chuck Testa.
    Start the second level. Oh, you press F1!
    Make 100 kills. Patrick Bateman
    Hit 100,000 targets. Peter North would be proud
    Enable cheats. Sissy
    Firebomb the band. The Hell's Fargo Wagon
    Take a rocket to the face. Took a banger in the mouth
    Watch all the credits. You want our autograph too?
    Complete the game having killed everything. Z for Zachariah

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by bakusan 29K