Cheats & Guides
Press Your Luck 2010 Edition Cheats For Wii
Unlock Costume Pieces
Go to the screen where you can customize your character (Wardrobe), and the final tab on the top right will be a lock icon. On this screen you have a keyboard to type in a password. Typing in the word "SECRET" or "PRIZES" will unlock a whole page worth of costume pieces and hairstyles for your avatar.
Effect Effect PRIZES Unlocks Avatar Costume Pices SECRET Unlocks Avatar Costume Pieces Contributed by: cannonballs, PandaInABeeSuit
Press Your Luck 2010 Edition Cheats For PC
New Avatar pieces
1. Go to Wardrobe. 2.Click on the Lock. 3. Push the buttons to enter either "PRIZES" or "SECRET"
Effect Prizes Unlocks New Avatar pieces Secret Unlocks New Avatar pieces Contributed by: cannonballs
Press Your Luck 2010 Edition Cheats For PlayStation 3
There are 7 Bronze Trophies and 6 Silver Trophies.
Trophy Trophy Win an online game Beginner's luck! Win over $60,000 in one show Big Bucks! Win the 20th show Boardcracker! Win an online game by buzzing first and answering the correct answer to ever question Buzzer beater! In an online game, pass you spins to an opponent who gets a Whammy on your passed spins Cheap trick! Win the 16th show Couch potato! Host 10 public games House party! Win 20 online games Luck of the devil! Win a show with no Whammy No Whammies! Win the 8th show Onto a winner! Create a complete custom character Press your clothes! Win the 4th show Rockstar out! Win the 12th show Too much luck! Contributed by: Guard Master
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