Cheats & Guides
Quake Cheats For PC
Nightmare Difficulty
Go to the Episode 4 entrance and jump into the water. Now backup against the wall like you were going to go back the other way. Now stay against the wall and allow yourself to fall down. You should land on a big piece of wood. Walk along the left side to find another entrance that leads a to gate thats takes you to Nightmare Difficulty.
Contributed by: Uranium
Access any level
Open the console by pressing the key just left of the ''1'' button on the keyboard; then type ''map x'', where x is any of the following:
start - the introduction level, in which you select difficulty and which episode
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex
e1m2 - Castle of the Damned
e1m3 - The Necropolis
e1m4 - The Grisly Grotto
e1m5 - Gloom Keep
e1m6 - The Door to Chthon
e1m7 - The House of Chthon
e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo (a hidden level)
e2m1 - The Installation
e2m2 - The Ogre Citadel
e2m3 - The Crypt of Decay
e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress
e2m5 - The Wizard's Manse
e2m6 - The Dismal Oubliette
e2m7 - The Underearth (a hidden level)
e3m1 - Termination Central
e3m2 - The Vaults of Zin
e3m3 - The Tomb of Terror
e3m4 - Satan's Dark Delight
e3m5 - The Wind Tunnels
e3m6 - Chambers of Torment
e3m7 - The Haunted Halls (a hidden level)
e4m1 - The Sewage System
e4m2 - The Tower of Despair
e4m3 - The Elder God Shrine
e4m4 - The Palace of Hate
e4m5 - Hell's Atrium
e4m6 - The Pain Maze
e4m7 - Azure Agony
e4m8 - The Nameless City (a hidden level)
end - Shub-Niggurath's Pit
For example, type ''map e1m2'' to access the ''Castle of the Damned''.Contributed by: Hammerite Heretic
Cheat Codes
Press ~ to access the console, then enter the following:
Effect Effect sv_nostep # 0 = Unable to go up steps, 1 = Able to go up steps give ammo All ammo give all All items r_fullbright 1 All solid surfaces are bright (cancelled by r_fullbright 0) give weapons All weapons impulse 9 All Weapons/Items sv_friction # Amount of friction when moving give armor shard Armour shard cl_backspeed # Backward movement speed kill Begin again on current map with original health, weapons, ammo, etc. give blue key Blue key give armor Body armour give bodyarmor Body armour give combat armor Combat armour give commander's head Commander's head notarget Enemies Can't See You fly Fly Mode cl_forwardspeed # Forward movement speed impulse 11 gives 1 rune (do it 4 times for all) give C # Gives charge amount of entered # (0 to 255) give H # Gives health amount of entered # (0 to 32767) give N # Gives nail amount of entered # (0 to 255) give R # Gives rocket amount of entered # (0 to 255) give S # Gives shell amount of entered # (0 to 255) give # Gives weapon to entered # (1 to 8:1=Axe, 2=Shotgun, 3=Super Shotgun, 4=Nailgun, 5=Super Nailgun, 6=Grenade Launcher, 7=Rocket Launcher, 8=Thunderbolt) god God Mode givehealth Health cl_rollangle # How much the screen will angle when strafing give invulnerability Invulnerability sv_maxspeed # Maximum speed when moving noclip No Clip (go through walls) give power cube Power cube give power shield Power shield impulse 255 or impulse -1 quad damage mode give red key Red key give security pass Security pass skill # Set skill to # (# is 0 to 3: 0=Easy, 1=Normal, 2=Hard, 3=Nightmare) sv_gravity # Sets the gravity to # give slugs Slugs cl_sidespeed # Strafing movement speed sv_stopspeed # Time it takes to stop moving Contributed by: Guard Master, freakunique, Ledmeister, insannescorp55, Avatar91, Crutches, DragonSquiirt, Gotenks07
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by SirGarland | 15K |
General FAQs | FAQ by DarkSpike | 225K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Lord Zero | 88K |
In-Depth FAQs | Level Exit Guide by Ledmeister | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Monster/Weapons Guide by Lord Zero | 29K |
In-Depth FAQs | Secret/Monster Counts by Ledmeister | 9K |
Other | Detailed Cheat Codes by Ledmeister | 45K |
Quake Cheats For Nintendo 64
Debug Mode
At the main menu go to "Load Game", get out of the load screen, and then you will see a code input screen. Fill in every space with "q"'s. It will say that the code is invalid or, so press B and go to the Option screen, and you will see the Debug Mode there!
Contributed by: Blue Shadow
Walk Through Walls
Enter NOCLIP as a password.
Contributed by: freakunique
Level Passwords
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by DarkSpike | 225K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Blue Shadow | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Level Exit Guide by Ledmeister | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Secret/Monster Counts by Ledmeister | 9K |
Other | Default Starting Status Passwords by Ledmeister | 3K |
Other | Detailed Cheat Codes by Ledmeister | 45K |
Other | Maximum Starting Status Passwords by Ledmeister | 3K |
Quake Cheats For Saturn
Nightmare Difficulty
At the start of the game, head through the normal difficulty portal. Head right up the wooden steps into Episode 4 area. Drop into the water and push towards the wall to the left, and after dropping through the bottom of the water, push forward/left to land on a wooden walkway. There is an opening in the wall on this walkway that leads to the portal for the nightmare difficulty.
Contributed by: KFHEWUI
Cheat codes
Pause the game and then highlight the given choice on the Options menu and enter the following code. When a code is accepted, a confirmation message flashes at the center of the screen, behind the Options menu:
Effect Effect Highlight Customize Controls, then press R, Z, L, X, Y, L, R, Y, L, R Acquire all Runes (when touching Rune on map E1L7) Highlight Customize Controls, then press R, X, L, Z, L, R, Y, L, R, Y Acquire all weapons and maximum ammo for each Highlight Customize Controls, then press R, R, L, R, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z Alter Analog controller setup/functions Highlight Reset To Defaults, then press R, L, X, Y, Z, R, L, X, Y, Z Begin again on current map, with original status Highlight Music Volume, then press R, L, X, Y, Z, R, L, X, Y, Z Easy difficulty setting Highlight Music Volume, then press R, X, L, Z, L, R, Y, L, R, Y Hard difficulty setting Highlight Customize Controls, then press R, L, X, Y, Z, R, L, X, Y, Z Invincibility Highlight Auto Targeting, then press R, L, X, Y, Z, R, L, X, Y, Z. Nailguns Shoot Tracer Highlight Music Volume, then press R, R, L, R, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z Normal difficulty setting Highlight Customize Controls, then press R, Y, L, Y, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z Regain full health Highlight Auto Targeting, then press R, R, L, R, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z Some player weapons fire enemy ammo type (varies by map) Highlight Lookspring, then press R, R, L, R, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z Toggle player's immunity to gravity on/off Highlight Auto Targeting, then press R, X, L, Z, L, R, Y, L, R, Y Toggle use of 5-grenade rocket warheads on/off Highlight Customize Controls, then press L, R, L, R, Z, Y, X, X, Y, Z View map Highlight Reset To Defaults, then press R, R, L, R, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z Warp to new map (from START map, or with 4 Runes) Contributed by: Ledmeister, Desert eagle, steamliner88, Millers C
Cheat codes (PAL version)
Pause the game and then highlight the given choice on the Options menu and enter the following code as quickly as possible. When a code is accepted, a confirmation message flashes at the centre of the screen, behind the Options menu. Some cheats require you to stand in a particular area on a particular level or to have collected certain items, these are noted where appropriate.
Effect Highlight "Customize Controls" and enter ZZLZZRXYXY All Runes (Stand in the area where the first rune can be picked up in "The House of Cthon"). Highlight "Customize Controls" and enter XYZLRXYZRL All Weapons Highlight "Music Volume" and enter LRLLZYXZYX Easy Difficulty Highlight "Customize Controls" and enter YYZYYZLRLR Full Health Highlight "Music Volume" and enter XYZLRXYZRL Hard Difficulty Highlight "Customize Controls" and enter RLXYZRLXYZ Jevons-Control Mode (3D Control Pad) Highlight "Reset to Defaults" and enter RLXYZRLXYZ Level Select (You either need all four runes or be standing on the right hand side of the flat part of the bridge over the lava in "Entrance"). Highlight "Auto Targeting" and enter RLXYZRLXYZ Monster Attack (Changes one weapon to act like a monster's weapon - effect depends on current level). Highlight "Auto Targeting" and enter LRLLZYXZYX Nail Tracers Highlight "Music Volume" and enter RLXYZRLXYZ Normal Difficulty Highlight "Customize Controls" and enter LRLLZYXZYX Paul Mode (Invincibility) Highlight "Stereo" and enter XYZLRXYZRL Quake Wrestling (Stand at Quad in secret opened by jumping into overhead light in "Sewage System" or in the suspended cage in "Tower of Despair"). Highlight "Reset to Defaults" and enter LRLLZYXZYX Restart Level Highlight "Stereo" and enter RLXYZRLXYZ Show Credits (Stand on the right hand side of the bridge under the round stained glass window in "Castle of the Damned"). Highlight "Stereo" and enter LRLLZYXZYX Show Special Credits (Stand in the secret underwater cave containing the Megahealth and Nails in "Gloom Keep"). Highlight "Lookspring" and enter RLXYZRLXYZ Zero-G Mode Contributed by: benryves
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Codes and Secrets | Codes by DJevons | 4K |
General FAQs | FAQ by DarkSpike | 225K |
In-Depth FAQs | Level Exit Guide by Ledmeister | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Secret/Monster Counts by Ledmeister | 9K |
In-Depth Guides | Easter Eggs by Ledmeister | 4K |
Other | Detailed Cheat Codes by Ledmeister | 45K |
Quake Cheats For Macintosh
Cheat Codes
At the console enter the following codes:
Effect Effect impulse 255 4x Damage impulse 11 All keys and weapons, full ammo impulse 9 All weapons, full ammo sv-gravity # Change gravity (# is 0-999) fly Fly (use Space) give c # Gain cells (# is 0-255) give h # Gain Health (# is 0-100) give n # Gain Nails (# is 0-255) give r # Gain rockets (# is 0-255) give s # Gain shells (# is 0-255) give w # Gain weapon (# is the weapon number) god God mode impulse 14 Gold key impulse 22 Grappling hook map e<i>Episode</i> m<i>Mission</i> Level select (Episode and Mission correspond to episodes/missions) notarget Monsters do not attack until provoked noclip No Clipping on/off skill # Set difficulty (# is 1-3) sv maxspeed # Set Max Speed (# is 0-999) impulse 13 Silver Key kill Suicide impulse 256 Super Shield Contributed by: jh51681
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by SirGarland | 15K |
General FAQs | FAQ by DarkSpike | 225K |
In-Depth FAQs | Level Exit Guide by Ledmeister | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Monster/Weapons Guide by Lord Zero | 29K |
In-Depth FAQs | Secret/Monster Counts by Ledmeister | 9K |
Other | Detailed Cheat Codes by Ledmeister | 45K |
Q!Zone Cheats For PC
Nightmare Difficulty
Head through the doorway to easy difficulty but stop on the steps. Turn around and look up above the door to spot a red button. Shoot the button to cause the stairs to open up then quickly drop down to find the Nightmare difficulty.
Contributed by: KFHEWUI
Cheat Codes
Press "~" to open the command console then enter the codes below.
Effect Noclip Allows the player to walk through walls God God Mode Fly Turns Fly mode on Contributed by: KFHEWUI
Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity Cheats For PC
Level select
Press the tilde [~] key to access the console. Enter ''map <level code>'' to warp to a corresponding level.
Effect Effect r2m6 Blood Sacrifice r1m4 Cave of Death r2m4 Curse of Osiris r1m1 Deviant's Domain r1m2 Dread Portal r2m2 Elemental Fury I r2m3 Elemental Fury II start Introduction r1m3 Judgement Call r2m7 Last Bastion r2m8 Source of Evil r1m6 Temple of Pain r2m1 Tempus Fugit r1m7 Tomb of the Overlord r1m5 Towers of Wrath r2m5 Wizard's Keep Contributed by: ixfd64
Quake Mission Pack No. 1: Scourge of Armagon Cheats For PC
Cheat Codes
Effect Effect map HIPE (episode#) M (map#) (on console screen) Level Select impulse 200 Wetsuit Mode Contributed by: Dragon, alaskanpie
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