Cheats & Guides

Quattro Adventure Cheats For NES

  1. View the credits (Treasure Island Dizzy)

    Go underwater (Right of the start) and find the platform on the left side of the sunken ship. Jump onto the platform and move to the right side. Pressing B will allow you to view the credits.

    Contributed by: archn 

  2. Boomerang Kid - Level warps

    Level warps are certain spots in certain levels that will send you directly to the next level without the need to collect any more boomerangs or reach the regular level exit. You will not receive any points for unobtained boomerangs or time left on the clock if you use them, however.

    Shark City: Climb up and jump above the hill on the left.
    Shark Fin Creek: Just above the first shark pool; it's easiest to jump onto the center of the crumbling platform and fall straight in.
    Tower of the Forgotten Knights: Climb to the top floor, then jump off the far left edge.
    The Secret Chamber: At the start, carefully jump over the chair to your left, then move further left and jump again if you haven't already hit the warp.
    Backstab Alley: Jump onto the very first platform in front of you at the start, then jump up to the left.
    Hopping Mad Halt: On the bottom floor, in between the center and right edge of the screen, do a small jump.

    Contributed by: BagOfMagicFood 

  3. CHR RAM Smiley Test

    To activate the CHR RAM "Smiley Test" easter egg for this game, you will need to power on the NES/Famicom console while holding Up, Down, Left, Right, B, Select, and Start. Note, however, that it is not normally possible to hold all four D-Pad buttons without specially modified controllers; standard NES/Famicom controllers will not work.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  4. PRG ROM Smiley Test

    To activate the PRG ROM "Smiley Test" easter egg for this game, you will need to power on the NES/Famicom console while holding Up, Down, Left, Right, A, Select, and Start. Note, however, that it is not normally possible to hold all four D-Pad buttons without specially modified controllers; standard NES/Famicom controllers will not work.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  5. Super Robin Hood: 4 Extra Lives

    At the title screen for this game, hold Left and A, then press Start.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  6. Boomerang Kid: View Credits

    Just after the Codemasters logo, immediately press A, B, Select, and Start before the title screen can appear to view the credits.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  7. Treasure Island Dizzy: Play with Controller 2

    At the title screen, if you begin gameplay by pressing Start on Controller 2, you will be able to play with Controller 2.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  8. Treasure Island Dizzy: Extra Rubber Snorkel

    At the title screen, hold Down, Left, B, and Select, then press Start. You will be able to play with one additional rubber snorkel.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  9. Treasure Island Dizzy: Invincibility and Start from Island in the Sky

    At the title screen, hold Up, A, and B on Controller 1 and Up, Right, A, and Select on Controller 2, then press Start. (Those wishing to play with Controller 2 must swap the buttons: Up+A+B for Controller 2, and Up+Right+A+Select for Controller.) This code will make you invulnerable and you'll also start from the Island in the Sky area.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  10. Achieve 83,000 points in Treasure Island Dizzy

    You earn 500 points for every coin you find and 1,000 points for every room you enter for the first time. A "perfect" score is 80,000 if you enter every room, but there are three rooms that you can briefly enter for extra points. These rooms appear to be a night sky with a single shining star.

    One of these rooms is in the clouds east of the top of the Yolkfolk Village. (Make sure you have the Fireproof Vest, because there's fire below.) The other two rooms are accessed by holding the A button and right arrow while you are activating the Magic Pebble - you will moon-jump to the right from the teleport point and reach these other two rooms.

    Contributed by: IntyLab 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by merc for hire 50K
In-Depth FAQs Super Robin Hood FAQ by pietjepuk 19K
In-Depth FAQs Treasure Island Dizzy FAQ by AdamL 26K