Cheats & Guides

Quattro Arcade Cheats For NES

  1. Infinite Bombs in CJ's Elephant Antics

    Once you start the game, earn a few hundred points so you can enter your name at the High-Score table, then get a game over. Once you get to the initial-entry screen, put in "B52", if you entered this correctly, you should get the words, "CHEATS ON" in large flashing text. Now start a new game like normal, you now should have infinite bombs.

    Contributed by: firebrand102 

  2. CHR RAM Smiley Test

    To activate the CHR RAM "Smiley Test" easter egg for this game, you will need to power on the NES/Famicom console while holding Up, Down, Left, Right, B, Select, and Start. Note, however, that it is not normally possible to hold all four D-Pad buttons without specially modified controllers; standard NES/Famicom controllers will not work.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  3. PRG ROM Smiley Test

    To activate the PRG ROM "Smiley Test" easter egg for this game, you will need to power on the NES/Famicom console while holding Up, Down, Left, Right, A, Select, and Start. Note, however, that it is not normally possible to hold all four D-Pad buttons without specially modified controllers; standard NES/Famicom controllers will not work.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  4. Go! Dizzy Go! - Extra Life

    At the title screen for this game, hold B and press Start to begin with an extra life.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  5. Go! Dizzy Go! - Warp to World 3

    At the title screen for this game, hold Left and A and press Start to begin on the third world.

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  6. High Score Table Passwords (CJ's Elephant Antics)

    Once you get enough points (several hundred) and get a game over, you will reach a high score screen where you enter your initials. Entering the following phrases will result in the named effects.

    Effect Effect
    Infinite bombs and an energy drink 37!
    Another level AZS
    Infinite bombs on your next playthrough B52
    Another level EPX
    One-hit-kill enemies with your B Button-shot on your next playthrough POW
    Another level SQC
    Your B Button shot's firing rate is doubled on your next playthrough WIZ
    Move automatically at high-speed on your next playthrough ZIP

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  7. F16 Renegade - High Score Table Passwords

    At the high-score screen, enter one of the following phrases as your name to obtain the named effects. (Note that all of these are supposed to contain seven characters total: if there are less, then fill the rest of the name with blanks.) The effects will take place on your next playthrough of the game.

    Effect Effect
    LINUSII Extra 9 Bombs
    QUATTRO Extra 9 Lives
    ARCADE Maximum Weapons
    WARP17 Start at Level 17
    MIG29 Start at Level 9

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  8. F16 Renegade - Level-Specific Cheats

    In F16 Renegade, there are a number of cheats you can enter; however, most of the effects are variable and specific to single levels. In the table below, you will be able to see the level, the resultant effect, and the button to hold. The button you hold must be held before the level starts, and kept held until the cheat is triggered, which will be signified by a specific sound or a change in the game's palette (which may or may not be permanent).

    Effect Effect
    Hold A during the level transition Level 1 - Extra Life
    Hold B during the level transition Level 2 - Max Weapons
    Hold Select during the level transition Level 3 - 5 Extra Bombs
    Hold Down during the level transition Level 4 - 5,000 Extra Points
    Hold Left during the level transition Level 5 - Extra Life, Darker Palette
    Hold Right during the level transition Level 7 - Extra Life, Darker Palette
    Hold Up during the level transition Level 8 - Extra Life, Darker Palette
    Hold Down during the level transition Level 9 - Max Weapons, 5 Bombs, Pink Palette

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  9. F16 Renegade - Level Warp Cheats

    At the F16 Renegade title screen, hold one of these button combos and then press Start. Note that these only will work for 1-player mode, however.

    Effect Effect
    Hold A Warp to Level 2
    Hold B Warp to Level 3
    Hold A and B Warp to Level 4
    Hold A, B, and Select Warp to Level 5

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by ASchultz 54K
Maps and Charts CJ's Elephant Antics Level 1 by ASchultz 3K
Maps and Charts CJ's Elephant Antics Level 2 Map by ASchultz 4K
Maps and Charts CJ's Elephant Antics Level 3 Map by ASchultz 4K
Maps and Charts CJ's Elephant Antics Level 4 Map by ASchultz 3K
Maps and Charts Go! Dizzy Go! Bonus Level Maps by ASchultz 7K
Maps and Charts Go! Dizzy Go! Regular Level Maps by ASchultz 6K
Maps and Charts Stunt Buggies Level Maps by ASchultz 5K