Halo: Reach hits top of UK chart
Bungie's final game in the Halo franchise soars to the top of the UK games chart, holding off Sony Move launch title Sports Champions.
Bungie's final game in the Halo franchise soars to the top of the UK games chart, holding off Sony Move launch title Sports Champions.
Imprecise motion controls ruin all five of the sports featured in this disappointing collection.
Release schedule ramps up in a big way with Bungie's final installment in sci-fi shooter series, motion-sensing PS3 add-on, Professor Layton, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest, and much more.
Bungie's last game in one of gaming's most famous franchises to be released around Australia at midnight; Sony to release Move motion controller.
Ubisoft's sword and guns Wii action game hits Aussie shores.
Square Enix's long-awaited multiplatform role-playing game arrives in stores alongside Yakuza 3, Resident Evil 5 Gold, and Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising.
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