Cheats & Guides

Rescue Team 6 Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    On level 14, drop cargo from the plane and then retrieve the resources Air Mail
    Complete level 24 with three stars and have every helicopter in the air at once Air Shuttle
    Use dynamite to blow up a large obstruction Bomb Squad
    Repair every demolished building on level 48 Brave Builder :)
    Use the motopump to drain the area Brave Drainer
    Build a suspension bridge using the crane Brave Engineer
    Build a fire station and then put out any fire Brave Firefighter
    Remove the obstruction to rescue the resident Brave Rescuer!
    Turn off the drilling rig on level 20 Dangerous Job
    Assign a task to two workers from different bases at once on level 32 Double Time
    Turn the valve on the pipe to stop the gas leak Gas On, Gas Off
    Receive the message about failing a mission. Better luck next time! Good Try
    On level 50, turn on the runway lights at night so the plane can land Hard Nut
    Once you start a fire on level 43, let it burn Hearth
    Cleanse the polluted waters Life Spring
    On level 18, gather 10 people at the railway station and earn three stars Pandemonium
    Survive the volcanic eruption Pompeii
    Remove every obstruction on level 36 and earn three stars Put Things in Order
    On any level, wait until five houses are on fire. Do not try this at home! Pyromaniac
    Build a police station and chase away the looters that captured the buildings on level 25 Raid
    Retrieve the cargo delivered by train Railway Man
    Fiind five people buried under ruins with the help of your rescue dogs Rescue Lord
    Save $200 on level 2 Scroogie McQuack
    Send the dog to chase away the snake Snake Charmer
    Restore the large bridge on bonus level 15 Stage by Stage
    Send the dog to rescue people from water on bonus level 5 Still Waters
    On level 19, call the plane to deliver medicine The Aviator
    Destroy any building and then build a new one in its place The Destroyer!
    Build a hospital and heal every person on level 12 The Doctor is in
    Use the boat to deliver any inhabitant from one bank to another The Transporter
    Block any person by entering the fog Tricky Fog
    Find and rescue a cat or a dog on level 31. Be careful! They can scratch or bite you! Veterinarian
    Build the pier, acquire the boat, and rescue the people that are in the water You're the Captain!

    Contributed by: Hardkoroff