Cheats & Guides

Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Resume After Crash

    To immediately return to the road after you crash repeatedly press L1 + R1.

    Contributed by: Warhawk 

  2. All Track and Warrior Car

    Enter the following as your password for one player tournament mode:

    Effect Effect
    MQKZCL All Track and Warrior Car
    TSYBNS Lost Vegas and Rally tracks (highlight Lost Vegas and press L1 + R1 in two player mode to access Lost Rally)
    XRMQHX No Mercy Mode (while choosing head to head on single player hold L1 + L2), and Arcade Mode (highlight the number of laps option and hold L1 + L2)

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre, matt86, FByies 

  3. Blurred Graphics

    Effect Effect
    After choosing an opponent hold Up + L1 + L2 Blurred Graphics
    Highlight any car at the car select screen and press Start, as soon as you press Start hold Left + Square + Circle until the race begins Heavy Car

    Contributed by: Warhawk, Ben Zetlitz 

  4. Track Passwords

    Enter the following codes at the password screen

    Effect Effect
    WRDRTY Track 01
    ZDPBWN Track 02
    MTQRZP Track 03
    JVPZLL Track 04
    ZYMNLH Track 05
    WMRPGZ Track 06
    YXGSJJ Track 07
    KJPQND Track 08
    SDQWCG Track 09
    SLZXDH Track 10
    SPZDFX Track 11
    ZVGRGX Track 12
    XJHVCK Track 14

    Contributed by: Mike Truitt 

Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed Cheats For Saturn

  1. Secret Password

    Enter the password TSYBNS for a one player tournament mode. You can then go back to the main menu for the following secrets.

    -There's a new track at the Race Location.

    -You can change the pavement of any track by highlighting that track and pressing the L and R buttons at the same time.

    -A new car will be available.

    Contributed by: alex_cross 

  2. No Mercy

    Hold L and R when selecting Head To Head Mode. If done correctly, your CPU-controlled opponent will not slow down to give you a chance to catch up.

    Hold L and R when selecting Head To Head Mode. CPU-controlled opponent will not slow down to give you a chance to catch up.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Tournament passwords

    Here are the tournament passwords for the Sega Saturn Japanese NTSC version called "
    Nissan Presents: Over Drivin' GT-R", obtained after beating regularly the game.

    These passwords need to be typed in the following menu: 1 player => tournament => password

    VZDNWM Win Alpine simulation and unlock Lost Vegas Track
    NKVDPC Win City Simulation
    PBYJPC Win Desert Track
    OKCSRM Win Lost Vegas Track
    LCYJVY Win Mountain Track
    MTORZP Win North Track
    WMWDPL Win Ocean Simulation

    Contributed by: maldoror68 

Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed Cheats For 3DO

  1. Hear horns

    To hear the car's horns, press X at the select screen.

    Contributed by: Xeon 

  2. Nitro Charging Boost

    As soon as you start a game, press L, R, and Up on controller 2. At the same time, press L, R, A, and C on controller 3. A message stating that there has been a crash will start flashing on the screen. Now exit the game and, in all the games you play afterward, engine torque and power will be 20% higher for the faster cars and 30% higher for the slower ones in order to keep them all at the same level.

    Contributed by: Retro 

  3. Black Ice code

    Start off by playing the game for at least ten seconds in the Practice Mode. Now go into the instant replay and rewind to the beginning of the replay buffer. Next, press B on controller 1 PLUS X, P, and C on controller 2. If done correctly, the ''Car Crashed'' information flash will appear on the screen for a second. Now quit the game and choose to race against the clock on the Alpine track. When you reach Segment 3 of the Alpine track, the road will now be covered with black ice.

    Contributed by: Retro 

  4. Driving Team Picture

    There is a way to see some of the programmers of the game. Choose the ''Wall of Fame'' and then wait until the game's credits come up. Now press R in order to view a photo of the programmers. Press L when you want to go back to the regular background.

    Contributed by: Retro 

  5. Amazing Accidents That Don't Occur Cheat

    When loading a race vesus the computer, press and hold L, R, and Left. When you get to the starting line, quit the game. Restart the game again. At the Loading screen, press and hold L, R, and Up. You'll get to the starting line: quit, again. Restart the game. At the Loading screen, press and hold L, R, and Right. Get to the starting line and quit. Start the game again, for the fourth and final time. At the Loading screen, press and hold L, R, and Down.

    This time, race. Whenever you race, press X to make amazing accidents happen to cars near you.

    Contributed by: !.ACA.! 

  6. Vs. Rocket Scooter

    Start a new game. Quit after 15 seconds. Choose replay, and rewind all the way. Press R + Down + B on controller 2. Now start a brand new race.

    Contributed by: !.ACA.! 

  7. Turn Off Dashboard

    During the game, switch to first person view and press the following on controller 2:

    Up + L + A

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  8. Practice Mode

    At the options menu, highlight Skill Level and quickly press:

    X, R, A, L

    To get this to work, hold each button down as you press them.

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed SE Cheats For PC

  1. Expert mode

    Enter Head To Head mode, then hold "End" button when choosing a car, track and race type.

    Contributed by: sephirosuy