Cheats & Guides

Robbery Bob: Man of Steal Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Complete the first level in Secret Lab. Best Guinea Pig Ever
    Complete the first level in Downtown. Biff's New Best Friend
    Get 15 stars in Downtown. Burglar
    Cause a guard to curse 3 times in the same level. Catch Me If You Can
    Step in wet paint and complete a level. Caution Wet Floor
    Perfect all levels in Downtown. Criminal Mastermind
    Disguise yourself as a scientist. Doctor who?
    Get followed by a dog for a whole minute. Dog Person
    Perfect all levels in Suburbs. Elite Larcenist
    Complete the Downtown chapter. Embezzled
    Complete the first level. First Time Offender
    Complete a level without being seen. Invisible
    Get 15 stars in Suburbs. Juvenile Offender
    Get 15 stars in Downtown. Kingpin
    Get 15 stars in Secret Lab. Lab Ferret
    Perfect all levels in Secret Lab. Man Of Steal
    Perfect all story chapters. Master Thief
    Get 45 stars in Suburbs. Menace Of Suburbia
    Disguise yourself as an old lady. Old Grumpy
    Disguise yourself as a police officer. On The Beat
    Get 45 stars in Secret Lab. Pilfer Paradox
    Use a teleporter. Portal
    Get busted in a level. Prison Blues
    Complete the Secret Lab chapter. Prison Break
    Get 30 stars in Suburbs. Repeat Offender
    Disguise yourself as a civilian woman. Robbin' Bobette
    Get 30 stars in Downtown. Safecracker
    Get 30 stars in Secret Lab. Security Consultant
    Get 15 stars in the Bonus chapter. Sneaky Treat
    Complete the Bonus chapter. Solved Conundrum
    Perfect 5 levels. Spread The Wealth
    Successfully stop a dog from following you. Stay!
    Complete the Suburbs chapter. Takedown
    Complete a night level without being seen. The Shadow
    Make an old lady suspicious 3 times in a level. Was That A Rat?
    Successfully use a distraction object. Who Goes There?
    Get busted by a dispatched police officer. Who You Gonna Call?

    Contributed by: BartSmith