Cheats & Guides

RodLand Cheats For Amiga

  1. Infinite Lives and Level Skip

    Press P to pause the game. Press the Help-key 5 times. Leave pause mode. In the upper left part of the screen you should see a white heart now, indicating that the cheat is on. You are also now able to skip levels by pressing Space Bar.

    Contributed by: Atombender 

RodLand Cheats For Commodore 64

  1. Level Skip

    After earning an extra life (collecting the EXTRA letters) hold down fire and you will skip to the next level.

    Contributed by: bobby190 

  2. Unlimited credits

    Type the following at the high score screen.

    Effect Effect
    ONLY JOKING! Unlimited credits

    Contributed by: Dragon King 187 

RodLand Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Second Story

    After you put your credit in, at the title screen, press Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Start. This will let you play the second story.

    Contributed by: Saikyo Mog 

  2. Change Stories

    Insert a coin, and on the title screen, press the following buttons to start on the Second Story (The Unknown Pyramid). If the game has the Second Story enabled by default (through the DIP Switches), then press the following buttons to go back to the First Story (Rescue My Mom).

    Up, Up, Up, Start. First Story (Rescue My Mom) (English Version)
    Down, Down, Down, Start. First Story (Rescue My Mom) (Japanese Version)
    Down, Down, Down, Start. Second Story (The Unknown Pyramid) (English Version)
    Up, Up, Up, Start. Second Story (The Unknown Pyramid) (Japanese Version)

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  3. Unlock The Endings

    The game has 3 endings, depending on the following:

    Enable the 1st or 2nd Story (depending on which is enabled as the default one) through the secret code and beat the extra level 32. Story 1 And 2 Special Ending
    Enable the default 1st Story (Rescue My Mom) through the Arcade's DIP Switches and beat the 31 levels. Story 1 Ending
    Enable the 2nd Story (The Unknown Pyramid) through the Arcade's DIP Switches and beat the extra 31 levels. Story 2 Ending

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Lagoona 62K

RodLand Cheats For NES

  1. Level Select

    Call the first fairy "ICH" and second fairy "EAT". Start the game and press SELECT to access the level select menu.

    Contributed by: odino 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Lagoona 53K