Cheats & Guides
Rune Factory 5 Cheats For Nintendo Switch
Infinite Material Stone and Lumber exploit
Once you get your first farm dragon, go up to any silver rock or smooth stump and hit them 8 times. Collect the lumber, use the rope to leave the farm dragon and then return to the dragon. You can then hit the rock/stump of your choice to get the materials again. Technically you can also do this with the tan and jagged looking stumps, but for them you hit them twice.
This trick can be also done with any farm dragon you get in the future.Contributed by: MV_N3RRD
Abuse Heinz's Rotating Stock
Do you still bother with completing all entries of your shipping list to get that hard earned stamp in your collection? Then there is an easier solution than farming countless monsters for that.
Just wait on any non holiday day until Heinz enters the Crytalabra at 3pm, after you have maximally expanded the shop. As you probably already know, he will sell you random daily items as an option, which are changing everyday. What might be new to you is the fact that by simply reloading your save file, he will also change the inventory he's selling.
Furthermore, he is selling literally every weapon, equipment and nearly any item in the entire game. The only things he doesn't sell apart from seeds are Rune Sphere Shards (Gideon & Final Boss), General Orbs (Gideon) and Null Symbols (Final Boss). He also doesn't sell Scarlet Dragon Claws/Scales (Umbradea) and the Golden Dragon Claws/Scales that Livia gives you for completing the three roaming wanted monster quests in one day.
That way, by simply saving and reloading, you can get almost any item in the entire game, provided that you have enough money, since some boss drops he sells are rather expensive.Contributed by: Ruebenbrei
Maxing All Skill Levels
As Rune Factory 4 players might already now, you can easily maximize all your skill levels to their maximal level, by simply farming pineapples. The same also holds for Rune Factory 5.
It is possible to farm tons of skill orbs with pineapples, which increase a random skill by one whole level. They are the best crop for this method and regrow every other day if you keep your soil fertilized. The chances of obtaining the skill orbs also increase by farming higher quality pineapples, so try to get them to level 10 as soon as possible and slowly increase the rank of your soil to maximize your profit.
That way, all your skills will very soon be in the three digits.Contributed by: Ruebenbrei
Getting Rich Early
There is a neat trick that can be done as soon as you have Elsje befriended enough to join your party. When this is done, endanger yourself in combat, until you are really low on health. Afterwards, move to a safe location during combat and wait for Elsje to throw a Royal Curry to recover your health. Instead of using this item to restore your health, sell it. The net profit of selling Royal Curry goes for 500.000g.
Beware that this trick has been somewhat patched out for the version 1.07 of the Japanese version. It still works, but the curry must not touch your character as Elsje throws it, or else it will automatically just recover your health. You will need to avoid getting hit by the curry, so you can pick it up later on.Contributed by: Ruebenbrei
Easy Crafting Skill Leveling
There is an easy method to leveling up your crafting skills already very early in the game.
1. Purchase Turnip Seeds from the General Store.
2. Pick the highest leveling crafting recipe you currently have and craft as much as you can while only using Turnip Seeds as the material. You will fail the recipe, but still get a lot of experience points.
3. Repeat the last step, but instead of using Turnip Seeds, begin to use the recycle items you've obtained from failing (Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, ...).
4. After expending HP to near faint and RP to 0, use the bath in the inn or sleep until the next day to recover.
7. Repeat the steps until you are satisfied with your crafting level. Don't forget to eat recipe bread to learn new higher difficulty recipes.
Furthermore, there is an LV40 accessory called Heart Pendant, which will increase the gained skill experience points. It is highly recommended to wear it during this process to maximize the earned experience. It needs a Silver Pendant and a Love Crystal to make. The Silver Pendant is a LV20 item that can be crafted with silver. Love Crystals are dropped by Pixies in Everlasting Darkness. If you offer Heinz items that he likes five times, there’s also a small chance that he will give a Love Crystal in return.
Another option to obtain it is through Terry. He loves hand-crafted items like shields, armor, and headgear. If you give him five, he’ll give you an accessory in return. With a bit of luck, that item is a Heart Pendant.Contributed by: Ruebenbrei
Infinite Time (with limitations)
Warning: minor spoilers may be involved.
During the second story arc there is an earthquake, and you will be asked to check on the townsfolk. Check 2 of the 3 spots marked on the minimap (easiest to leave Palmo’s Studio as the final place to check since it is off in a corner) but DO NOT check the 3rd spot. Instead, look at the clock on your HUD, and notice that no numbers are displayed on it. You now have infinite time on the day this event has triggered, presumably until you finish checking on the remaining townsfolk. You may see the time the game is frozen on in the save menu, and any saves made will continue to show the same time of day.
There are some LIMITATIONS to be aware of while exploiting the infinite time. Firstly, you are not allowed to leave Rigbarth. You may enter the Earth Dragon farm and barns, but you will need to climb the rope since, for some reason, the game will prohibit you from opening your map (probably so you cannot use it to warp out of town.) You CAN, however, enter the ruins with the town. This allows you to fight monsters, search for treasure chests, stand in front of the pendulums to get Defense Skill training (I left my game running and watched a movie, it gained me 40 levels even at 0 damage per pendulum strike!!) fishing in the town to train fishing, cooking (if you have the knife table) and easy handmade gifts for the goodies you get back from every 5 gifts you made that are given to any one villager (like trying to get Relax Tea Leaves from Scarlett after giving her 5 cooked dishes), search for the hidden items spots around Rigbarth, and anything else you can do within the confines of town. When you have had your fill, check on the remaining point on your minimap and return time to normal.Contributed by: Zetsonsama
Unlimited Energy
In the game, you recover RP by standing still. However, this normally causes in game time to go by. To by pass this, open a dialog box (ie checking the lumber box). You will recover RP as long as the menu is up but no time will pass!
Contributed by: Jaxy73
Disastrous Dishes to take out SEED bounties
The Disastrous Dish (The blue failed cooking dishes) takes 80% HP off of whatever consumes the dish, be it Player, Party Member, or even monsters. You can get them sometimes from failing cooking or from Reinhard on your birthday. If you save your Disastrous Dishes and use them against the SEED bounties, you can then use your seal on them for an almost guaranteed catch.This method works on both PC and Nintendo Switch as of the latest version. Beware! This will trivialize the fights.
Contributed by: MV_N3RRD
Seasonal Headdress
The Seasonal Headdress is probably one of the best hidden headgear in the entire game. You need it to complete your shipping list and it also looks very nice to equip female NPCs with it. To acquire it, follow the following steps:
1. Wait until a star-fall occurs and collect the star seeds by destroying the shooting stars hidden around the world the day afterwards.
2. Grow at least one star-fall crop in every season until you have collected all four.
3. Throw each star-fall crop into the pond in Pharos Woodlands. For each crop, a fairy will gift you a headdress corresponding to the season you have grown the crop.
4. Craft all four headdresses together to obtain the Seasonal Headdress.Item Pharos Woodlands Pond Autumn Headdress Craft all four headdresses together Seasonal Headdress Pharos Woodlands Pond Spring Headdress Pharos Woodlands Pond Summer Headdress Pharos Woodlands Pond Winter Headdress Contributed by: Ruebenbrei
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