Second Life Gameplay Movie 8
Everyone gets down with their elaborate dance moves in a user-made nightclub.
Everyone gets down with their elaborate dance moves in a user-made nightclub.
Have you see what's new lately in Second Life? Check out this trailer to find out.
Peter and Justin explore the extent to which government agencies monitor online behavior as new information arises about the monitoring of World of Warcraft, Second Life, and Xbox Live users.
San Francisco-based Linden Lab buys digital distribution hub for undisclosed sum; service will continue uniterrupted.
Linden Lab's virtual-world online game celebrating 10th anniversary June 23; 36 million have registered to date and spent more than 217,266 years in the world.
Rod Humble leaves EA's Play label to become CEO of virtual world developer-publisher Linden Lab.
Unconfirmed reports have software giant buying out the financially troubled maker of the virtual world, Linden Lab.
Federal lawyers scrutinizing access to adult content in MMO games for Congressional report due in December.
Legal action taken on claims that X-rated animations for Linden Lab life sim were illegally redistributed.
User-generated content is set to become a big issue in games, and virtual world Second Life has hinted at what's possible. Linden Labs' Jim Purbrick exposed some of its secrets ...
Latest free download expansion to EVE Online released, accompanied by music and wallpaper packs.
British TV institution to make its Second Life debut Friday with a program about the virtual world economy.
WindLight, Nimble simulators to be incorporated into Linden Labs online world; status of developer's PC first-person shooter Alliance: The Silent War in flux.
Coldwell Banker now selling land plots in virtual game via agent avatars, according to a Fortune report.
The ubiquitous auction site is canceling auctions for all virtual items and property...with one major exception.
Linden lab releases source code for viewer software of its popular real-life simulation; server software to follow.
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