Cheats & Guides
Sega Classics: Arcade Collection 4-in-1 Cheats For Sega CD
CD OST (JP Version Only)
If you put the game disc in a CD player, you'll be able to listen to the Golden Axe soundtrack starting with Track 2.
Contributed by: discoinferno84
Infinite shurikens for Shinobi
At the options screen, select the shuriken number and put the number of shurikens to zero (''00''). The zeroes will eventually turn to an infinity symbol to indicate that the code you've placed is correct.
Effect Effect At the options screen, select the shuriken number and put the number of shurikens to zero (''00''). The zeroes will eventually Infinite shurikens for Shinobi Contributed by: Ominae
Stage select for Golden Axe
Choose arcade mode and push Down/Left on the control pad. The characters will start rotating, then push B and Start simultaneously to display a stage number in the upper left corner of your screen. Push Up/Down to choose a level number
Effect Effect Choose arcade mode and push Down/Left on the control pad. The characters will start rotating, then push B and Start simultaneou Stage select for Golden Axe Contributed by: Ominae
Stage select for Streets of Rage
Select the Options selection in the title screen. After that, hold simultaneously Right, A, B and C on controller number two. Then, push start on controller number one.
Effect Effect Select the Options selection in the title screen. After that, hold simultaneously Right, A, B and C on controller number two. Th Stage select for Streets of Rage Contributed by: Ominae
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